FlyingHigh - there are actually quite a few of us!
JoinedPosts by pettygrudger
Are There Some People Here That You Feel TOTALLY Comfortable With??
by minimus in....that you could tell them anything and share your identity with??
Other peoples happiness.......
by obiwan init's so sad sometimes to see people question anothers happiness.
there have been posts made about good things happening to our fellow posters here.
posters questioning good fortune and happiness.
America: North America - The Difference: BRITS READ UP!
by RAYZORBLADE inwelcome to the continent of north america.. within this continent, which includes also the carribbean islands, and central america, it's not one (1) country, but a collection of different countries.. i have noticed, quite a bit actually, with our friends from across the pond (atlantic ocean), especially those that reside in great britain/united kingdom, yes even the republic of ireland, of their generalities with regards to the term: america.. heaven forbid, i would guess if you lumped all brits in with europe/europeans.
wrong.. my experience has been that, most brits consider anything over this way.....the other side of the atlantic as: america.
thus to other nationalities within north america: that means: the u.s.a.. to a north american: when you say "america" it means: the united states of america.
*cough* - If one were to tell me the type of chili beans they need, I might be so inclined to ship up a crate of them *cough*
Infant Circumcision
by RAYZORBLADE ini figured that this topic must come up from time to time; especially moreso over here in north america.. as some of you are well aware, i posted a lovely thread about the upcoming birth about my nephew.. i'm thrilled about him, i simply just can't wait.. anyways, having been born here in north america, specifically: canada.
circumcision was common, if not all the rage in the 1950s, and 1960s and probably up until the 1970s.
with national health care, you can bet that the medical profession saw many dollars with regards to foreskins (sorry for graphic remarks).
I could not bring myself to allow either of my boys to be snipped - although the grandparents were very upset about it. Neither have ever had infections or problems.
On a personal note - I have had both snipped & unsnipped sex (and sex where I wanted to snip the unsnipped) - I don't believe a little bit of attached skin makes a big difference in the whole scheme of things if the partners know what they are doing.
Are There Some People Here That You Feel TOTALLY Comfortable With??
by minimus in....that you could tell them anything and share your identity with??
The only individuals I will EVER trust again from these boards are those who I have met, shared time/meals, etc with.
Apostofests are "nice", but even then one must allow time to REALLY get to know another person, like you would anyone in real life. The only thing the majority of us have in common is the JW religion - other than that we are all still individuals, just like everyone else in the world. Not everyone that got DF'd, or even just left the JW's was "victimized" to an extent - there were some pretty rotten apples in the barrel. Can't say they didn't find their way here, its obvious that some of them have.
The meet-ups are actually a much better way to meet individuals in ones own area. Having an opportunity to meet an individual monthly until you've gotten a chance to really know them is a wonderful avenue.
lonely christmas
by maybesbabies inack!
i can't stand it anymore!
i've been broken up with my boyfriend for two weeks now, and this is my first x-mas alone in 3 years.
Its hard, and yes Xmas is the worst time to be feeling vulnerable. It will get better - and just look forward to all the Christmas' you have to come, with someone who really is on the same page & truly completes you!
Now, wash that man right outta your hair, and get yourself ready for something even better!
by RAYZORBLADE inwell, well, well....if the celebrations never stop, we have reason for just one more:.
happy birthday gadget.
to one of the finest members of this forum, i would like to thank you for being a positive member here, as well as contributing greatly to the highly successful "secret santa" this year.. it was great!!.
12:00 a.m. (E.S.T.) Boxing Day Now: how do you all feel?
by RAYZORBLADE inwell, the clock has hit midnight, and all the christmas music that has been so prominently played on the radio, has come to an end.. it's now, at least here in eastern north america: boxing day, december 26th.. christmas, is over.. how was it for you?.
how do you feel, now that it is over?.
for those who are celebrating either again, post-jw, or the first time post-jw: how was it?.
My Xmas was wonderful as usual. I swear I relive my childhood of missed xmas' every year as I watch the kids open their presents & get all giddy. My children truly make it worth all the effort it takes. To be surrounded by true friends & family - there's no greater joy. It gets overwhelming, so today is nothing but laying around, eating leftovers & playing with all our new toys. We are truly blessed & fortunate.
Our company was able to adopt 8 children for xmas this year, and it was such a treat & honor to deliver the packages. To know those children weren't expecting too much, and to fulfill their truest desires is an experience I hope all will get the fortune to experience for themselves. Most had asked for coats, mittens & clothes, so we were able to fulfill not only their needs, but also some of their secret wishes.
Back in Seattle Again
by maybesbabies inhey all, i'm back in seattle!
broke up with the boyfriend, and came on home.
sorry we didn't get to have that beer in ohio, yesterdays child!
Glad to hear that you got there safely & are settling in. Real disappointed that we never got the opportunity to hook-up, but one of these days it will happen!
Good Luck & thinking of ya!
Moving out!
by iiz2cool ina few months ago i made a post regarding filing for divorce.. .
i was probably putting the cart before the horse, as we were still living together.
i recently decided that i've dragged my ass long enough, and today i told my wife i would be moving out.