got called on the carpet and lost privilege for reporting an immoral elder. they said I was a slanderer...the evidence was true.
JoinedPosts by enoughisenough
Were any congregation '' special privileges'' ever taken away from you?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inif you don't measure up to the watchtower society ''high standards''... you might lose some ''special privileges'' .
miss meetings...lose ''privileges''.
don't meet the monthly 10 hour ''field service'' ...lose ''privileges''.
Beroean Pickets
by joe134cd inhi i've been reading a web sight called borean pickets.
although the guy writes some real thought provoking stuff, i sort of don't know what to make of it.
His kangaroo court judicial hearing made gansters look good.
FACT: The "faithful slave" was personally selected in 1919......
by BoogerMan the elite in the wtbts, who then became the self-proclaimed "faithful slave.
" (sans divine interference!).
as attested to countless times in decades worth of literature.. all succeeding members were then "personally selected" by existing "slave" members.
it has been printed in the WT that God has a sense of humor...what a joke!
taking care of Jehovah's resources...and be sure to count boxes and tin cans!
by enoughisenough innow this: i couldn't see where there was protocol as to getting rid of the boxes and cans...but god help the "criminal" who helped himself...i best he/they were quickly sent away.
Now this: I couldn't see where there was protocol as to getting rid of the boxes and cans...but God help the "criminal" who helped himself...I best he/they were quickly sent away.
Could this be the end of JWs? What are the consequences if it is?
by Teddnzo inmultiple very serious allegations against tony and then huge efforts to remove him from all pictures and videos, have to admit it doesn’t look good.. once the pennsylvania investigation becomes public knowledge and front page news it will be very very hard for 8 million pimis.. is it possible that this could be the largest problem the branch has ever faced?
larger than 1975, the overlapping generations or any other ‘test of faith’.
many will feel heartbroken and betrayed.
they will just think the accusers are lying apostates with bad attitudes. They won't listen to or believe what the fake media puts out. Raymond Franz has been dead for years...his books have been available for years. He has beenso villified the R and F won't be caught with the books. The JW control to what is watched, read, talked about keeps a lid on current news.
Aftermath of being Reinstated
by TxNVSue2023 ini'm in the process of being reinstated ( my df'ing story is on here).
because i've never been in this position before, i don't know how i will be treated once i'm reinstated.
i moved to a new city/state and i don't know a single person here or in my new congregation i am attending.
about record keeping: at baptism they ask a question ...people say Yes( have agreed to be under JW rule so to speak) It's a verbal legal contract.
An Apex Body to rule the global financial system
by Kosonen inun and g20 and international financial institutions are working to set up the following: (a quote from the pdf at .
action 2: create a .
Teddinzo, I see a lot of ads now to buy silver and gold now because the monetary system is changing. While you think nothing can stop silver being used as money, Consider the prophesy at Eze 7:19 “They will throw their money in the streets, tossing it out like worthless trash. Their silver and gold won’t save them on that day of the LORD’s anger. It will neither satisfy nor feed them, for their greed can only trip them up. ///it may get you by for a little while, but both the rich and the poor will be COMPELLED to have the mark of the beast.
Acts 15:29 - "keep abstaining from blood"
by aqwsed12345 infor a christian, only the moral commandments of the old testament are binding (as they cannot change), but the various liturgical, social, and other so-called casuistic laws no longer apply to them.
this includes dietary habits, such as the prohibition of pork or fat, as well as the prohibition of blood.. take a look at the following verses: mt 15:11, mk 7:15-19, acts 11:7-9, 1 tim 4:3-5.. the jehovah's witnesses say that, yes, but in the acts of the apostles (15) the consumption of blood, idol meat, and strangled animals is also prohibited, meaning the new testament still forbids it.
for catholics, the council of florence settled this issue, stating that this apostolic regulation was only a temporary measure to facilitate agreement between jews and gentiles in the early church.
enoughisenough are casting your pearls -
How to stirr up the poor into digital online business
by Gorb in
what about this watchtower article?
in my jw time i felt not comfortable about this kind of "devine education".. poor sister works above her self to get a device.. hypocrisy for going full digital.. g..
The JW went from discouraging electronic devises to practically coersion to have them. I remember trying to figure out the least expensive way I could have a "device" to have at the meetings. I did it with kicking and screaming because I resented that I felt the need for it. Getting the tablet was a serious burden for me at the time, and I didn't want to become reliant on the devices. I watched a youtube where an ex jw went to check out convention with a Bible and was "out of touch" with the rest of the people there. ( He had not kept up with the chariot. ) I wonder why they have pushed the devices so much now. To save money on paper/printing, tto just click on the isolated scriptures and maybe not notice context? I did notice this in one scrpture I looked up and you see the "diamond" and you can get more info about the scrpture- the explanation twisted what the scripture meant ...-so they make good use fo this electronic world to help spread the (un)truth . II understand why she wanted the device. The JW push having them. The fact that there is such an article is emotional blackmail ...r and f are made to feel like they had better get with the program and get the electronics or they aren't really properly equipped for service and meeting. The message is, this sister sacrificed to get said, device and if that is what you have to do, just do it. ( they don't care that many need the money just to feed themselves.)
a pet peeve of mine
by enoughisenough inputting this under "friends" because i couldn't figure out where to put it.
it is very often on here and in ex jw videos, ect that people like to undermine some of those who once we would have called friends.
there seems to be a view that window washers, plumbers, cleaners, construction workers are somehow less intelligent than those who may be college educated.
Many good points have been given as to people needing professional help, but get told to pray, read Bible, go to meetings, more service ( a fix all from the WT.) The fault lies with the WTBTS instructing the r and f to go to the elders for every hiccup to start with....but they go to the elders who just parrot what mother org tells them. Go to the elders for depression and learn you aren't spiritual enough and that is why you are depressed! vicious circle...I used to think the elders were there to care for the sheep but found they were toothless lions who played favorites.