Perry, as usual, has ignored previous replies and continues ahead with this nonsense.
Perry, if you were to learn about ice core dating you would know that answer to that question already. That you are asking such basic questions should give you pause to consider just how advanced your knowledge is of this subject.
There may be many layers in 1 year in areas such as where those planes are buried. However counting layers is not how age is calculated. The area that these planes are buried in are areas of high annual snow fall and is on an active glacier. For many reasons ice cores are not taken at locations such as that. Ice cores are taken from areas of stability and low snow fall such as inland areas.
One more time for emphasis...: Ice cores are NOT taken from active glaciers such as the one you present, areas of high annual snow fall will show wider layering for a given time period, measured depth is NOT an indicator of time passed, a layer is not an indicator that 1 year has passed; in short you are presenting a straw man and you do not possess enough knowledge to realise this.
My previous reply addressed your key issues.
What you need, Perry, is an understanding of this subject.