Then there are photos of people standing around the JWorg sign with uplifted hands and faces. ( I remember not liking or really understanding why that blue sign ended up on the Kingdom Hall and the street side signs.
JoinedPosts by enoughisenough
Organization is God
by Longlivetherenegades inthe belief was jehovah/god is not the organisation when you are a member of the organisation .
when you disassociate or leave the organisation, the belief becomes jehovah/god is the organisation.
someone somewhere will tell you return to jehovah or hand you a publication that has the title return to jehovah.. .
Is the tide turning against covid vaccines?
by slimboyfat inhave you seen this video about the covid vaccines?
have you got any views on the information?
i find it worrying at least.
LV101 -you are right not to want to sit at same table can get sick from the shedding. There is a 3 video series by a doctor on it on youtube and a lot of the comments are people giving their experience of getting sick after being around the vaxxed...I didn't watch it close enough to know if there is a time window when they are more likely to shed after the shots. Slimboyfat-so injury and death is the net benefits for untold numbers....I think a lot of people who have taken the jabs are in the same sort of denial many are when they wake up to WT and realize what fools they were made.
Is the tide turning against covid vaccines?
by slimboyfat inhave you seen this video about the covid vaccines?
have you got any views on the information?
i find it worrying at least.
slimboyfat, you wrote you didn't think the elite really want to kill ordinary people-I beg to differ...that is exactly what they want to do in the name of sustainability. ( which most if not all nations in the UN agreed to: sustainability =mas murder but that isn't the pretty picture they paint. FB is still posting the need to keep up with the is GB towards the elders and others...JW are no part of the world is laughable! They are a feather of the bird.
A Very Mysterious Place none of us should WORRY about -(nothing to see here...move along...)
by Terry innothing to see here?i was watching an old move from 2008 a couple of days ago, the bourne legacy.there was a plotpoint made in dialogue which centered on a place in the u.s. called fort detrick (in maryland).
a military lab there had a terrible accident but the unforeseen consequence led to a discovery which the bourne legacy needed to work the head started to buzz and i thought i would do a google search on fort detrick.
ya know - as we sometimes do when our head starts to buzz?next stop: a rabbit holehere is what i have learned so far.__________fort detrick is the center of u.s. bio-military activities.
turn over the rocks and you will see planned democide! I expect a huge amount of sickness here in the next few months-( western North Carolina /upstate SC) 5 G is to roll out about the end of June. There seemed to have been a higher concentration of the C virus in 5 G areas according to some videos i wanted months ago.
AI Generated Art - Impact on Artists
by Simon inunless you've been hibernating under a rock for the last couple of years, you're probably aware that ai is the new hotness.. chatgpt gets a lot of attention but equally amazing is how capable ai is at generating art.
if you'd been ask to name anything that would be the last holdout for humans, creative arts such as writing, painting, and music would probably be some of the things at the top of the list.. yet those seem to be the things that ai can do best.. it's fascinating to use the tools, but one thing you realize is that they are just combining patterns and shapes, there isn't yet any real "intelligence", artificial or otherwise.. as an example, you can ask it to create a painting in the style or a particular artist, with a whole raft of things you want to include.
it will do a great job on first glance, but can often give people more arms or fingers than is normal, and lamp-posts can grow to different heights, like trees.
well it seems impressive! how do those who have done this feel about what "you" have created? Do you feel like it is your artwork? -
I would say I took it seriously and that is why I quit it save for the cart work once that started. Meeting with the group, standing around after that meeting while the rest plotted where to meet for by the time you got to the territory and a couple of houses, it was time for the plotted coffee break which had to be driven to and the 2or3 car groups along with other customers in line....WHAT A WASTE OF at least at the cart, people who may be interested or just friendly would beat driving around and knocking on not at homes. Did it really bother me that either way there was little interest? No! Because I felt like Jehovah is the one who draws people to him and not me-so from that point of view, I didn't take it a life or death matter whether I actually did the preaching/teaching,,,I just considered I was dropping seeds of truth and God could make it grow. ( jokes on me now....I was spreading lies and was too gullible to see it. I see it now and am sorry! I would apologize to people I taught the "truth" to if ever I see them again.)
Almost got caught lying about listening in to yesterday's Memorial
by RULES & REGULATIONS ini have not attended any kingdom hall meetings in 10 years.
the elders gave up on me a while ago.. the last 3 years i get phone calls to listen in to zoom meetings.
listened in several times... nothing has changed!
If you happen to get questioned further, tell cousin you lost part of your memory of it after drinking the bottle of wine by yourself LOL
We're you regular at all the meetings?
by Hellothere inwe're you regular at the 3 meetings days watchtower hade?
i remember our was tuesday, thursdays and saturdays.
in reality it's crazy they hade so many meetings.
I was regular at the meetings for years and years...going on snowy icy roads and out in service in below zero weather. Not only that, but going early to drive 45 minutes out of the way to pick up an older sister in another town. ( Several took turns doing that ) Yeah, what a waste of time, and expense! ) ( not to mention conventions and assemblies which I hated-so tiring. I got so I couldn't see to drive at night in the later years so I did the phone it thing. I am glad I woke up to the nonsense.
Would I be disfellowshiped for this?
by ExBethelitenowPIMA inif a publisher openly told the elders that they thought the gb were wrong about some or a lot of things, but said they will not share these thoughts with anyone else then would this be a case of disassociation disgfellowship?.
my guess is lots of elders meetings and shepherding calls to try to get you to say something they could use against you.. but what would be the sin in which you are not repented?.
the only reason to be dissed is non repentance?.
ExBethelitenowPIMA How can you write the GB made a mistake about the vxx? It wasn't a mistake, it was deliberate and still going even though evidence continues to come in as to the harm of that poison! Our CO told the assembly that if we had faith in Jehovah, we would have faith in the GB and we would OBEY and take the vxx. They put in a WT study ( I think July of 22 issue ) that Jesus directed them as to c19 protection. What are you doing here if you are going to defend the GB? There is plenty of evidence if you look under a few rocks to come to understand the whole organization is a front for those that want to control the world. The GB are their puppets. As to your original question, keep on playing out that scenario and see! A good company man (aka toothless lion) will try to snatch you from the fire and when he can't do it alone, he will enlist others to help correct your thinking. So you have to feign correction or out the door! I have been the object of elders calling in an order to entrap me so they would have evidence to get rid of me-so yes, be aware of sheparding calls.
If you have a question maybe I can help doctor of theology and one of Jehovah's witnesses
by Jehovahisgod inmy name is ari matthew davies.
i am a life experience consultant counselor i have a doctor's degree theology psychology clinical addictions and computer sciences.
i am also baptized as well as jehovah's witnesses.. if you have a question i've got a lot of experience and a lot of real life training.
I have a question: your bio sounds like you have obtained quite a bit of knowledge in various fields-with all that knowledge, why are you still a JW? Others with far less education were smart enough to leave the cult.