I think you mean .0024
A couple of decimals make a big difference. Pretty dismal outlook for the dubs.
convention in lowell mass june 15-17 2018...about 4500 in attendance...11 baptized (0.24%)...believe about 6 of those were kids of current jw's..
I think you mean .0024
A couple of decimals make a big difference. Pretty dismal outlook for the dubs.
seems like such an obviously correct decision to overturn the previous overreach - it should never have been necessary to go to the supreme court but happened because the rights of the religious were being ignored.. as the fundamental level, no one should be able to compel you to work for them or to provide services that go against your beliefs, and certainly not have the government be able to force you to comply.. if this was allowed there would be so many unreconcilable situations that would clog up courts over nonsense.. i also have little patience for these activists that intentionally look to be offended.
it really doesn't do their cause any good to go round looking to make trouble for people.
it's also misguided because it ends up strengthening religious rights over effectively stupid issues.. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/04/us/politics/supreme-court-sides-with-baker-who-turned-away-gay-couple.html.
There is nothing to suggest the bakers hate gays. They have a moral objection to gay marriage and prefer not to offer their services to a gay wedding ceremony.
This is just homophobic doublespeak. If you're going to hate the gays just say so. It seems that many on this board share your thoughts.
I do agree that people should act on their conscience and not be forced to do anything they do not wish to do. They should also own up to their prejudices and be prepared to face the consequences or lack thereof.
maga hat...make america great again .
guy wears it in nyc bar and gets thrown out.
manhattan court throws out the case citing that since its not religious discrimination, it’s the bar’s right.. what so you think about this?
It may have nothing to do with politics at all. Trump is/was universally hated in this town long before he ran for office. Too bad the rest of the country didn't know him for the asshat he is like his hometown does.
so it's been over a month since i decided to grow a beard.
the mustache and chin have come in fuller than i ever imagined - while the cheeks leave me wondering if i'll ever grow enough hair to make it not look so wildly unkept and patchy (if anyone has any advice here it'd be much appreciated).
but in the mean time i'll give it another month and see how it goes.. .
Try a goatee maybe?
april fools?
while london remains substantially the safer city overall, with less than half the homicides of new york last year, according to a new report a recent spike in knife crime meant february was the first month the uk capital was home to more murders than the us city.london has endured a significant increase in knife crime, with 15 dying in february, nine of whom were aged 30 or younger.
meanwhile 14 were killed in the big apple..
Research suggests that stop-and-frisk had few effects, if any, on crime in New York City.[8][9]
Sorry, no effect on crime from stop and frisk.
april fools?
while london remains substantially the safer city overall, with less than half the homicides of new york last year, according to a new report a recent spike in knife crime meant february was the first month the uk capital was home to more murders than the us city.london has endured a significant increase in knife crime, with 15 dying in february, nine of whom were aged 30 or younger.
meanwhile 14 were killed in the big apple..
The Washington Times bias rating is leans right. The Washington Times has the slogan “America’s Newspaper” and targets center-right conservatives, even defining itself as a conservative news outlet. The newspaper was created by Sun Myung Moon to conservatively fight communism, and also to stand as another, more conservative option to The Washington Post, which he claimed had a liberal bias. Because the newspaper is conservative, the AllSides Bias Rating™ for The Washington Times leans right. As of April 2017, a vast majority of the 14,000 AllSides users who voted agree with the lean right ranking. This number is consistent with the July 2016 results in which a large majority had also agreed.
Show me your bias and I'll show you mine.
Stop and frisk was eliminated by the current very left leaning DiBlasio administration years ago.
NYC is the quintessential home for immigration even though it is surrounded by oceans.
Ever heard of Ellis Island? My Great Grandmother came to this country through there in 1904. If illegals are as smart and nefarious as you all seem to think, I would conclude that they can get to NYC if they wanted, geography not withstanding.
april fools?
while london remains substantially the safer city overall, with less than half the homicides of new york last year, according to a new report a recent spike in knife crime meant february was the first month the uk capital was home to more murders than the us city.london has endured a significant increase in knife crime, with 15 dying in february, nine of whom were aged 30 or younger.
meanwhile 14 were killed in the big apple..
Ya those dirty leftists have got NYC into a real crime wave.
Violent crime in New York City has been dropping since the mid-1990s[1] and, as of 2017, is the lowest of any major city in the United States. In 2017, there were 290 homicides, the lowest number since the 1940s.[2]
i keep saying this is a bad place/policy to put all the time, energy and resources if you really do in fact care, or if you are just riding the agenda bandwagon: .
an assault-weapons ban is irrelevant to suicide deaths.
the large majority of gun deaths are suicides, and there is no credible argument that an assault-weapons ban will have the slightest effect on suicide.
This is a forum for those who wish to escape a high control religion and you want to use it as a forum to forward a political agenda? Really?
so lloyd evans will shortly be releasing his new book how to leave the jehovah's witnesses.
i do enjoy his rebuttals and the stuff he manages to get hold of and leak.
but i'm struggling to understand what he could possibly write to merit a whole book.. all info on how to leave is right here on this forum.
Observing here only the best in humanity...people with a common history attacking another.
first, this is the second invite i received and it came with an awake magazine.
i'm pretty sure it is the crazy anointed witness that i knew, that is dropping it off.. i decided to look at it to see what is the wt is up to.
how different the content is from long ago.. on the back page, there is a header in a red box that says "the way of happiness learn more.
Rub a Dub indeed...