in spite of drama, trauma, abuse,cheating, slander, ( all related to witnesses ) I can't say it has been a bad life. I would say fair to middling...In spite of whatever happened, I felt like I had a safety net ( also related to witnesses ) The JW does add some structure and not all bad. I can't say life would have been better without the JW, but different. I have been homeless, but not without food, clothing, and shelter. That is a good thing. I wish I had woke up at least 25 years ago and I should have considering how awful I was being treated...I would have made better choices for my life. In a couple of weeks I will be who are younger, just be glad you woke us sooner. ( I want to write a book someday--but as long as I am able to and have work I must work- if I were to start the book, I wouldn't get anything else done until I finished it. ( at least I am not throwing hard earned money to the cult now! ) I feel blessed to have a house of peace. ( the thing that I feel may be missing now is a safety net of people, but then I do believe that God exists and that he cares, that he has provided and will continue to. Here is one big impact that happened (for good?) because of the witnesses. When I was a teenager I went to work at a small business owned by a witness, learned the trade and have supported myself every since by starting my own business and developing more skills -this is a small business that beats minimum wage but not welfare! but I can work at my own pace, whereas, I don't consider my health able to withstand a job where I had to sit or stand for long periods of time. This would not have happened had not been a witness.( I will add that the worldly people I have met in my business have been some of the nicest people I have ever met)