There is no evidence of supernatural tinkering (miracles) so: all we have is the result of natural processes, all that came in the package served in the Big Beginning, energy, matter, law and spacetime.
A reasonable person could just as easily turn this around on you and state the there is no evidence of explosions creating order, information, physical laws, consciousness etc. In fact current, present (real science) experiments indicate just the opposite of what you believe.
You are believing something that has no basis whatsoever in observable/testable science. That is a testable statement of fact. All we have to do is examine all the explosions ever recorded, maybe do a few explosions of our own (that feature of the experiment alone would make the exercise worthwhile :-) ); and then see how many of the things that you hypothesize came into existence from the original explosion, happened in our test samples.
You call your belief system a "resume of sciences". I would challenge you to examine any scientific data and present it here that would indicate that explosions can create anything other than a mess, much less physical laws, information like DNA and consciousness and intelligence.
Now, I don't have the slightest problem with you or anyone else believing anything you want. That is called freedom. The belief system that you subscribe to is called naturalism or materialism. There are laws that govern this belief system as well. But, just don't call it science.
I personally subscribe to a creation model. When shopping for a worldview after leaving the Watchtower, I suspended judgment for a few years and took the time to examine evidence that I personally could test. I found that creation was a much better fit of known facts:
1. Life always comes from previous life
2. Information always comes from a mind
3. Random explosions always create chaos and not order
4. Laws always come from a lawgiver
Based on these facts, I then proceeded to believe in an original Life, Mind & Lawgiver. This is my assumption for interpreting the world. It is not science, but your explosion theory is not science either. I have come to the conclusion that it takes infinitely more faith to believe in a everything-from-a-random-explosion event, than it does to believe in an original intelligence. Either way, both require assumptions.... in other words, religion.
The best we can do is to determine which assumption better fits known facts.
- Just my opinion of course.