Hi BluePill2,
Every time I read posts like yours I feel more confident about my decision to leave the JW's. Thank you for taking the time to post!
before i dive into the actual write-up of this experience, let me put some things straight.. i have thought long and hard if i should write more about my experiences during the 10+ years at different branches.
during these years i worked from financial department, service department, home office and different it assignments.
as you can imagine one sees and hears and reads a lot of stuff going through different stations in different countries.
Hi BluePill2,
Every time I read posts like yours I feel more confident about my decision to leave the JW's. Thank you for taking the time to post!
Once I left i started voting for everything I could. People fought and died so I could vote - the best way to honor them is to exercise my rights.
i'm retired now and worried about losing my mind!
you have to keep exercising your brain to prevent dementia and similar stuff.
use it or lose it!.
Salut Hortensia! Bon courage avec tes études. I teach Middle School French I and I have some on-line resources I can send to you. PM me if you'd like them. Bravo for taking the time and energy to keep your mind active.
hey guys.
don't really post here much, mostly just lurk around.
so here's just backstory: in 2012, after about half a year of research i decided to leave the organization.
I sent a letter in to the elders. I had a week to change my mind before it was announced that I was DA'd. Everyone knew before the announcement becuase I was shunned at the store and local coffee shops. I'm glad it happened otherwise I might have changed my mind. Anything you send in will be kept in a file in the library. My advice to you - walk away and never look back. Any explanation you give will be attributed to your "mentally diseased state" and your being influenced by Satan.
personally, i respect that everyone has choices to believe whatever they want to believe.
i have no interest in joining another religion....what about you?.
I'm done with religion and god. No interest in religion of any kind anymore.
it's clear that virtually everyone on here is infuriated by wt teachings/doctrines/practices, but i would really like to know what is of most concern to people who frequent this forum.. here is my top 5, number 1 being the most significant/infuriating:.
the disfellowshipping practice - expanded to include family members (but not parents) who are old enough to leave home.
wrecks families and creates abject fear once people find out the truth about the organization.the blood issue - another unmerciful teaching, but one that costs lives.unquestioned authority of governing body - a handful of men make life-altering decisions as representatives of a larger group of people who they never see or speak to, and yet they demand unquestioning obedience on pain of being disfellowshipped.failed prophecy - the fulfilment of huge swathes of bible prophecy, including revelation, has been attributed to the events of the early 20th century, and the actions of a small group of men.two-tier christianity - faithful and discreet slave are anointed who go to heaven to whom ransom provisions apply directly, whereas remainder, or "great crowd" stay on earth and form a sub-class, only access benefits of ransom through fds.i realise that many of these issues are inter-related, but that's roughly how i would put them.
1. Believing that any non-Witness is a dead person walking
2. Male headship over women
3. Child Abuse cover-ups
4. Forcing children into baptism/service
5. Blood doctrine - lost a friend because of this insanity
the scoop of humanity at one khall, the anointed ones" were a mixed group.. one bro, h. had been in for eons.
he was df for adultery, back in the day when they would announce your sin openly from the platform to everyone.
he just kept on coming and partaking until he was reinstated.
I knew two men in my US congregation. Both older and cranky. One left the kh one day and never came back. The other one stopped taking emblems shortly before he died with no explanation.
In France there was a man in his early forties ( this was 10 years ago) who claimed he was annointed. His mother beleived him but everyone else doubted him. He went to the French Bethel but cracked up and was sent back. He pioneered and was an elder. He was a nice and caring man, but a little off. He was in love with a single sister but she wouldn't have anything to do with him because she didn't want to be "left behind" at Armageddon when he went to rule in heaven.
i know quite a few from both of these schools who basically crashed and burned once they got into their assignments.
graduates of these schools would be thrown into foreign territorities or remote areas without a good visible means of support and would get emotionally, mentally, financially burned out.
post your experiences or of those you know that went to these pitiful excuses for educational institutions..
I knew a couple who came out of Gilead. They were sent to Bosnia. The wife managed but her husband literally cracked up and they had to come home. They were the shame of the congregation. Everyone said he must have been spiritually weak if he couldn't fulfill his obligation to Jehovah. Well, Jehovah and his henchmen did nothing to support this couple other than tell them to pray harder.
so, unexpectedly, the final talk was announced today and to my surprise and evil glee, they announced gerrit loesch as the speaker!
first off, at the beginning of his talk, he interrupted himself in the middle of his sentence to scold the microphone brother to lower my mike it's right in my face.. anyway, it was the talk on inspired truth, vs. inspired falsehoods.
he went through 6 expressions inspired by the demons.
I can't believe I used to be part of that freakshow religion. The GB definitely seem to be getting bolder in their talks.
january 19, 1923 may 31, 2013. the good heart of edith:.
My parents watched All in teh Family when it first aired. My brother and I grew up watching the reruns. We thought the show was hilarious and Edith was just like my Gramma. I'm glad Jean lived a long and happy life.