the toothless lions will line up for the poison boosters and proudly wear masks! it is so disgusting! Atlantis, thanks for the material
JoinedPosts by enoughisenough
2022-12-S-294-Safety Precautions for Attending Theocratic Schools!
by Atlantis in2022-12-s-294-safety precautions for attendingtheocratic schools.
click image to enlarge.. .
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Report a corruption in a Kingdom Hall
by VictorGoh inhow can i report a corruption in a kingdom hall?
can i escalate this to the jw headquarter?
any suggestions are appreciated..
smiddy may be correct about the "troll".. Maybe we are the corruption he want to report....haha....after all, the person isn't even giving a clue as to the type of corruption or their status ( PIMO, PIMI, DF, not ever a JW, but concerned???)
Will 2022 Service Year Report of Jehovah’s Witnesses Worldwide include Data on Miscarriages and Reports of Menstrual Hemorrhages?
by was a new boy inwas watchtower given $$$ for their pro vaccine stance?
and how much?.
shocking vaers data reveals 4070% increase in miscarriages — naomi wolf interview - graph at 6:10.
there was a website showing those organizations who were paid to push the vx...I don't recall the name of it. I didn't see the JW mentioned on it...but it is obvious that some higher power ( and not God ) is pulling the strings of those puppets...and it is ongoing! ( I get irritated every time I read about those being coerced to take and continuing taking the vx-those being invited to the various schools or the hospital liaison or visitors group ) I also think at least most at Bethel got a placebo or low poison dose. ( there is a website something tracking the doses and which ones had the most deadly shots ) The GB has no respect for the health and wellbeing of their fellow witnesses. It woke me up and I am thankful! I may not have any friends here, but I am not a JW slave preaching their ever changing lies.
What really is UN doing with religions?
by Kosonen inoccult un forces seek to hijack religion for globalism. does not look like religions dominate un but the other way around.
journalist alex newman gives a totally different picture about the real state of affairs.
Kosonen, I watched a video, but so long ago I don't remember that much about it...other than some of those "in charge of" ( my wording for want of better ) the building of UN were very much into the occult and wanted a shrine to Satan built inside. I wish I could remember more about it. If I learn more, I will post it.
What really is UN doing with religions?
by Kosonen inoccult un forces seek to hijack religion for globalism. does not look like religions dominate un but the other way around.
journalist alex newman gives a totally different picture about the real state of affairs.
so who thinks when/if the UN gets their one world religion that the JW will be part of it? I have a conspiracy theory of my own!
Report a corruption in a Kingdom Hall
by VictorGoh inhow can i report a corruption in a kingdom hall?
can i escalate this to the jw headquarter?
any suggestions are appreciated..
Whenever I wrote a letter, it was directed to the service department. Don't expect to hear back from them...or to learn if it was handled or not. They will likely take a while to get around to directing the issue to whatever local ones you are complaining about. Again, if it is a crime, you should report it to the police. The "necessary" action/s may just end up being a cover up....I mean child rape is horrid and they cover that up! Someone else may have better advice for you...but beings you are being mum as to the issue, that ties their hands as to being good advisors.
Jehovah's Witnesses lose registration as a religious community in Norway
published december 22, 2022. the state manager in oslo and viken has decided to withdraw jehovah's witnesses registration as a religious community under the religious society act.. .
we sent a notice to jehovah's witnesses about possible loss of registration on october 25 this year.
Report a corruption in a Kingdom Hall
by VictorGoh inhow can i report a corruption in a kingdom hall?
can i escalate this to the jw headquarter?
any suggestions are appreciated..
TonusOH34 minutes ago
It depends on what you mean by 'corruption.' If it's a crime, report it to the police. If it's an issue of people not following the organization's rules, call the Watchtower HQ. I'm sure things will be handled discreetly and in an ethical and even-handed manner. HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Report a corruption in a Kingdom Hall
by VictorGoh inhow can i report a corruption in a kingdom hall?
can i escalate this to the jw headquarter?
any suggestions are appreciated..
If it is a crime, report to police. If you report it to the elders, they will call the branch and it will be swept under the rug because they don't want anything getting out that will "bring reproach" upon God (org.) Also your own head may be put on a platter...- expect to be called in to a meeting and told you keep your mouth shut. If you really wanted to report corruption, you would have to start at the top and "off with your head" ( you would be disfellowshipped ) because God forbid you speak against the GB. Back to short answer: call police with all the facts you can gather and substantiate if a crime. Be anonymous. ( or you will be called into the back room! ) If you write: write to the locals and to the branch...don't sign it if you don't want to be called into the back room. ( I know lots about the back room ) If you are not a JW, feel free to sign whatever you write. ( you won't be under the gag order you will be put under if you are a JW) If you don't know about their gag order, it goes like this: keep your mouth shut. If you tell something, howbeit true, you can have privilege's removed because you gossiped or slandered- even if it evolves you and you have first hand knowledge. ( oh yeah, I KNOW these things!)
God Talks to Himself in the Trinity Bible
by BoogerMan inpsalm 110:1 (niv) “the lord says to my lord: “sit at my right hand until i make your enemies a footstool for your feet.”” .
psalm 110:1 (trv) “the lord god almighty says to a third of himself: “sit at my/our right hands until i make our/your enemies a footstool for our/your feet.”” (but don't tell the other third) .
Matt 24:26 “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father /// So God doesn't know what God knows! oops! I thought God was all knowing.