I hope you absolutely thrive in your cult-free life! 🧡
JoinedPosts by BoogerMan
My decision.
by MissDaSilva ini’ve decided to disassociate from the jw organisation.
i cannot be part of a community that blatantly rejects the sacrifice of jesus in that demonic memorial ritual.
amazing what information you find when you start researching.. i’m writing my letter and posting it to the kingdom hall this morning.
Encouraging scriptures for the day
by Kosonen inhello my friends,.
here are some encouraging scriptures for the day:.
revelation 21:2 i also saw the holy city, new jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from god and prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.. hebrews 11:10 for he (abraham) was awaiting the city having real foundations, whose designer and builder is god.. revelation 21:24 and the nations will walk by means of its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their glory into it.. revelation 22:1 and he showed me a river of water of life, clear as crystal, flowing out from the throne of god and of the lamb 2 down the middle of its main street (of the holy city).
@ Kosonen: Clinging to the org's false dogma that Jesus' words at Matthew 24:14 & Mark 13:10 have a "greater fulfilment" 2000 years later, is being self-deceptive.
1) The "good news" (gospel) about Jesus & the kingdom was preached - in the 1st century:
(Colossians 1:23) "....not being shifted away from the hope of that good news that you heard and that was preached in all creation under heaven...."
(1 Timothy 3:16) ‘He was made manifest in flesh, was declared righteous in spirit, appeared to angels, was preached about among nations, was believed upon in the world, was received up in glory.’
Who exactly did Jesus commission to carry out that 1st century "worldwide preaching work?"
(Acts 1:2,4,6,8,-9) "....after he had given instructions through holy spirit to the apostles he had chosen. While he was meeting with them, (the apostles) he ordered them: “Do not leave Jerusalem, So when they (the apostles) had assembled, they (the apostles) asked him: “Lord, are you restoring the kingdom to Israel at this time?”...But you will receive power when the holy spirit comes upon you, and you (the apostles) will be witnesses of me in Jerusalem, in all Ju·deʹa and Sa·marʹi·a, and to the most distant part of the earth.” After he had said these things, while they (the apostles) were looking on, he was lifted up and a cloud caught him up from their sight."
Yup - the 11 apostles + Paul - not rank & file Christians.
2) The events which Jesus described in Matthew 24, were a one-off, things which Jesus said would never be repeated: (Matthew 24:21) "...for then there will be great tribulation..., no, nor will occur again."
Which part of "no, nor will occur again" was so difficult for us as JW's to understand? 🤔
3) As for the "last days," Christ revealed to the apostle John who would be assigned to inform & warn the world at that time. It certainly wasn't going to be any corrupted Christian denomination's responsibility:
Revelation 11:3, 7 - I will cause my two witnesses to prophesy for 1,260 days dressed in sackcloth.” When they have finished their witnessing, the wild beast that ascends out of the abyss will wage war with them and conquer them and kill them."
Revelation 14:6, 7 - "And I saw another angel flying in midheaven, and he had everlasting good news to declare to those who dwell on the earth, to every nation and tribe and tongue and people. He was saying in a loud voice: “Fear God and give him glory."
Neither of these inspired accounts point to any human organization's involvement - especially not JW's.
UK Council Tax arrears - Did you face or are you facing BAILIFFS???
by BoogerMan ininteresting new legal protection:.
Interesting new LEGAL protection:
spirit directed organization
by enoughisenough ini was watching a video about wt and money and the "brother" refers to the "spirit directed organization.
" he also says they use donations wisely and modestly.
are the gb so deluded and therefore their followers?
"He also says they use donations wisely and modestly."
So why does the WTBTS/CCoJW conceal its annual "charitable" income & expenditure from its 8m + adherents?
Hand Grenade Time
by MissDaSilva indecided i’m going to go out with a bang.
just posted a merry christmas meme on my watsapp status.
in portuguese but it’s very clear what it means with the baubles etc…... i will keep you posted on people’s reactions.
Enjoy the fireworks!!!!
Unacceptable type/antitype for JW'S.....
by BoogerMan in.........because it would cancel out their "upper & lower class christians" fairy story - aka the anointed & non-anointed.. antitype: the fleshly nation of israel and exodus foreigner converts were participants of the mosaic covenant.. type: christianity - the israel of god ("spiritual israel") and gentile converts became participants in the new covenant..
.........because it would cancel out their "upper & lower class Christians" fairy story - aka the anointed & non-anointed.
ANTITYPE: The fleshly nation of Israel and Exodus foreigner converts were participants of the Mosaic Covenant.
TYPE: Christianity - the Israel of God ("spiritual Israel") and Gentile converts became participants in the New Covenant.
Were we really meant to live forever?
by Leathercrop inour capacity for adaptation (there's an official term somewhere) is apparently very vast.
meaning that whatever is a novelty always becomes old news and apparently it happens very quickly.
human beings in fact have to put a lot of effort into not discarding valuable things and relationships because of our overwhelming tendency to become incredibly used to it and just plain bored with them.
Were we really meant to die forever? 🙁
No one in their right might would want to live forever on the earth, the way things are just now.
If you were given the choice, which one would you choose: a temporary life - 840 months, or a permanent one ?
Predictions for the next decade?
by jehovaxx inas it’s nearly the new year my prediction over the next decade or so will see the sense of urgency dwindle.
then some huge huge changes.
for example by 2034 in a decades time, they will have address the 1914 issue and will come out and say we can’t be dogmatic.
Maybe the org will come clean and admit the truth - that the "last days" haven't even started yet!
JW's face certain death NOW.....
by BoogerMan in...if they openly question/disagree with a current truth from the evil faithful slave - "truths" such as this one: .
w83 10/1 p. 19 - "...a large number of the 1914 generation are still living today.
of course, their numbers are steadily dwindling, and, therefore, sometime in the near future, we confidently can expect “the end” to come...".
...if they openly question/disagree with a current truth from the
evilfaithful slave - "truths" such as this one:w83 10/1 p. 19 - "...a large number of the 1914 generation are still living today. Of course, their numbers are steadily dwindling, and, therefore, sometime in the near future, we confidently can expect “the end” to come..."
According to "God's organisation," 40 years is in the near future! How does that appeal to you, active JW's?
(Deuteronomy 18:22) When the
prophetWTBTS speaks in the name of Jehovah and the word is not fulfilled or does not come true, then Jehovah did not speak that word. TheprophetWTBTS spoke it presumptuously. You should not fearhimthe WTBTS.’ -
How Saturnalia became Christmas
by BoogerMan inthe transition from ancient to present and pagan to christian: .
4th century ce, after which a new winter holiday began to be celebrated in rome: christmas.
but how was the pagan festival of saturnalia celebrated, and how did it influence and morph into the christmas celebrations that we know and love?.
@ iloowy.goowy - "The bit about Christmas being a re-worked Saturnalia (or Sol Invictus) by the Catholic Church is quite bogus" - according to a source you quote, but not according to many others.
The fact remains that the birth of Christ became a huge money-making opportunity, designed & decorated with embellishments & explanations not based on scriptures - to make it attractive to all and sundry, regardless of belief.
Example: The "star" which led the Magi had a pretty poor sat-nav installed.
It took them to the wrong destination - Jerusalem instead of Bethlehem, (9.5 kilometers away) and straight to a king who wanted to kill Jesus! What was God thinking when He did that??? Unbelievable!
Then again, countless millions of "stars" = countless mi££ion$ in sales of decorations.