(Isaiah 66:8) "Will a land be brought to birth in one day? Or will a nation be born all at once?"
w54 4/1 p. 222
par. 18 - 1919
w55 5/1 p. 267
Part 9 - 1919
w60 8/1 p. 463 -
w62 1/15 p. 47
par. 27 - 1919
w63 4/1 p. 202
par. 5 - 1919
w65 7/1 p. 393
par. 4 - 1919
w82 7/1 p. 23
pars. 17 - 1919
w83 3/15 p. 25
par. 15 - 1919
w85 3/1 pp. 12-13
par. 3 - 1919
w95 1/1 p. 11
par. 3 - 1919
ip-2 chap. 27 p.
398 par. 16 - 1919
w14 11/15 p. 26
par. 11 -
11/15 p. 688 par. 17 - this
marvelous “rebirth” took place in the year 537
w68 11/15 p. 695
par. 2 - On the fiftieth day from resurrecting the King, (Pentecost)
Jehovah God gave to him a newborn nation,
spiritual Israel, “the Israel of God,”
w78 3/1 p. 19
par. 18 - On Pentecost of 33 C.E., at the
outpouring of God’s holy spirit, a new nation came into
existence, spiritual Israel.
w89 2/1 p. 31 -
So the Law covenant ended when
the operation, or inauguration, of the new covenant took place at
the birth of the new nation,
spiritual Israel, at Pentecost 33 C.E.
w10 11/1 p. 29 -
1st century!
Obviously the org wasn't using Duracells to power its "new light."