True, for most of us Nick...until shortly before an imminent death. For many people then, it gets real clear real fast.
But we don't have to wait till then; we can enjoy an "abundant life" and "rule in this life" now, as a member of God's family.
I was never comfortable dying to myself. But, I did the math. Now I enjoy blessings from my father. I highly recommend it.
Slimboyfat / Cofty,
I do hope you all see the uselessness in continuing that argument. Cofty pretends to accept the premise (definition) of God as being Eternal, all Powerful, all-Knowing and all-Just. He uses the term "God" but doesn't accept the same definition that most everyone else uses. He uses a different god that he can assume superiority over.
It is delusional. If Cofty would accept the dictionary definition of God, then his conclusion would contradict his premise.
But Cofty usually gets offended when called on this contradiction and plows on asserting the impossible: Though not eternal, all-just and all-powerful himself, he is comfortable in denouncing that which is. This is called cognitive dissonance - holding two impossible beliefs that contradict one another at the same time.