p.s. Scientific fact (from a doctor/scientist): did you know that coughing & sneezing can cause viruses to travel up to 18 feet?
So what's all this nonsense about 2 meters "social distancing"? Some science is a real bitch!
the joke's on the dolts who have swallowed & defended all the covid 19 b.s.
the chickens are coming home to roost even earlier than i expected.
remember this from 12 days ago?:.
p.s. Scientific fact (from a doctor/scientist): did you know that coughing & sneezing can cause viruses to travel up to 18 feet?
So what's all this nonsense about 2 meters "social distancing"? Some science is a real bitch!
the joke's on the dolts who have swallowed & defended all the covid 19 b.s.
the chickens are coming home to roost even earlier than i expected.
remember this from 12 days ago?:.
Yup, and so are the "scientific models" which persuaded Boris to shut down UK businesses and society:
Prof. Ian Ferguson, Imperial college London: "Boris, my model shows there could be 500,000 deaths, no, make that 250,000 deaths, no, let's make it 20,000 deaths max!"
Let's wait until the end of the year - when everything will be put on lockdown once again "to save 1000's of lives and the NHS" from the dreaded 'flu - then people can re-examine the Emperor's new clothes.
Even the government's experts haven't a clue how Covid is going to "end." It's novel!
the joke's on the dolts who have swallowed & defended all the covid 19 b.s.
the chickens are coming home to roost even earlier than i expected.
remember this from 12 days ago?:.
Basically paraphrasing an expert who said that society is now going to have to get used to Covid, just as it has with the different 'flu viruses which take their toll every winter.
the joke's on the dolts who have swallowed & defended all the covid 19 b.s.
the chickens are coming home to roost even earlier than i expected.
remember this from 12 days ago?:.
I hear what you're saying BB, but I don't think for a minute that we're going to be Covid-free.
We're going to have to accept that it's going to be like the different strains of 'flu - coming around every year and causing hundreds of thousands of deaths of elderly ones and people with underlying health issues & weakened immune systems. If the 'flu doesn't take them, Covid now will.
People rely on 'flu vaccines to "protect" them, but countless 1000's still die. A Covid vaccine probably won't be a life saver for such ones either. Sad but true.
the joke's on the dolts who have swallowed & defended all the covid 19 b.s.
the chickens are coming home to roost even earlier than i expected.
remember this from 12 days ago?:.
The joke's on the dolts who have swallowed & defended all the Covid 19 B.S. The chickens are coming home to roost even earlier than I expected. Remember this from 12 days ago?:
"Project Fear & Control (more affectionately known as Event 201) has achieved its objective. Its "processes & controls" will be adopted into the laws of your country. The U.K. "government" established The Corona Act 2020 into law and will now use it as & when it sees fit. Don't be surprised to see Covid 19 "replacing" the 'flu virus in a few months time." https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/5757226479255552/people-england-were-easiy-convinced-believe?page=2
The UK government has "out of the blue" established a new tentacle, called The Joint Biosecurity Centre. https://www.instituteforgovernment.org.uk/explainers/joint-biosecurity-centre
Its remit is to force a lockdown in any area/s "if there is a flare-up in one particular community" https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-52814833 Any ideas as to what numbers will constitute "a flare-up?" :)
the latest watchtower is now out and they make this statement -.
7 during the thousand year rule of christ, all of jehovah’s earthly children will have to make changes to please him.
so all of them will have true fellow feeling as they help the resurrected ones to combat sinful tendencies and to live by jehovah’s standards.
@ Listener - Didn't you know the "slave" teaches JW's that during the 1000 years reign, people who have lost body parts will grow them back gradually? Is that what they mean by saying the ransom buys back what was lost?
g70 10/8 p. 25 - "Even after the end of this system of things, the survivors of the “great tribulation” will still have imperfect bodies. Some will need restoration of diseased or missing organs. This healing of all mankind will take place during the thousand-year reign of Jesus Christ."
since adam and eve’s fall, we are all sinners.
it’s what we do, there is no way to change it, sinning is a daily part of life.
there are major sins, but most of us commit minor ones everyday in words, thoughts or deeds.
So do you actually believe that God exists and you're grievance is that He's not as loving as is claimed, or do you reckon that a belief in God should be classified along with fairies & leprechauns?
i can never get my head around this one ?
don`t the powers that be ever really investigate religions that claim exemption from paying taxes because they claim they are a not for profit religion ?.
you would have to be a brain dead imbecile not to see that the religion known as the" watchtower bible and tract society" otherwise known as "jehovah`s witnesses" are nothing more than a religious publishing house that have made x amount of $$$$$ over the years since their inception in the late 1800`s to this day.
Not just JW's - how much tax-free cash do the Catholic Church and Latter Day Saints (Mormons) rake in every year? JW's are nowhere near those two in terms of income.
Even bigger question: Why does the U.S. government permit such alleged charities to conceal their income/expenditure?
Perhaps the present "crisis" will prompt some governments to decide that it's now time for religions to pay their share of the monumental financial burden which ordinary taxpayers are now facing.
"it's easier to fool people than it is to convince them that they've been fooled.
it's not just jw's who blindly follow their leaders.
it's horrifying to see how easily mass-hysteria has been instilled in a nation.
LOL! An American on the same wavelength.
"it's easier to fool people than it is to convince them that they've been fooled.
it's not just jw's who blindly follow their leaders.
it's horrifying to see how easily mass-hysteria has been instilled in a nation.
6 & 1/2 minutes of information which MSM won't allow people to hear and make an informed opinion.