@ Fisherman - "That is why it is taking so long. God is waiting for everybody to repent."
How does that work? The world's population increases yearly, and it appears less people are turning to Christianity?
@ vidquin - You references -
YOU who have followed me will also yourselves sit upon twelve thrones.
Thrones - (Gr. thronos) judges i.e. tribunal or bench. (Jesus said they would judge)
a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation,
Being priests of the King/High priest would make them a royal priesthood. (not kings themselves)
and you made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God, and they are to rule as kings over the earth. (Rev. 5:10)
Rev. 20:6 - "...but they will be priests of God and of the Christ, and will rule as kings with him for the thousand years."
In these last 2 scriptures which you quote, the Greek word βασιλεύς (basileús) does not exclusively mean 'king.' It also describes a leader of the people, prince, commander, lord of the land.
In the original Greek (ignore Bible translations!) Revelation 5:10 says, "and they are to reign upon the earth," not 'over' it, as if they are in some sort of ethereal situation. The meek inherit the earth!
In what capacity? Psalm 45:16 - "...princes in all the earth."
Interestingly, regarding Revelation 20:6, no Bible translation - except the NWT - inserts the word 'king'
All of them - without exception - translate the Greek word βασιλεύς (basileús) as 'reign,' not 'king.'
Bottom line: What justification would any Christian have to claim a share of Christ's kingship & glory?