You will do what we tell you. Naughty, naughty little children - going to beaches on a sunny day.
"Health Secretary Matt Hancock has "made clear we do have the powers to go back in and act"".
naughty, naughty little children - going to beaches on a sunny day.. "health secretary matt hancock has "made clear we do have the powers to go back in and act"".
You will do what we tell you. Naughty, naughty little children - going to beaches on a sunny day.
"Health Secretary Matt Hancock has "made clear we do have the powers to go back in and act"".
we used to use this scripture to show that there was going to be a future resurrection.
but recently i got to thinking about it.
if the apostle paul was right in saying that the righteous on death would be changed in the twinkling of an eye from earthly life to heavenly glory why would there be a future resurrection needed for the righteous?
(1 Corinthians 15:51-53) Look! I tell you a sacred secret: We will not all fall asleep in death, but we will all be changed, 52 in a moment, in the blink of an eye, during the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised up incorruptible, and we will be changed. 53 For this which is corruptible must put on incorruption,
v 51 - those who are living at "the end" will be changed instantly from a dying to an undying condition as v 53 shows. Paul says nothing about anyone being transported from planet earth. (The meek will inherit the earth and live forever upon it - according the Bible at least! (Psalm 37:9,11,29; Matthew 5:5; Rev. 21:3,4) If some Christians are headed for heaven, then the org must be right about the 2 classes in Christianity.
v 52 - Those in the first resurrection - believers in Christ - will be resurrected on earth in the same undying condition. (1 Cor. 15:23; Rev. 20:4)
........the great reset launch..
i haven't been on here in quite some time so i apologize if i missed a similar thread already (i did look for one :) ) anyways, just to be clear i think the jw response to covid in general has been really positive and proactive and they've done really well trying to educate people on covid, doing zoom meetings, etc to prevent spread within the congregations.
the part that i find interesting is how compliant and non-apocalyptic the branch has been during all of this.
even as someone who's a bit of a skeptic i found myself wondering if this might be the beginning of the end between covid, economic upheaval, and blm.
Even tele-evangelists are ramping up the 'rapture' message and raking in the filthy lucre.
If you see the sign saying, "Welcome to Dover," you know you've arrived at the Channel Crossing.
Unless you hear that governments are preparing to alleviate the bankruptcy of their economies by "acquiring & redistributing" the wealth & assets of tax-free religions, carry on living your life - and deal with what your elected leaders are doing with your taxes.
Boris just "donated" over £1.6 billion of tax-payers' cash over 5 years to this "worthy cause" - GAVI. Almost as worthwhile as spending millions to go to Mars. :)
waken up uk sheeple and smell the coffee.. no two-metre distancing for 22 men doing their job; clenched fists touching other clenched fists at the end; no face-masks being worn by the majority of those on the sidelines.. time for people to start demanding answers from their elected politicians..
To paraphrase the Oracle of the Borders:
"Whenever a social media post includes the word 'conspiracy' you know that you can safely ignore everything that follows as the ravings of a gullible sheeple nutter."
Hoisted by your own petard, methinks.
waken up uk sheeple and smell the coffee.. no two-metre distancing for 22 men doing their job; clenched fists touching other clenched fists at the end; no face-masks being worn by the majority of those on the sidelines.. time for people to start demanding answers from their elected politicians..
Hello playground bully. Go and pick on someone your own size - if you can find someone that small!
Little troll. :)
waken up uk sheeple and smell the coffee.. no two-metre distancing for 22 men doing their job; clenched fists touching other clenched fists at the end; no face-masks being worn by the majority of those on the sidelines.. time for people to start demanding answers from their elected politicians..
@ PE - that's what the government & MSM are telling you is the case. Check Sweden's stats - with no lockdown.
Repetition for emphasis: the 'flu virus killed just under 75,000 in the UK in 2017/18.
Covid19 is being put on death certificates as C.O.D. even although a person wasn't tested. Numbers are being falsified - by the medical profession! How will that affect the Covid19 stats?
The bogey-man has been created, and now all the "children" are so terrified they're prepared to agree to anything the storyteller says!
Bottom line: if you're vulnerable to the 'flu or any other virus - take measures to protect yourself.
If you're not at risk, get back into living your life, rather than believing sinister fairy stories.
People are being told to dig trenches for protection - in fact, they're digging their own graves.
waken up uk sheeple and smell the coffee.. no two-metre distancing for 22 men doing their job; clenched fists touching other clenched fists at the end; no face-masks being worn by the majority of those on the sidelines.. time for people to start demanding answers from their elected politicians..
FACT: Testing anyone regularly cannot and will not prevent them from being infected with a virus.
If testing footballers regularly makes them so safe, then why was a poor flunkey assigned to spray the corner-flags with disinfectant at half-time? The great con continues and NHS staff know the real truth!
There's no clinical or scientific justification for the NHS to continue to prevent patients from receiving necessary healthcare or for society being prohibited from functioning. It's a crime against humanity!
Repetition for emphasis: the 'flu virus killed just under 75,000 in the UK in 2017/18.
Covid19 has been exaggerated way beyond what was falsely predicted - but anyone who contradicts the official narrative will be publicly pilloried.
waken up uk sheeple and smell the coffee.. no two-metre distancing for 22 men doing their job; clenched fists touching other clenched fists at the end; no face-masks being worn by the majority of those on the sidelines.. time for people to start demanding answers from their elected politicians..
LOL - The gullible ex-footballer immediately took the bait to defend his "tribe." IDIOT!
He asked, "What is your point exactly?" Is he illiterate as well as gullible?????
I'll repeat the POINT in straightforward English for his benefit: laws & alleged "recommendations" are being used to discriminate against certain professions and sections of society.
Businesses, workers and families are ruined because of the scam - but football continues. Some are more equal than others.
We are NOT all in this together, and the sooner people waken up, the better.
Football & footballers have no right to be exempt from the lockdown. It's a game, and it's not the "beautiful" game they claim it to be. It's one that is institutionally corrupt and inherently a breeding ground for cheats. (watch every player's hands & arms in the penalty area when a corner is being taken - LOL)
Because of it's political & financial power, exceptions will be made for football and all its little divas.
Now go away and cheat with your Subbuteo. DOLT. :)
waken up uk sheeple and smell the coffee.. no two-metre distancing for 22 men doing their job; clenched fists touching other clenched fists at the end; no face-masks being worn by the majority of those on the sidelines.. time for people to start demanding answers from their elected politicians..
Waken up UK sheeple and smell the coffee.
No two-metre distancing for 22 men doing their job; clenched fists touching other clenched fists at the end; no face-masks being worn by the majority of those on the sidelines.
Time for people to start demanding answers from their elected politicians.