Digging for diamonds in that state park in Arkansas is pretty inefficient too. People still do it, indicating they must really be interested in diamonds.
JoinedPosts by lanalonger
The wt has now changed Jesus definition of neighboor
by poopie inthe man asked jesus who is my neighbor jesus stated the one who acts mercifully toward other humans.
not good enough for watchtower neighbor must fit in three catagories only according to yesterdays wt wow changed the words of the son of god.
No more pain sorrow or crying in new system!!!!!!!
by atomant in"and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain.
for the old world and its evils are gone forever.
" rev.
In order for the earth to be free of wickedness, some persons will end up dying. But as it stands, we are all dying. So either the whole human family keeps suffering, or some are destroyed. Will you go on record as stating that all the suffering and dying should continue, and that that is preferable to the death of the already-dying who reject God's rulership?
I can unequivocally learn to cope with the potential deaths of family, colleagues, etc. (again, they are already dying) if it means no more sick babies, cancer, war, all the madness to end.
I returned because we have the best understanding of the Bible, and I believe we need God's guidance. God doesn't need our worship or thanks, he asks us for it for our own benefit, not his. Everything he is doing is to secure our future. He and Christ will preserve as many as possible, strange that it will take destruction in order to preserve mankind but without it we would do ourselves in eventually.
-and thank you.
The wt has now changed Jesus definition of neighboor
by poopie inthe man asked jesus who is my neighbor jesus stated the one who acts mercifully toward other humans.
not good enough for watchtower neighbor must fit in three catagories only according to yesterdays wt wow changed the words of the son of god.
Prior to seeking reinstatement a few years back, I read every drop of anti-jw material I could find, a different take on making sure of all things, I suppose, so I am not too worried, but I appreciate your kind thoughts. A couple of things actually helped move me back, a big topic then was the 'Jesus is not the mediator for all' bit, which I knew we never taught. I could clearly see how a particular article was being twisted (sorry, lack a better word for that) to make it appear we were being taught that, but it's simply false. I know the complexities of the molestation issue from personal experience, and I believe that failures in that occur but there is no widespread effort to allow it or coverup, no vaunted 'pedophile paradise.' I believe Ray Franz took that view as well.
I know we are still not 100 percent sure if the folks from Sodom will be resurrected.:) I believe the brotherhood itself is a work in progress as well as each of us individually and it's good to have a sense of humor about all of it.
If anything bothers me I'll tackle it, but I feel like I've seen pretty much all of it, a lot seems to get recycled, rehashed ....oh for the record I can see where the overlapping generations is a bit of a head-scratcher but I am willing to exercise patience on that one. Have a super day, all.
No more pain sorrow or crying in new system!!!!!!!
by atomant in"and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain.
for the old world and its evils are gone forever.
" rev.
Just a little more clarifying thought. The scripture told why there would be no pain, because the evils of this world will have passed. So the pain it is talking about are the pains caused by the evils of this world, not the ones caused by possession of a nervous system that assists us with appropriate pain signals. -
The wt has now changed Jesus definition of neighboor
by poopie inthe man asked jesus who is my neighbor jesus stated the one who acts mercifully toward other humans.
not good enough for watchtower neighbor must fit in three catagories only according to yesterdays wt wow changed the words of the son of god.
Actually during the commenting on that paragraph we agreed it was everyone.
I stand by my defense of the article, it's tone, content, and intent were to teach, as one subheading expressed, to show love to all persons. One day that won't have to be taught, it will have been learned and be in practice, to everyone's 'exquisite delight.'
The wt has now changed Jesus definition of neighboor
by poopie inthe man asked jesus who is my neighbor jesus stated the one who acts mercifully toward other humans.
not good enough for watchtower neighbor must fit in three catagories only according to yesterdays wt wow changed the words of the son of god.
As a group, our ministry is to the ends of the earth, hence 'those we meet in the ministry' encompasses everyone. Mentioning the three groups made sense in context as I said, as the article went on to explain how to show neighbor love to each group.
There was nothing new here, just reminders on how to love, being 'patient and kind,' not reviling when reviled , etc.
inquiring mind has 3 questions
by OutsiderLookingIn injust a few questions from a newbie.
answer one or as many as you want.
1. why cleaners?
Cleaners--flexible hours, the money isn’t bad for the time put in, and being able to choose one’s working hours helps if one wants to spend more time in the ministry.
Correct, leaving doesn’t mean ‘never return,’ and I am a case in point there.
Can’t help with the 3rd one, but just wanted to point out, that if you can see that some leave, though they might return, possibly ‘captive’ is a rather strong word. Just a thought. Captives don’t get to ‘leave.’
No more pain sorrow or crying in new system!!!!!!!
by atomant in"and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain.
for the old world and its evils are gone forever.
" rev.
I’ve always understood it to mean ‘excessive’ or unnecessary pain.
You need to know you stubbed your toe so you don’t walk in such a way you pinch your toe off. Some pain is necessary. The pain of illness, cancer, losing loved ones in death, these Jehovah and his chosen King will free us from , and I am quite grateful that he is working out his purpose to do this.
You ever notice how very young children feel pain but don’t suffer? They fall, and might whimper or cry, (sometimes depending on whether anyone is noticing, lol) but then they move on. They don’t tell themselves a story about it or obsess, think anything is wrong with them, they just get up and embrace life. That’s how I believe we will function. (Some writers endorse this as ‘living in the moment’ and I think they are on to something.)
Lazarus suffered and died, and his sisters suffered the pain of bereavement for several days. Jesus felt it. Then he brought him back, and gave us a glimpse of the future. There will be so much reason for joy. What chance will sorrow have? God promises us that he will be once again ‘all in all’ or ‘all things to everyone,’ reunited with humans in the bond we were meant to experience across the realms.
We might barely begin to fathom just what that might encompass, with the limited information we have now. I want to know it, to grow to what God intended us to be in harmony with him and his heavenly creations. That’s what I believe the Bible promises, and it dwarfs any concerns, in my opinion, about how will we cope with losing impermanent things. We’ll learn, that’s kind of the point.
The wt has now changed Jesus definition of neighboor
by poopie inthe man asked jesus who is my neighbor jesus stated the one who acts mercifully toward other humans.
not good enough for watchtower neighbor must fit in three catagories only according to yesterdays wt wow changed the words of the son of god.
What would the world be like if everyone applied the words of the lesson, Jesus' counsel to love one's neighbor? -
No more pain sorrow or crying in new system!!!!!!!
by atomant in"and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain.
for the old world and its evils are gone forever.
" rev.
Sorrow is defined as deep distress, which is a choice we sometimes make when we hold to an emotion which could pass if we allow it. To not feel the passing of a creature we are fond of would be robotic, to suffer over the inevitable would be unnecessary. I simply believe there will be a middle ground. God is described as being able to be saddened, to feel regret, etc. but he doesn't suffer.
If perfection meant 'no emotional range' it would stand to reason God would have none. I believe it will mean 'psychologically healthy.'