@ PE - that's what the government & MSM are telling you is the case. Check Sweden's stats - with no lockdown.
Repetition for emphasis: the 'flu virus killed just under 75,000 in the UK in 2017/18.
Covid19 is being put on death certificates as C.O.D. even although a person wasn't tested. Numbers are being falsified - by the medical profession! How will that affect the Covid19 stats?
The bogey-man has been created, and now all the "children" are so terrified they're prepared to agree to anything the storyteller says!
Bottom line: if you're vulnerable to the 'flu or any other virus - take measures to protect yourself.
If you're not at risk, get back into living your life, rather than believing sinister fairy stories.
People are being told to dig trenches for protection - in fact, they're digging their own graves.