"I can't no longer (sic) be part of the irrational and hateful environment that has come to dominate this forum."
LOL - A piece of coal calling the kettle black! Dolt. Bye Robert, son of David Soul. (R.Soul - get it now?
so says joe biden.. anybody agree with this?
"I can't no longer (sic) be part of the irrational and hateful environment that has come to dominate this forum."
LOL - A piece of coal calling the kettle black! Dolt. Bye Robert, son of David Soul. (R.Soul - get it now?
whilst i have never quite understood whether petra and atlantis are one or multiple entities i recognise the value of their work and web of contacts.
i think it is fair to say that no-one has consistently contributed more solid gold intelligence to this site.
no one has reliably passed on more bomb shells and solid news as well as day to day minutiae.
I see that CORNEY the active BETHELITE mole stuck his little knife in too - fulfilling his raison d'etre for being on this site. Do some research on his M.O. and that of his alter-ego Darkspilver before saying anything.
Neither of them ever had anything derogatory to say about their beloved cult - not a thing!
Hear any alarm bells on an "apostate" web site?
in 2002-2004 - during its first time around - that "pandemic" killed 774 people worldwide and then "evaporated.".
strange how viruses "work.
@ Cofty - Thank you!
Your comments have confirmed mine and others' suspicions that not only has the site become toxic for people with beliefs, but more importantly, that the alleged PRIVATE MESSAGES between members are being viewed and shared with little long-term lap-dogs like you. Enjoy your little world here. :)
Bye R. Soul.
in 2002-2004 - during its first time around - that "pandemic" killed 774 people worldwide and then "evaporated.".
strange how viruses "work.
Watch out SBF, speaking sense and supplying information which conflicts with the official narrative will get you labelled as a "conspiracy theorist."
in 2002-2004 - during its first time around - that "pandemic" killed 774 people worldwide and then "evaporated.".
strange how viruses "work.
@ COFTY - alias Robert Soul, son of David Soul:
"It's basic science unless you have some half-baked conspiracy theory you're too timid to share."
"..for behaving like an obnoxious child".
This is your idea of "rational debate."
Anyone who doesn't share your "belief & faith" that your ancestors were monkeys, gets ganged up on by you & your fellow pathetic little bullies. You want to dominate and dictate to others who come here hoping to meet like-minded people. You're no better than the org's little dictators whom you rail against. In fact, you're worse. Get professional help for your issues - instead of taking out your bitterness on others.
in 2002-2004 - during its first time around - that "pandemic" killed 774 people worldwide and then "evaporated.".
strange how viruses "work.
The troll's got a love child. The site gets better & better!
in 2002-2004 - during its first time around - that "pandemic" killed 774 people worldwide and then "evaporated.".
strange how viruses "work.
@ COFTY the Oracle - People here are too polite to tell you that your breath stinks.
Keep your stupid mouth shut - or just move on to another forum where other embittered little trolls hang out.
in 2002-2004 - during its first time around - that "pandemic" killed 774 people worldwide and then "evaporated.".
strange how viruses "work.
Looks like SARS Cov-1 evolved into SARS Cov 2 all on its own during its years of inactivity.
in 2002-2004 - during its first time around - that "pandemic" killed 774 people worldwide and then "evaporated.".
strange how viruses "work.
In 2002-2004 - during its first time around - that "pandemic" killed 774 people worldwide and then "evaporated."
Strange how viruses "work."
naughty, naughty little children - going to beaches on a sunny day.. "health secretary matt hancock has "made clear we do have the powers to go back in and act"".
Paying 80% of people's wages until the end of October as planned - and keeping the NHS off-limits to virtually everyone except Covid 19 suspects - is not going to eliminate any viruses.
$64,000 question: What level of deaths/infections will the government regard as "acceptable & safe" for the populace to return to living life?
Life is full of risks!