Chris - here's an article that sums it up better than I could:
our 8-year-old son, jackson, is exhibiting the following symptoms:.
* disorganized (unfortunately, this has kind of been since birth but more pronounced now).
* hard to concentrate.
Chris - here's an article that sums it up better than I could:
our 8-year-old son, jackson, is exhibiting the following symptoms:.
* disorganized (unfortunately, this has kind of been since birth but more pronounced now).
* hard to concentrate.
We tried that once before (no milk, no dairy, no gluten) and I saw no change in physical symptoms at all.
How long did you do the elimination diet with him? Many times, it MUST be done consistently (no *accidents*) for a few weeks to begin to see any positive effects. Also, at the same time, the gut MUST be healed from the overgrowth of bad bacterias so that future *accidents* don't undo weeks of work.
And, has your son ever had any heavy metal testing done? It seems that American children in particular are showing HUGE increases in the amounts of heavy metals within their systems. For some children, they aren't able to process the vast amounts as others, and the metals end up depositing into the brain, wherein they block neuro-transmittors and the child can begin exhibiting difficult behaviors.
our 8-year-old son, jackson, is exhibiting the following symptoms:.
* disorganized (unfortunately, this has kind of been since birth but more pronounced now).
* hard to concentrate.
If he can get into TV or a video game, he probably isn't ADD/ADHD in the classic sense.
Actually - a child w/ADD or ADHD is *more* prone to being pulled into a TV or video game as the constant stimulation the brain receives from these items (without any of the work) is very addictive to children with this disorder.
our 8-year-old son, jackson, is exhibiting the following symptoms:.
* disorganized (unfortunately, this has kind of been since birth but more pronounced now).
* hard to concentrate.
Yes Rhonda- for some allergists it's hard. But if you get a good one and go through and really find those food sensitivities through elimination diets and other means, it works great. I grew up with a corn allergy that I never knew I had until I was an adult. And corn is in everything !! It's not as bad as it was earlier in life but I still have to read labels all the time. And for kids-a corn allergy can be awful and create very uncomfortable symptoms for them and troublesome behavior outward as well.
True XW - but the types of allergies I'm talking about would NEVER show up on a good allergists radar screen. Usually it involves caisens or glutens. It's not so much that the children are "allergic" to them as they are not able to process them correctly - and the *symptoms* of these *allergies* are EXACTLY as Nina has described above (with the exception that a large percentage usually have periodic problems with bowel movements - either really *loose* stools or constipation). And usually, there is a several week period of elimination necessary in order to see true positive results, along with healing the stomach from the damage that has been caused (usually a HIGH ratio of Candida Yeast in the gut - not symptomatic so one would not know).
There are also natural treatments involved in removing the heavy metals from a person, as these can find a way into a child's brain & begin blocking neuro-transmitors- once again showing itself in the symptoms that Nina described above. The only true way to find out if heavy metals are the problem is seeing a Homeopathic doctor - the medical industry would just laugh you out of the office. Once again however, many parents have found this procedure to be their child's *cure*.
There are finally several clinics now in the U.S. that work with the parents to treat these food problems, and they have a VERY high percentage of *cures* from the symptoms of ADD/ADHD/Autism etc., including the behavioral ones. Not all - but a lot!
America has a diet that mostly consists of a lot of glutens & caisens in everything we eat. Which in turn has lead to a high ratio of all sorts of auto immune disorders (Fibromygalia, Diabetes, Chrohns Disease, IBS, etc). And also seems to have some correlation with all the *labels* we are applying to our children. As I said, not all, as in my son's case he will never be *cured* - but in a lot of cases, they can be asymptomatic just with a change in dietary habits.
our 8-year-old son, jackson, is exhibiting the following symptoms:.
* disorganized (unfortunately, this has kind of been since birth but more pronounced now).
* hard to concentrate.
Regarding the "allergies" mentioned above, sometimes the allergists & specialists cant actually *diagnos* the allergy - it's more like a food sensitivity.
The book "Special Diets for Special Kids" is GREAT in explaining this phenomena - and it DID work wonders for my son.
our 8-year-old son, jackson, is exhibiting the following symptoms:.
* disorganized (unfortunately, this has kind of been since birth but more pronounced now).
* hard to concentrate.
Nina - I would consult with the staff at your ISD & request an "evaluation" - as it sounds as if your son may have a couple of different things.
They must by law give your child an appropriate evaluation, and then make recommendations for any special needs he may have to help him in his studies at school, and also help you on the path to helping him at home.
I would also look into the book "Special Diets for Special Kids". It sounds to me this could be a classic case of how dietary intervention may help w/behavioral/emotional issues.
1. scrambled or sunny-side up?
"early bird" or "night owl"?
3. be polite or honest?
1. Scrambled or sunny-side up? Neither - Eggs - GROSS!
2. "Early bird" or "night owl"? night owl preferred
3. Be polite or honest? polite
4. Do you prefer blonds, brunettes or redheads? brunettes
5. Coffee or tea? coffee
6. Introvert or extrovert? both given the situation
7. PJs or nekkid? nekkid
8. Comedies or dramas? comedies
9. Superman or Batman? Batman
10. Chocolate or vanilla? Vanilla
11. Dogs or cats? dogs
12. Penthouse in the center of a big city or ranch house out in the country? Ranch in the Country
13. On top or on bottom? Top
14. Is there a kiss you'll always remember? What's her/his name? What year was it? Where were you? What were they wearing? Yes; Jason; 1974; outside on my swingset; blue jeans.
15. Color photos or black & white? black and white
16. Mickey Mouse or Mighty Mouse? Mighty Mouse
17. Cynical or idealistic? idealistic
18. Religious or anti? religious
19. Summer or winter? winter
20. Liberal or Conservative? Liberal
21. Quiet night at home or out on the town? home
22. Beer or wine? beer
23. Optimistic or pessimistic? optimistic
24. Traditional furniture or Contemporary? both
25. Are you a facts or an ideas person? ideas
26. If you were an animal, what would you be? panther
27. If you were a musical instrument, what would you be? harmonica
28. Home in the mountains or on the beach? both
29. T-shirt and jeans or tuxedo? t-shirt and jeans
30. Face-to-face or spoon? spoon
31. Hand wash the dishes or use the dishwasher? hand wash
32. Favorite color? Mauve
i missed most of tonights program, but i cought the last 5 minutes and the guy who was in jail for murder i believe it was, mentioned the jehovahs witnesses and he said something about them being at fault?
the title of tonights show was....."boise, id: last dance education.
' the man who mentioned this was a russian.. do any of you know anything about this story?
I usually keep it on as background noise -
Basically this guy married a JW witness, killed her (at least according to the state) and is claiming that the "Church" killed her for marrying an unbeliever.
it's been a very long week.i have spent most of week in the hospital with my nana.. she had a massive heart attack on tuesday and it is not looking good.she has gone down hill fast since pop's passed recentainly.. please say a prayer for her.
it would mean alot to me.. morty
(((Morty))) I didn't realize you were going through so much. Sorry I haven't been there for you.
You & your family, especially your nana, are in my thoughts and prayers.
stop hiding behind your anonymity.
there is a fink on this messege board.
a practicing jw who frequents the board in order to report things to people.. well, here is to the person who is my father's "little bird".
I wonder if they would justify LYING to that question in the name of "theocratic warfare"?