...by Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA.
JoinedPosts by BoogerMan
Covid 19 narrative & ongoing restrictions questioned...
by BoogerMan in...by dr vernon coleman mb chb dsc frsa.
What to do with old publications
by TonyMorronTheTurd inhi guys,.
it's been a while since i posted here, but i feel like posting again.. it's hard sometimes to find the energy to post here after i expend all my time working a full time job and pretending i care about the wt$ at the same time.. i've been trying to slowly wake my girlfriend up ever since i first posted here, and i must say it is a long waiting game that i am playing right now.
almost all my efforts are dismissed and i've been slowly losing hope.. anyways, what i meant to really post here today is about old publications.. honestly anything that has to do with the watchtower and jdubs, as of recently makes me feel like vomiting.
By all means, burn/dispose of the JW stuff you've got. It's too "modern" to be of any value to litter-ature collectors.
However, if you've got a WT CD ROM - especially the latest one, hold onto that and make a copy of it.
I reckon those CD's are already collectors' items - because the cult's writing committee can't alter all of the stuff on it which exposes them for what they really are - a nest of vipers!
Covid 19 Mortality Rates Calculated from CDC Data by Professional Data Analyst
by Sea Breeze instudent (age 6-18) deaths from covid-19-involved illnesses are projected at a rate of 0.0001% as a percentage of their peers.
they died from influenza-involved illnesses at a rate of 0.0005% in 2018.. workforce (age 19-55) deaths from covid-19-involved illnesses are projected at a rate of .01% as a percentage of their peers.
they died from influenza-involved illnesses at a rate of .007% in 2018.. retired (age 66-77) deaths from covid-19-involved illnesses are projected at a rate of 1% as a percentage of their peers.
How many people in the UK have died or will die prematurely due to their treatments/surgeries being cancelled indefinitely by the National Health Service?
The NHS has become the National Coronavirus Service. I genuinely hope that when the pandemic hysteria subsides, many of the NHS "heroes" will have the courage to step forward and expose the cessation of treatments etc. as a propaganda sham. Two of my relatives "work" in a major English hospital.They are bored with nothing to do.
At 3 mins - "Economic suicide" & "The Emperor's new clothes" succinctly describe what's going on.
Dis/UNITED Kingdom?
by BoogerMan inengland, wales, scotland & n.i.
are independently making or changing the covid 19 lockdown laws/rules to suit themselves... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-52600708.
garden centres are opening in wales on monday, in england on wednesday, but by the looks of things, are far too dangerous to open them anytime soon in scotland or n.i.
@ mikronboy - good that you got treated better.
Dis/UNITED Kingdom?
by BoogerMan inengland, wales, scotland & n.i.
are independently making or changing the covid 19 lockdown laws/rules to suit themselves... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-52600708.
garden centres are opening in wales on monday, in england on wednesday, but by the looks of things, are far too dangerous to open them anytime soon in scotland or n.i.
"Meanwhile back in the real world..."; "You are the one who ranted;" "You seem incapable of following a simple conversation so I will leave you to shout at the universe;" "Did you even take 5 minutes to think it through before you started typing?;" "Since your idea is clearly unworkable do you have any sensible suggestions?"
The contemptuous & dismissive language which you employ in an attempt to disparage someone whose opinions don't meet your level of intellect, is self-evident. Do you speak to your family and friends in such language?
You ask to be shown what you've said, then say you want to "start again?"
No thanks. You're not someone I'd wish to encounter in real life, so let's just avoid each other while we're here.
The apostle Paul's sarcasm
by BoogerMan in"`how were you inferior to the other churches, except that i was never a burden to you?
forgive me this wrong!
" (2 corinthians 12:13 - niv).
"`How were you inferior to the other churches, except that I was never a burden to you? Forgive me this wrong!" (2 Corinthians 12:13 - NIV)
Learn a lesson Mr. Lett & Co. - before Covid 19 - or something worse - comes knocking.
People in England were easiy convinced to believe....
by BoogerMan in....that a mass killer was roaming their streets.
now theyre struggling to believe the grim reaper is not so grim and it's safe to go outside again.. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-52669441.
The purposes of the enforced & accepted lunacy will become undeniable to the naysayers & troll within the next few months. Laugh now - because you definitely won't be laughing this winter!
As soon as the annual 'flu season starts - bringing its death-dealing virus to the vulnerable yet again - prepare yourselves for a rinse & repeat of most/all of the current losses of human rights and freedoms.
Project Fear & Control (more affectionately known as Event 201) has achieved its objective. Its "processes & controls" will be adopted into the laws of your country.
The U.K. "government" established The Corona Act 2020 into law and will now use it as & when it sees fit. Don't be surprised to see Covid 19 "replacing" the 'flu virus in a few months time.
People in England were easiy convinced to believe....
by BoogerMan in....that a mass killer was roaming their streets.
now theyre struggling to believe the grim reaper is not so grim and it's safe to go outside again.. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-52669441.
The propaganda machine instilled fear & panic into the population about the new* bogey-man.
It'll be interesting to see how people are de-programmed in the coming weeks/months into believing that the virus is no longer a threat to the majority. What level of deaths from Covid 19 will be "acceptable" - the same numbers as the 'flu?
* Remember the old bogey-men?: SARS, MERS, H1NI, (swine 'flu) H5N1, (bird 'flu) EBOLA.
If at first....
Could Boris "save the NHS & lives" by BANNING Covid 19?
by BoogerMan inobviously not, but he could do so by banning an even greater killer - tobacco.
smoking has been identified as the single greatest cause of preventable illness and premature death in all 4 nations of the u.k. .
annually, in scotland approximately 10,000 die, in wales, 5000, and in n.i.
Obviously not, but he could do so by banning an even greater killer - tobacco.
Smoking has been identified as the single greatest cause of preventable illness and premature death in all 4 nations of the U.K.
Annually, in Scotland approximately 10,000 die, in Wales, 5000, and in N.I. 2300.
In 2019 in England alone, there were 489,300 admissions to hospital attributable to smoking, and 77,800 died.
These figures have been virtually identical for the past 12 years, give or take 2 - 3 thousand.
dehttps://digital.nhs.uk/data-and-information/publications/statistical/statistics-on-smoking/statistics-on-smoking-england-2019/part-1-smoking-related-ill-health-and-mortalityaths attributable to smoking.
Almost 100,000 preventable deaths. Why no government action to eliminate tobacco sales? Oh right, tax!
People in England were easiy convinced to believe....
by BoogerMan in....that a mass killer was roaming their streets.
now theyre struggling to believe the grim reaper is not so grim and it's safe to go outside again.. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-52669441.
@ half banana - the weakest & most vulnerable were not protected, instead, the fit & healthy were put under house arrest. Absolute lunacy!
The "leaders" in Scotland, Wales, & N.I. will let the English test the waters for a week or two first, then just follow suit.
Again, the NHS is presently underwhelmed - but will be overwhelmed when the lockdown ends.