JoinedTopics Started by BoogerMan
Do JW's believe that TWO nations were created?
by BoogerMan inone at pentecost 33 c.e.
or were they "overlapping nations?".
w02 8/1 p. 12 par.
New Watchtower Study: Apostates and Red Balloons 🎈
by raymond frantz in
the new watchtower study edition is out and i have a bone to pick with the watchtower with paragraph 14 from study article 14. there we read: "we want to help clear jehovah’s name of all reproach.
consider this scenario: you have a close friend who is kind, generous, and forgiving.
Bible Lessons You Won't Learn From The GB
by Journeyman infor those on this forum who still consider themselves christian or students of the bible, are there any bible principles you came across during your own study or research that were never brought out by the gb of the jws but that you found significant or profound?.
i don't mean doctrinal issues like the trinity, heaven & hell, etc, as these are issues christendom has been arguing over for centuries.
i mean simple, scriptural principles that the gb could've highlighted at any time, but for various reasons - some obvious, some less so - have chosen not to.. one that stood out to me is in 1 samuel chapters 2, 3 and 4.. young samuel has been dedicated to the temple and is being raised to serve god there.
How Do JWs Understand Salvation & What Is Needed to Obtain It?
by LauraLynn infrom my experience within the jw organization, i understood that salvation meant a person accepted the teachings of the wbts without question as the "faithful and discrete slave," thereby placing their trust in them, not jesus christ.
salvation consisted of being found "righteous" by jehovah and resurrected to everlasting life in an earthly paradise.
to obtain this salvation, one needed to obey the organization's teachings, remain a faithful jw, and lead a moral life.
What the org SAYS, but what it really MEANS!
by BoogerMan inw16 april p. 9 par.
17 being faithful gullible leads to god’s the cult's approval - thousands of young christian men and women are willingly sacrificing marriage or are not having children - at least for now - in order to serve jehovah the borg to the full.
older ones too may be sacrificing the time they could otherwise spend with their children and grandchildren in order to work on theocratic construction projects supply free labour or to attend the school for kingdom evangelizers receive deeper indoctrination and to serve in areas where the need for kingdom publishers more suckers is greater.
JW Vaccine mandate: The contrast between voices of reason and confusion
by ukpimo ini was reading an intriguing post on the exjw reddit, a forum i do not with to sign up for, as i'm not interested in the internal politics of reddit.
another post counteracted this one, driven by the "conspiracy theory" card.
Who's got it wrong - Daniel or the evil slave?
by BoogerMan inw98 2/1 p. 22 par.
16 - "what of the dead who are resurrected on earth?...they also will have to love the name of jehovah, ministering to him, offering acceptable sacrifices......".
(daniel 9:26, 27) "and after the 62 weeks, mes·siʹah will be cut off, with nothing for himself.....and at the half of the week, he will cause cease.
For 57 years JW's were compelled to accept this BLASPHEMY as TRUTH
by BoogerMan innamely, that the org & its elite group of "anointed" christians had usurped christ's role.
thank you so much, faithful evil slave!
by their fruits............... for lurking jw's: how many org "truths" have you seen reversed during your life?.
Beliefs clarified - A big fat WTF for 2025
by ukpimo injehovah’s witnesses have an official page for clarified beliefs they encourage elders, ministerial servants, regular pioneers, as well as all the rest of the elite, to keep up to date with:.
2025 has a curious clarification:.
Annual Report
by St George of England inthe latest report is now available for download on our favourite website!.