looks like more are going to heaven! ( or are on drugs or mentally ill and have illusions of grandeur.)
JoinedPosts by enoughisenough
2022 Service Report is Out
by Bartolomeo inwarning: this post doesn't belong to me, i took it from reddit and posted it here.
+0.4% growth in publishers globally.
Has anyone else felt like this ?
by Riley inabout three years ago , there was a son of an elder in my hall ( and i use the term " my hall " in a very loose term ) who committed suicide.
the guy was real asshole but not one deserves something like that.
i read his sons obit online.
a few years back, a young man from a "spiritual" family committed suicide. I never heard it discussed. The obit had nothing about the suicide, but only good things to say about the boy. He would have been at least 3rd generation witness. His dad gave public talks before and after the boy's death. Which leads me to a question...if your teenager commits suicide, how is that keeping your family "in order" , so you can continue to serve? ( Not that I feel the parents should suffer more than the loss of the boy...just a question.) From all outward appearances, you thought this a model JW family.
Church buys GEICO Woodbury property for $27M
by Rattigan350 inhttps://libn.com/2023/01/09/church-buys-geico-woodbury-property-for-27m/.
after a previous sale fell through, geico has sold its sprawling woodbury property for $27 million.
the buyer for the 236,365-square-foot office building on 20 acres at 750 woodbury road is the christian congregation of jehovah’s witnesses.
getting out my crystal ball: renovate existing building and adding new ones on the backs of free labor. Flip the property and make millions ! ( ok, so it doesn't take a crystal ball-just deduction from recent history.-theblueenvelope youtube channel did an interesting video on a property in Florida -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUOXOzddiSY
Did the ransom sacrifice even work?
by Sharpie inshower thought entered my mind the other day... jesus christ.
as per doctrine.
is still alive in heaven right now correct?
one thing I think sure is if you think it isn't working, doesn't work, never ever worked...then in your behalf, it won't work. reference John 3:16
How did you find Jehovah's Witness meetings?
by Vanderhoven7 ini personally have only attended a handful of meetings at kingdom halls.
i did not enjoy any of them nor was i impressed by anything that was conveyed.
perhaps others did not find them boring as i did.. nadia viotto has this to say about her experience.
in order to pay attention: sat near front and took notes. It was boring because it was the same talks and topics rehashed over and over. Only actually had conversations about a half dozen+- before/after meetings. Rarely looked at the material before meetings, because that would make them more boring. ( If I knew what it was all going to be about, why go and sit through it?) ( of course you hoped no one would notice you hadn't marked any answers because you knew you would be judged adversely for having not studied.)
God Talks to Himself in the Trinity Bible
by BoogerMan inpsalm 110:1 (niv) “the lord says to my lord: “sit at my right hand until i make your enemies a footstool for your feet.”” .
psalm 110:1 (trv) “the lord god almighty says to a third of himself: “sit at my/our right hands until i make our/your enemies a footstool for our/your feet.”” (but don't tell the other third) .
New American Standard Bible
Jesus, knowing that the Father had handed all things over to Him, and that He had come forth from God and was going back to God John 13:3God not only talks to himself in the trinity Bible, but he hands over all things to himself, He came from himself and he is going back to himself. GOT THAT! Clear as mudd!
Garbage in equals Garbage Out: A study in computer science as applied to JW doctrine
by Terry inhttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1h4dynwkbyakgdibbwlibwtf2ruzpewcd5ipupvo-edm/edit?usp=sharing.
garbage in / garbage outthere is a saying about errors in computer science: garbage in / garbage outin computer science, garbage in, garbage out is the concept that flawed, or nonsense input data produces nonsense output.
rubbish in, rubbish out is an alternate wording.
they claim to be shown to be God's chosen also because of the love they have among themselves. When you apply the "garbage in and the garbage" out, it explains why the people in the world who have consistently treated me the worst are JWs. "By their fruits, you will know them" ...their fruit fit only for the garbage heap!
Pioneer Hours Update
by Bartolomeo inregular pioneers: 600 per year, 50 on average per month.auxiliary pioneers: 30 hours per monthauxiliary pioneers in march and april: fee reduced to 15 hours.
watch this video....spoiler-less pioneers with more hours comparison to more pioneers with less hours...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-aMecnuOR4
bringing up the 1954 Walsh Trial
by enoughisenough ini went back into this forum a little ways and found quite a bit of discussion on the walsh (1954) for those newly out or those who don't know of what i write, you should really check it out.
anyone who is a jw or studying with jw should see material from this trial.
my take away...the printed materials of the wtbts were to believed over the bible and if you didn't believe the wt teachings over the bible, ( even though they admit to false prophesy )you would be disfellowshipped and deserving of death.
slimboyfat, the Walsh case may be old hat, but I had no knowledge of it until this mid 2022. Now you have intrigued me about the other case.
bringing up the 1954 Walsh Trial
by enoughisenough ini went back into this forum a little ways and found quite a bit of discussion on the walsh (1954) for those newly out or those who don't know of what i write, you should really check it out.
anyone who is a jw or studying with jw should see material from this trial.
my take away...the printed materials of the wtbts were to believed over the bible and if you didn't believe the wt teachings over the bible, ( even though they admit to false prophesy )you would be disfellowshipped and deserving of death.
I went back into this forum a little ways and found quite a bit of discussion on the Walsh (1954) For those newly out or those who don't know of what I write, you should really check it out. Anyone who is a JW or studying with JW should see material from this trial. My take away...the printed materials of the WTBTS were to believed over the Bible and if you didn't believe the WT teachings over the Bible, ( even though they admit to false prophesy )you would be disfellowshipped and deserving of death. This was all brought out in the trial under oath by Fred Franz, and Hayden Covington and Grant Suitor ...///The JW haven't changed their tactics to this day...and that is why everyone should learn about this trial.