my point was JW interpret the Bible to suit their agenda regardless of what Jesus himself was recorded to have said. ( besides how else is there to interpret what Jesus said at Matt 12:50? He spoke plainly-it wasn't a riddle.)
JoinedPosts by enoughisenough
Why did you leave the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses?
by Vanderhoven7 ini've never been a witness so i never left.
graeme hammond writes:.
for some years i’d had a growing irritation and disillusionment with the religion: i was getting tired of the pompousness, the arrogance and the control, i felt increasingly choked by their restrictions and i was drained by their demands on my time.
Why did you leave the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses?
by Vanderhoven7 ini've never been a witness so i never left.
graeme hammond writes:.
for some years i’d had a growing irritation and disillusionment with the religion: i was getting tired of the pompousness, the arrogance and the control, i felt increasingly choked by their restrictions and i was drained by their demands on my time.
fisherman "Again like I said before, on the basis that that’s how JW interpret the Bible. For example JW profess to be Christ brothers:
“Lord when did we see you naked and hungry… the least of my brothers.. you did it to me." I like it that you wrote JW profess to be Christ's brothers. WT 11/5/15 page 26,27 identified Christ's brothers as "his anointed representatives" and "involves submission to his brothers" The study edition of March 2015 also promotes the anointed as Christ's brothers that we should support according to WT. That however is not what Jesus said. Matt 12:50" For WHOEVER does the will of my Father who is in heaven, that one is my brother and sister and mother." see Mark 3:35, Luke 8:21 So it isn't just self proclaimed anointed that are Christ's brothers that we will be judged as to how we treat, but anyone doing his Father's will. But that doesn't work with the WT lies that want you to obey the GB because they are "likened to the voice of Jesus"...
anyone thinking it good you left the JW
by enoughisenough ina jw friend and i used to frequent a local restaurant together so often that if one of us showed up the waiter/owner would ask if the other was coming as well.
today i went there for lunch.
he asked if ??
A JW friend and I used to frequent a local restaurant together so often that if one of us showed up the waiter/owner would ask if the other was coming as well. Today I went there for lunch. He asked if ?? was coming as well. I told him I had quit my religion so?? wasn't allowed to have anything to do with me. He questioned: Jehohvah's Witness? I said, "Yes". He said, " Good! I never believed it, but I respected others ." ( some don't think you should say you are no longer a witness, but I don't think that way. Speaking of it may keep someone else from getting fooled somewhere down the road. While on the subject, I did have a cousin who told me she had prayed for years for me to leave it.
A new Tony Morris thread: Question
by XBEHERE ini am not trying to hijack the already well commented on thread on this subject .
however i do have a question: for pimo's, pimq's, and those who still go to meetings in person fairly regularly... is anyone still talking about this?
an IN person had some belongings here that I had ask several times to be picked up and gotten out of my care. Finially that happened. While here, person ask me if I would come back to which I said I was convinced the JW were wrong when I left and I was more convinced than ever and i would never be back. Where does this fit with the topic: the person asked if my leaving had anything to do with Tony Morris, because a lot of people and complained about him ( knew I didn't like him--don't know where that came from as I don't recall ever discussing him) and now Tony was no longer a GB. ( This said in the spirit of it being a good thing because it shows Jehovah is keeping things correct --not said but just the tone ( spirit ) of it. So the conclusion is this person has heard others complain about Tony and so took in stride he was no longer GB. I will add this person fully believes God has had and does have an earthly organization so the JW are it. ( a born in )
Is the tide turning against covid vaccines?
by slimboyfat inhave you seen this video about the covid vaccines?
have you got any views on the information?
i find it worrying at least.
"The only thing "disastrous" about the vaccine was that it gave the tin foil hat crowd yet another topic to drool nonsense about." and they murdered my sister with it ( along with countless others ) and it has stolen the health of her still living husband ( along with countless others ) ( I will keep my tin foil hat )
A Little About Me & What Is a Resurrection?
by Sea Breeze ina little about me first: i was a 4th generation jw who had major reservations about the wt growing up, but finally got on board at age 23 when i got baptized.
spent 8 very active years in, then 8 years out as an agnostic.
got saved in 2004 and been living the born-again christian bible-believing life ever since.
My thinking is most in agreement with TonusOH...The resurrections that happened in the Bible were people brought back to life in their body. ( which was still intact as they had not been dead that long ) It is obvious that some died such deaths as their body would have to be reconstructed ( as in blown to bits ) Even if not the case, most who have died have become "dust" by now . The only thing I do believe, other than the recorded resurrections in the Bilbe, there hasn't been anyone resurrected from the dead, because the is for the last day and the trumpet hasn't sounded yet. Conjecture is the word! We don't know!
Jesus wasn't ( isn't if inside org ) your mediator and blood of the covenant for 144000
by enoughisenough ini found this questions from readers: makes very plain that jesus is only the mediator for the 144000 and while jesus said at matt 26:28 that the new covenant is for forgiveness of sin, the article makes it plain that the new covenant is a legality between god and the 144000. i have some thoughts already on this and i have started a document with this article.
i would like appreciate any rebuttal thoughts you have on the article as well.
this is one thing i have woke up to...the jw will start with a scripture, and then wrap a lot of other scriptures into the article so the rank and file think what great bible scholars and that they aren't that studious and so they swallow the falsehoods hook, line, and sinker.
thanks for the link...that is a long will take a while to get through it...up to page 19 so far ( getting the rebuttals I ask for!)
Ecclesiastes 9:5 -"the dead know nothing at all"
by aqwsed12345 inthe narrator of the book of ecclesiastes had very little knowledge of many things that jesus and his apostles later preached.
the author does not make statements, but only wonders (thinks, observes, often raises questions, and leaves them open).
he looked at the world based on the law of moses and found nothing but vanity, as the earthly reward promised in the law did not always accompany good deeds and earthly punishment for evil deeds.
it's must be nice for some people to be so studious so as to figure out that what God inspired men to write wasn't what he actually meant. -
Ecclesiastes 9:5 -"the dead know nothing at all"
by aqwsed12345 inthe narrator of the book of ecclesiastes had very little knowledge of many things that jesus and his apostles later preached.
the author does not make statements, but only wonders (thinks, observes, often raises questions, and leaves them open).
he looked at the world based on the law of moses and found nothing but vanity, as the earthly reward promised in the law did not always accompany good deeds and earthly punishment for evil deeds.
Jesus likened death to sleep ( could it be you are conscience of everything while you are asleep?)and Martha knew her brother would be asleep in the grave until the last day. ( which hasn't happened yet )
Scriptures That Don’t Fit WT Theology
by Sea Breeze inhere’s a couple good ones: a. jesus said, “come to me and i will give you rest”.. why did jesus command us to go to him and not jehovah?.
why does the bible say that the name of jesus is above every name?
It is amazing how ones cherry pick what they want to or want you to believe, without taking in the context of surrounding verses or the Bible as a whole. ( I see lots of examples on this topic, but won't bore you ......)