What a dumb dick head move... But after all he is a republican.
http://politix.topix.com/homepage/3375-indiana-man-snags-15k-for-romney-campaign-tattoo-on-his-face .
how much would it cost for you to get a tatoo of mitt romney or obama on your face?
this guys made his $15,000, been on late night tv and anderson cooper, fame and money for a silly act.. .
What a dumb dick head move... But after all he is a republican.
everyday is an adventure the only thing that stays the same is that each day i make my own decisions.
i take pleasure in getting to know new people.
with no agenda of trying to get them to convert to the org.
It feels good to be free to get up and do what you want, not having to worry about the approval of the BORG. No field service, boring meetings, giving public talks, ect... LIFE IS GOOD!
haven't been around for a very long time.
i do have a question though.
what do jw's say when another witness passes away?
They offer their condolences. But what they should say is at least now they are free from all of the mind control B.S. because its a CULT!
todays google alert, from the toronto sun;.
man who botched son's home-circumcision guilty of criminal negligence, top court rules 21. by brigitte pellerin,parliamentary bureaufirst posted: friday, november 16, 2012 11:41 am est.
the supreme court of canada in ottawa on july 21, 2011.
See...Jehovah's witnesses are insane. Loony toons.
my dad came up to me the other day and handed me the mp3 of the recent visit to my old congregation.
we both decided we would listen to it and discuss it together, despite the fact that neither of us have been to the meeting in over 18 months.. it was nice to hear all those old voices again but it was also a little bit sad.
as regards the talks, they were pretty much the standard i expected them to be.
Yeah, they need the money real bad. After selling one of their buildings for 81 million. They have to pay Candice conti and others they allowed to become victims of pedeophiles.
both claim to be the sole path to god (or did at some point ).
both claim to reach back to first century christians ,( though jw`s are a bit ambiguous about this).
the r.c church has a pope , the j.w.`s have a governing body ,both providing spiritual food to the faithful.
The difference between the too equates to sibling rivalry. Little brother ( WB&TS) trying to outdo big brother ( R.C. Church)
what did you decide to do?.
leave with a bang, trying to educate those around you before leaving?
perhaps writing letters to others forgiving/ asking for forgiveness.. or.
With family in its a no brainer, FADE. When I left it was due to the way the elders treated my daughter who was trying to get reinstated, I was an elder and stepped down not telling them the true reason. It wasn't until later that I started researching by reading Ray Franz books and many others that opened my eyes to the real truth. It's been 9 years now and I'm happy as hell to be away from the mind games and control they exert over everyone in the BORG.
It took me awhile to realize that Satan is running the WB&TS. It his organization after all.
just had a quick read through the new 16 page edition of the watchtower, and noticed an article about able who was adam's son.
the article said in part.
abel speaks to you today.
Billy: What you said was funny as hell. LMAO!! The Borg has balls to be assuming what a dead man would say.
hi i have not been here for a while i did not have a working pc how has everyone been ?
just wondering if there a re any ex jws from maryland.
Good morning unstopableravens: By your user name I'm assuming your a ravens fan. So am I. I'm also proud to be an ex-elder who has faded successfully for 9 years. Welcome back and yes I live in Maryland.
sunday, october 28. do not .
be called leaders, for your leader is one, the christ.matt.
23:9, 10.. christendoms churches have human leaders, such as the pope of rome, the patriarchs and metropolitans of the eastern orthodox churches, and the heads of other religions.
Greybeard: I saw that as well. They know the j- dubs worship the G.B. The G.B. have set themselves up as popes of the watchtower, what hypocrites.