Making up numbers and then using those numbers as a reason why something is not and something else is is not scientific; it's not relevant to anything.
When you read these books by creationists you need to understand that those numbers are placed there only for the credulous. They have no bearing on reality and do not add to our understanding of the likelihood of something occurring in nature. Why? Because they do not take into account that certain things in biology happen automatically (even if there is a myriad of other possible combinations the overwhelming majority of those possibilities will never occur because the energy transfer that occurs when things join up or separate is not compatible for that overwhelming majority) or that events take place in numerous places simultaneously, continuously 24/7 for millennia.
As usual, creationists are not adding to our knowledge by producing science based evidence, instead they make up nonsense numbers and then assert that these numbers prove evolution cannot happen. It's utter nonsense and useful only for those people who want to hold on to preconceptions they have about how things, in their world, should work...