That is so true. Thank Jesus, I'm free from that brainwashing man made organization.
information control.
source :
through out history, mankind's governments and religious organizations have restricted their citizens from reading, viewing and speaking any information that was critical or expressed a different viewpoint other than was taught by the government or religion.
That is so true. Thank Jesus, I'm free from that brainwashing man made organization.
i haven't posted here in a while, but i thought this was worth mentioning, and i just wanted to vent about it.. my brother and sister-in-law, who are now divorced, bought my niece a clarinet about a year ago, so she could play in the band at school.
she loves it more than anything in the world.
one day last week, her grandmother found out about this and got all upset about it.
That's a shame that your niece has to be bombarded by guilt by grandma. If it was me grandma would never see the grandkids again.
the possibilities truly are endless with photoshop!!.
In all reality, even though that was a photoshop. You have to know they actually read Ray Franz books to know what was being said about them. If they haven't then they are flaming idiots.
lyrics do have some swearing....
from her website:.
i used to live in the smokey mountains of tennessee / now i live in los angelesi used to be a jehovah's witness / now i celebrate my birthday.
I liked the video, COOL
...saw this article in newspaper last week - and, in addition to it being a horrid tragedy, i couldn't help but wonder...i know in england (at least when i was registering my kids) some names were 'forbidden', but, as it didn't apply to me, i don't know which...but i've never heard of a lad called this before.
anyone else?.
I guess we can finally say that "JEHOVAH" is dead.
so, in a tit for tat agreement with my wife to do something i wanted to do, i agreed to go with my wife for saturday and sunday to the district convention.. for most of the day, i simply read other things, paying little attention to what was going on.
my wife could care less if i am paying attention, more that i am there to wrangle little ones who are being distruptive so she can listen.. but one of the things i did catch, was that they highlighted "four satanic teachings".. one of which was that "you need a higher education to succeed in this world".
so higher education is now satanic??
Cinciguy74: So, what were the other 3 satanic teachings?
have you ever gone shopping in a department store for shoes or clothes?.
do you just walk over to the rack or shelf and select what you want without trying anything on to see if it fits?.
no.. what good would that do?
Terry: This is a very deep post that I enjoyed reading. To keep it short, when you say " I think scripture is completely man made" I have to agree with you. We know from what we were told that 40 men had a part in writing scripture, through holy spirt as we are told.
But how do we really know that, because we were told. That doesn't make it so. There are a lot of inconsistencies in the bible because men are know to embellish the story to make it interesting and make us conform.
You made some good points in your post I will ponder over. Thanks
imagine a creator who created billions of earth like planets in a huge experiment lasting billions of years.
what form of goverment would win in the long run?
would good or evil prevail in the end?
What would it take to have a peaceful planet? The creator would have to do away with FREE WILL by making nothing but robots programmed to do exactly as told. OMG!!! I just described JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES.
is it possible to criticize wt concerning questions of consience for a witness?
for instant concerning education?
love healthworker.
Dogpatch: Randall, thank you for posting your letter. Iam grateful to have been able to read it. It was long but well worth the time. Being an ex-elder myself I realize how hard it was to see all that hypocrisy from brothers that should know better. I've read Ray Franz books and now I know a little more about your experience. You are a Godsend and I hope many more look at this and it helps them to open their eyes. I will be forever grateful to you and all others who stand up and make everyone aware of the REAL TRUTH.!!
a pioneer said to me: " i can't wait to be persecuted!!!".
that kind of thinking is absolutely fanatical.
I hope that sister gets her wish. But what she doesn't realize is that the persecution is going to come from her own spiritual brothers and sisters.