I took my wife to her second three weeks of chemo sessions for the pancreatic cancer. This is the first cat scan since the start of chemo sessions. They find some shrinking of the cancer. Good news.
Another interesting thing was the social worker talking to us and a few others about how to handle the stress of this all.
After this was over I found myself alone with this social worker and she wanted to ask some questions.
She wanted to know some of my past and how this may affect the present in regards to how I will handle the stress.
This gave me the opportunity to speak to her in depth for about an hour about the wbts and their demands and punishment and cult like behaviour. She listened to all of it and asked several questions and told me she had to deal with jw's quite often.
She said this explains some of the odd reactions she saw in these jw's and how they behaved.
We went deeply into the shunning and its affect on people. We also went into the fear/guilt tools the wbts uses on its followers.
She kept coming back to the shunning issue as she found it so hateful so hard to believe. From what I observed in her I think that this shuning issue should be promoted and especially letting others know
that this is not a few weeks or months thing like in other religions, It is for life if one does not come back and grovel for reinstatement. It destroys families and friends for life in many if not most cases.
I learned that most people think this is a few weeks or months at the most when a person is shunned.
I believe that very few people really know what it means to be excomunicated by the jw's.
Even though this is the most horrible thing they can and do inflict on their members