beard story....a man who had worn a beard for many years, shaved, got baptized, went out in service. He knocked at a door and a woman answered and he said ( name of one of his ex wives ) She asked him who he was. He reported to the car group that she didn't recognize him without a beard and a beer.
JoinedPosts by enoughisenough
Another interesting comment made by a PIMI JW
by joe134cd ini thought i’d shear this with you good people.
the cognitive dissonance is just breath taking.
i over heard this comment at a relatives family dinner the other night.
Underage child: PIMI vs PIMO parents rights
by psyco ini am a pimo, inactive, parent of an underage child.
i was wondering what rights i have in regards to avoid that my child will be baptized when still underage, not having read the entire bible and before being able to clearly evaluate all the alternatives and consequences (like it happened to me) whereas the other pimi parent has all the rights to do it.
any experiences about children in a pimi vs pimo parents situation?
I am also thinking beings you are pimo, that you need to find stealth ways to undermine the JW teachings . A direct approach likely won't work...teach critical thinking.
MY EXPERIMENT with new A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) refutes Watchtower chronology in a blazing one second of time
by Terry inbulletin (apple ios users only).
these secular sources and evidence suggest that the destruction of jerusalem by babylon took place in 537 bce, not 607 bce as jehovah's witnesses believe.. .
these problems with the watchtower society's reasoning suggest that their interpretation of the bible and the date of the destruction of jerusalem by babylon is incorrect.. .
The GB would declare A I apostate!
Underage child: PIMI vs PIMO parents rights
by psyco ini am a pimo, inactive, parent of an underage child.
i was wondering what rights i have in regards to avoid that my child will be baptized when still underage, not having read the entire bible and before being able to clearly evaluate all the alternatives and consequences (like it happened to me) whereas the other pimi parent has all the rights to do it.
any experiences about children in a pimi vs pimo parents situation?
To change band wagons: if you are pimo, then the kid thinks you are still a JW only not so "active". A thought came to me that you try to have a one on one Bible study with the child. When in this Bible study, you come across scriptures that the WT have twisted to suit their narrative ( such as the one I posted this morning about Christ's brothers) then the two of you do the research-Bible verses WT. Pull it off like it is the first time you ever questioned it. The JW want you to do research in their literature...and that is what condemns them the most. Take the generation teaching. Going on an illustration limb here-suppose you promised the kid a car when kid turns 16. Kid turns 16, and you tell him you got new information that he really shouldn't have a car until he is 18, so he will have to wait until he is 18. He turns 18 and you tell him he can't legally drink until he is 21, so you decide you aren't getting him a car until he is 21. Kid turns 21 and you are flat broke and you tell the kid that if you ever get enough money ahead you will buy the car for the kid. Ask the kid if he trusts you and believes you are really ever going to buy a car?
Underage child: PIMI vs PIMO parents rights
by psyco ini am a pimo, inactive, parent of an underage child.
i was wondering what rights i have in regards to avoid that my child will be baptized when still underage, not having read the entire bible and before being able to clearly evaluate all the alternatives and consequences (like it happened to me) whereas the other pimi parent has all the rights to do it.
any experiences about children in a pimi vs pimo parents situation?
Years ago a woman told the elder who was a special pioneer, that bunch of kids aren't ready to be baptized. ( several were getting baptized at the same time just because one was coerced into it -parents weren't going to sign for the person who had just turned 18 to marry unless that person got baptized) Other siblings and a cousin hopped on board the baptism wagon. The elder told the mother of 3 of the young people to let them get baptized and the elders would work with them after that. Within 18 months, three were disfellowshipped. I think 2 came back in. One died while being chased by the cops. Another was disfellowshipped for immorality some years later. He made a point to get back in in record time. ( pride, I think ) Years after that he disassociated because his immoral life style caught up with him- because he had become an elder by this time and the other elders were patting him on the back and telling him he had done nothing wrong.
Christ's Brothers
by enoughisenough incooperate with christ’s representatives.
shortly before his death, jesus mentioned another way in which we can follow his leadership.
he said: “he that receives anyone i send receives me also.” (john 13:20) in fact, jesus spoke of his anointed representatives as his “brothers.” (matt.
I am wondering in over 50 years how many times I have read the scriptures at Mark 3:35 and Matt 12:50 where Jesus himself defines his brothers, and never one time thought the slant the WT put on it. was questionable. Sea Breeze is correct in some people wanting someone to tell them what to do...I don't think that is myself...I just thought them Bible Scholars who knew best. Now I see some of rather glaring untruths they have taught and think, how could I have been so gullible because you don't have to be very much of a Bible Scholar at all to see it. ( I have been posting about some topics that are so out in your face that I just didn't see -so I found this statement of Jesus that is so plain and yet overlooked because of the JW filter and group think)
Underage child: PIMI vs PIMO parents rights
by psyco ini am a pimo, inactive, parent of an underage child.
i was wondering what rights i have in regards to avoid that my child will be baptized when still underage, not having read the entire bible and before being able to clearly evaluate all the alternatives and consequences (like it happened to me) whereas the other pimi parent has all the rights to do it.
any experiences about children in a pimi vs pimo parents situation?
tell your child to wait...Jesus wasn't baptized until he was 30. Also, the jW had a video a few years ago showing disfellowshipped kids calling home but no response...let them know that is how the pimi parent would treat them if they should get disfellowshipped or decide to leave. People don't seem to think it could ever be them. Also discuss with them, they aren't getting baptized for Jehovah and Jesus. Find a copy of the latest "question" and explain it is a legal contract giving the JWs control over their life, that they are really dedicating to men rather than God.
Christ's Brothers
by enoughisenough incooperate with christ’s representatives.
shortly before his death, jesus mentioned another way in which we can follow his leadership.
he said: “he that receives anyone i send receives me also.” (john 13:20) in fact, jesus spoke of his anointed representatives as his “brothers.” (matt.
Cooperate With Christ’s Representatives
Shortly before his death, Jesus mentioned another way in which we can follow his leadership. He said: “He that receives anyone I send receives me also.” (John 13:20) In fact, Jesus spoke of his anointed representatives as his “brothers.” (Matt. 25:40) After Jesus had been resurrected to the heavens, his “brothers” were appointed to act in his place, “substituting for Christ” as ambassadors inviting others to become reconciled to Jehovah God. (2 Cor. 5:18-20) Our recognizing Christ’s leadership involves submission to his “brothers.” ( this from WT 11/5/15 pg26,27 ) Why am I post this? They use Matt 25:40 to support the anointed and tells us to be submissive. Today, we understand the parable of the sheep and the goats clearly. We know that “the Son of man,” or “the King,” is Jesus. The King’s “brothers” are those who are anointed with holy spirit and who will rule in heaven with Jesus. (Romans 8:16, 17) “The sheep” and “the goats” are people from all nations. They will be judged toward the end of the great tribulation that will soon begin. And we know that Jesus will judge people according to how they have treated the anointed ones who are still on earth. We are so grateful that Jehovah has helped us over the years to understand this parable and the other parables in Matthew chapters 24 and 25! ( March 2015 study edition-Loyally supporting Christ's brothers. Now note what Mark 3:35 says :King James Bible
For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and my sister, and mother. /// so I guess only 144000 out of all mankind can do God's will! (a bit of sarcasm Here!) Anyway this is another example of how the JW cherry pick scriptures to support the hierarchy over the rank and file. So if you type in Matt 25:40 into a search at JW org, a become Jehovah's friend video will show up ...a song and other info for parents to use with the kids. ( I didn't go to far into that material, but it is indoctrinating the kids to support the "anointed"-which I find rather disgusting these days.) -
The Mandalorian is an Apostate
by neat blue dog ini wonder how many jws will squirm watching the upcoming 3rd season of mandalorian in which out of compassion he was obliged to break certain rules of his religion and is now labeled an apostate.
piggy backing onto ThomasMore's Mark 3:21, Jesus family thought him out of his mind...they didn't have faith in him. To speak against the GB makes you an apostate and you will be shunned. We don't read where Jesus considered his family apostates and shunned them.
Does Jehovah have a visible organization?
by Vanderhoven7 inwhy do jehovah’s witnesses say they are god’s organization so matter of factly as though such an audacious claim is an undisputable fact?
here is how one person sees this claim.. "the entire jehovah’s witness religion is founded on unsubstantiated hubristic claims which are continually repeated until they are assumed by adherents to be a proven fact.. never is this more evident than when the beliefs of a jehovah’s witness are successfully challenged.
the more compelling the evidence against them, the more they resort to repeating their convictions with a sense of insistence, as if they are chanting a mantra.. confirmation bias is prevalent in all religious ideologies, but particularly with jehovah’s witnesses.
watcher---who else....angel in midheaven with everlasting good news---and not WT lies! If the rocks end up crying out, I bet they won't be liars either.