Posts by Perry

  • menrov

    No Bible = No God?

    by menrov in
    1. watchtower
    2. bible

    some doubt about the bible completely, some partially.

    what if the bible turns out to be a product of humans, nothing divine.

    would you still believe in a creator?.

    1. Whynot
    2. Phizzy
    3. EverApostate
  • Perry

    Eye witness testimony is still a very prominent source of evidence. People live and die all the time as a result of it.

  • jwfacts

    When did Cook, the new GB member, start claiming to be anointed, and what are the implications?

    by jwfacts in
    1. watchtower
    2. beliefs

    kenneth cook was a "helper" in the writing department, which is apparently a role for those of the great crowd.

    watchtower 15/10/15 p.3 states that helpers are of the great crowd.

    "since 1992, the governing body has appointed experienced, mature christian elders to help its committees carry out their work.

    1. waton
    2. fulano
    3. RubaDub
  • Perry

    Hopefully, they will see the error of their ways and just let everyone become anointed one day.

  • menrov

    No Bible = No God?

    by menrov in
    1. watchtower
    2. bible

    some doubt about the bible completely, some partially.

    what if the bible turns out to be a product of humans, nothing divine.

    would you still believe in a creator?.

    1. Whynot
    2. Phizzy
    3. EverApostate
  • Perry


    The definition given in the Miriam - Webster dictionary is this:

    Definition of god

    : the supreme or ultimate reality: such as: the Being perfect in power, wisdom, and goodness who is worshipped as creator and ruler of the universe

    I think that if someone came back from the dead and showed himself to hundreds of people that it would go a long way in proving the existence of God, don't you think?

    P of N:

    So your offspring migrated across the pond eh? I'd like to visit Canada sometime. Would love to ski Baniff some winter. Hope you get to go sometime. When we go to Europe it is always to Germany and Czech Republic. I want to go to jolly 'ole England next time.

    The issue of how time is viewed by atheist scholars like Hawkins does make the question of who Created God rather moot because whatever or whomever acted upon the nothing to create everything was definitely the uncreated First Cause of our universe.

  • menrov

    No Bible = No God?

    by menrov in
    1. watchtower
    2. bible

    some doubt about the bible completely, some partially.

    what if the bible turns out to be a product of humans, nothing divine.

    would you still believe in a creator?.

    1. Whynot
    2. Phizzy
    3. EverApostate
  • Perry

    Hi P of N,

    How have you been?

    "the problem with it all is proving it in a demonstrable way."

    I think the notion of the "beginning of time" is reasonable based upon observations of the universe and that time has a limit on how far in can run in reverse.

    Backwards clock running out of time

    "The conclusion of this lecture is that the universe has not existed forever. Rather, the universe, and time itself, had a beginning in the Big Bang" - Stephen Hawkins

  • menrov

    No Bible = No God?

    by menrov in
    1. watchtower
    2. bible

    some doubt about the bible completely, some partially.

    what if the bible turns out to be a product of humans, nothing divine.

    would you still believe in a creator?.

    1. Whynot
    2. Phizzy
    3. EverApostate
  • Perry


    Not if God created time.

  • menrov

    No Bible = No God?

    by menrov in
    1. watchtower
    2. bible

    some doubt about the bible completely, some partially.

    what if the bible turns out to be a product of humans, nothing divine.

    would you still believe in a creator?.

    1. Whynot
    2. Phizzy
    3. EverApostate
  • Perry

    No bible = no god? I don't think so.

    Every indigenous culture ever studied believed in a Creator or a First Cause, regardless of whether or not the bible was available to them or not.

    All things based in the dimension we characterize as "time", have a beginning (Cause and Effect) . It is impossible otherwise.

    In Genesis, the very first paragraph has God bringing into existence time, space, and matter simultaneously.

    "In the beginning (time) God created the heavens (space) and the earth (matter). - Gen 1:1

    Makes sense, but I didn't need to bible to tell me that.