Hey...I thought a few of us in South-Western Ontario (and just across the US border) wanted to get together!
So far I've only gotten 2 responses in my e-mail. Anyone else?
Peter Stride
Toronto, Canada
Hey...I thought a few of us in South-Western Ontario (and just across the US border) wanted to get together!
So far I've only gotten 2 responses in my e-mail. Anyone else?
Peter Stride
Toronto, Canada
page 7, july 2001 our kingdom ministry (aust.
edition) .
* publications permanently out of stock:.
Or maybe, just maybe...those volumes have "old" light that doesn't match the "current" light, and thus they are phased out. Hmmmmm....I wonder.
Peter Stride
Toronto, Canada
what are we to do when we need to find the truth for ourselfs?.
well i am looking into what the wt tought me about so many things like this site by the cathloics.. i found this site can any one tell me what if any thing are lies on this site?
the cathloics are not what i thought thay were if this is what thay realy teach.
Hey Chipster,
Go easy on New Eyes...maybe he/she's from a non-english speaking country. Since there are very few non-english web-sites that deal with the issues dealt here, and JWs have spread like a cancer around the globe...well, you figure it out. Also, if they are from a non-english speaking country, they won't have an english spell-check in their word processor, will they?
Welcome to the boards New Eyes! :-)
Your eyes will be opened by the information presented here.
Peter Stride
Toronto, Canada
i don't know about the rest of you but i was one of the stupid ones lugging bricks around and cleaning them up for the jw's shortly before i left.. how many others here have done the same???.
how many of us have at one time been construction workers for the borg???.
esther...you set my brain working on this one with your thread .
Helped in three KH constructions. Ho hum.
Peter Stride
Toronto, Canada
this is a must read: the following is taken from the january 15, 1952 watchtower, pages 63 and 64. it is the most cmpassionate, kind, and detailed article i ever found on the topic of how jws know they are anointed.
the article even encourages jws to consider'partaking of the emblems' at the memorial.
it is the 'final article' that gave me the 'courage' to openly declare my hope as one of the anointed.
I don't know how my first eroneous statement got re-posted, after I already posted my retraction and correction.
However, itt had kind of stuck in my mind that maybe Fred Franz hadn't been baptized by the WTS (because of his statement to his nephew, Raymond), but from what I understand, he did indeed get re-baptized.
Peter Stride
Toronto, Canada
many exjws, inactive or those still in but see the many problems that are associated with the org keep asking when will the society change.
they keep wondering whether the gb is aware of the problems and if it is, why does it not do anything.
certain gb members might even comment privately about some misgivings they may have toward certain policies or doctrine, yet fail to act.. i believe there are a number of reasons, but the main ones are gb internal dynamics and external influence.. concerning gb internal dynamics, it has been known that in a tight knit authoritarian system, whether it be a dictatorship, committee based, or even sometimes democratic, the one that suggests a major change does so at his own peril.
Very well said Defender.
One of the things that stuck in my mind, and which you pointed out again, is after Russell started printing his ideas, and he had followers, it all started going to his head...and thus the borg was born, and now it's getting out of control. Wow...
Peter Stride
Toronto, Canada
this is a must read: the following is taken from the january 15, 1952 watchtower, pages 63 and 64. it is the most cmpassionate, kind, and detailed article i ever found on the topic of how jws know they are anointed.
the article even encourages jws to consider'partaking of the emblems' at the memorial.
it is the 'final article' that gave me the 'courage' to openly declare my hope as one of the anointed.
Fred Franz himself admitted that he was never baptized as a JW.
I'll look up the references and post them,
Peter Stride
Toronto, Canada
this is a must read: the following is taken from the january 15, 1952 watchtower, pages 63 and 64. it is the most cmpassionate, kind, and detailed article i ever found on the topic of how jws know they are anointed.
the article even encourages jws to consider'partaking of the emblems' at the memorial.
it is the 'final article' that gave me the 'courage' to openly declare my hope as one of the anointed.
I stand corrected...from what I understand, Fred Franz did get baptized as a JW.....and here are some of the details, taken from Raymond Franz's book "In Search of Christian Freedom", page 115.
"Initially among Bible Student's in Russel's day, no issue was made as to one's having been baptized while affiliated with one of the various Christian denominations. The only question was whether one understood the meaning of baptism and whether this was by immersion.
(I recall my uncle, Fred Franz, when already the Watch Tower's vice president, remarking to me that if his baptism in the Presbyterian Church had been by immersion (rather than sprinkling) he would have considered it still valid.)
That remained the case for over seven decades. As late as the July 1, 1955, Watchtower (page 412) it was stated that rebaptism was necessary only if the "previous baptism was not in symbol of a dedication" or if it was not by immersion.
The same 1955 Watchtower (page 411) also said in part that "A Christian...cannot be baptized in the name of the one actually doing the immersing or in the name of any man, nor in the name of any organization, but in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy spirit."
Well, since 1985, everyone that gets baptized does so into an earthly organization, against what's stated in the bible.
Peter Stride
Toronto, Canada
this is a must read: the following is taken from the january 15, 1952 watchtower, pages 63 and 64. it is the most cmpassionate, kind, and detailed article i ever found on the topic of how jws know they are anointed.
the article even encourages jws to consider'partaking of the emblems' at the memorial.
it is the 'final article' that gave me the 'courage' to openly declare my hope as one of the anointed.
Fred Franz himself admitted that he was never baptized as a JW.
I'll look up the references and post them,
Peter Stride
Toronto, Canada
if you want to try some aussie beer for free, go to this site and they will crate out 2 bottles of australian beer anywhere in the world!.
the things you find when you're surfing the net!!
here: http://www.stone-dead.asn.au/silly-stuff/fosters/main.html
I guess no-one has tried Upper Canada Dark Ale beer (very similar to another great Canadian beer from Sleeman)...probably because it's only available in the province of Ontario (aka Upper Canada).
Hmmm...I wonder if a bunch of Bob&DougMacKenzie (take off, eh?) fans would set up a web-site to distribute free Canadian beer to other parts of the world! LOL
Peter Stride
Toronto, Canada