more questions that should be asked: do you understand that we expect you to denouce your former religion, at least some of your friends and family and become part of God's organization with a worldwide circle of friends and family...but if you decide for you no longer want to be a JW, your new friends and family in the org will kick you to the curb and have nothing to do with you because you have become a filthy apostate?
Do you understand that by being baptized, acknowledging that you are part of Jehovah's organization, you have entered into a legal contract with the JW org?
Do you understand that your spirituality will be judged by how many hours you report for service... and it will effect if and when you have priviledges, if you are invited to certain functions?
Do you understand that you can't question the GB, even if what they teach you goes against the scriptures or else you will be kicked out and are deserving of death ( see Walsh Trial held in Scotland 1954 -statements made under oath are still current from where I am sitting ) ( I am sure I could think of more--people don't get full disclosure during bible studies )