JW's are really now so brain-dead regarding what the Warwick hierarchy does, that the vast majority are now on auto-pilot, just "waiting for the end."
The constant stream of Looney Tunes videos has done its job.
based on a daily telegraph article : jehovah's witnesses accused of selling off assets and moving cash to avoid sex abuse compensation
watchtower has 800 charities in australia and australian law says they don't have to report assets below 1 million .
doesn't this imply watchtower can have in excess of 700 million laundered funds?
JW's are really now so brain-dead regarding what the Warwick hierarchy does, that the vast majority are now on auto-pilot, just "waiting for the end."
The constant stream of Looney Tunes videos has done its job.
based on a daily telegraph article : jehovah's witnesses accused of selling off assets and moving cash to avoid sex abuse compensation
watchtower has 800 charities in australia and australian law says they don't have to report assets below 1 million .
doesn't this imply watchtower can have in excess of 700 million laundered funds?
Maybe stuff like this will waken up JW's to the truth - "God's organization" is nothing more than a money-making business.
Thanks to the Roman Catholic Church, Christianity became a gravy-train. Mr. Luther got that train to stop, allowing anyone to get on and get their share of all that lovely 'gravy'. Enter stage left, Church of England, Joseph Smith, Pastor Russell, etc.
w50 2/1 p. 41 par.
4 - "god is no respecter of persons.".
w50 2/1 p. 41 par. 4 - "God is no respecter of persons."
based on a discussion i had with my wife, i started to compare the situation of people who are a member of a religious organisation or are devout to a belief, to the so-called stockholm syndrome.
the stockholm syndrome is where feelings of trust or affection is felt in many cases of kidnapping or hostage-taking by a victim towards a captor.
in such a situation, the person being kidnapped is not free to leave and is held against their will but over time takes that situation as a "new normal" and even starts to see their kidnapper(s) as normal people.
Not much different from how most people are reacting to the house-arrest inflicted by their government captors.
"Covid 19 syndrome" will become the new "normal." Every time a seasonal 'flu virus occurs, expect to see a rinse & repeat of the "emergency" laws which were created for the C19 version of the Black Plague.
Denying being conned won't change what's about to follow.
because there will be only 2 feet between them and the patients!.
I ask for forgiveness for what I statrted here! Groan.
because there will be only 2 feet between them and the patients!.
Because there will be only 2 FEET between them and the patients!
so a co just said in his talk yesterday that anyone that doesn't follow the branch's covid19 "suggestions" is disobedient and the type of person that won't survive armageddon.
didn't the letter say that each head of household would choose for himself how to apply the "suggestions"?.
the funny thing is there are other countries where none of these "suggestions" have been given..
It's long overdue that the Covid 19 curtain was pulled back and people are instructed to take precautions, responsibility, and accountability for their own health & safety.
Why wasn't the UK "locked down" in 2017/18 when nearly 75,000 died of 'flu? No one else smell a rat?
a bit late in coming, but i have a new article on the cry of peace and security at https://www.jwfacts.com/watchtower/peace-and-security.php.
this was prompted by trump using the term peace and security a few times in 2017 and 2018, and the excitement this generated amongst jehovah's witnesses.
i would love to see other quotes you like on this topic, or texts and experiences..
"Christendom's" religions generally don't preach about Armageddon etc., thereby adhering to the Bible which tells Christians that the timing of the end is none of their business. (Matthew 24:36 & Acts 1:7)
(Matthew 24:44) "...because the Son of man is coming at an hour that you [Christians] do not think to be it."
If you believe that you know the "times & seasons", then Jesus says you're wrong!
i'm off to the supermarket to get some bumf.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeypy6oo0sq.
@ Fink - You might be right, but with the pending "perfect storm" of Covid 19 & a Brexit no-deal, the speculators will be seizing every opportunity to fleece the U.K. public - much like the org. So he might not be a 'nutter' after all.
Opportunists won't let a good crisis go to waste!
i'm off to the supermarket to get some bumf.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeypy6oo0sq.
I'm off to the supermarket to get some bumf.