I knew a couple who sold out and went to Bethel, having been being assured from a higher up, they could stay until the end.( they based their decision on this "brothers" word.) Both of them developed some health issues in a very short time and they were sent home-save they had no home and had to scramble to find a place to live and work. I do think they may have had a bit of profit from their home sale, because they ended up with a used mobile home for a while.
JoinedPosts by enoughisenough
This week's Watchtower Study - don't complain if ...
by eyeslice indon't complain if you get kicked out of bethel after 23 years (it's really a blessing to be assigned back to the field) and don't complain if they sell your kingdom hall even if you have just invested your time and energy renovating it.. so encouraging?.
New blood card system in March
by Indoubtbigtime inthere is going to be a hole new system of blood cards this march .
the congregation won’t hold any information as they did before from march it will be all put on the pub.
i think it’s to do with vaccines and they are worried now they got everyone vaxed and they want to distance themselves from medical responsibilities and say own personal decisions.
I will agree with indoubtbigtime as to a blood transfusion...they had their dangers before ( AIDS , hepatitis, etc, before.)..and now those who have been vxx have peculiar formations in their blood. And say what you want about the WT ( JW) , it is the Bible that says to "abstain from blood" and links it to health, when the end of the list of things to abstain from says " good health to you". This separating of the blood and allowing fractions is like saying, you can have butter, but don't drink any milk.
JWs at Culture Fest
by peacefulpete inthe state university where we live has cultural festivals educating the public about art, food and music of the minorities in the community.
it is also an opportunity for some to generate a little income selling their wares and food.
the jws have successfully put up a booth right in the campus building and used it to actively proselytize and distribute literature.
they set up at local flea markets here
WTBTS investments
by enoughisenough ini found this article, how be it from about 10 years ago.
https://clarencesisk.com/watchtower-investments/ i didn't even go to the end of the article, but assuming the writer knew of which he wrote, wt had/has?
stock in bot j&j and pfizer.
I found this article, how be it from about 10 years ago. https://clarencesisk.com/watchtower-investments/ I didn't even go to the end of the article, but assuming the writer knew of which he wrote, WT had/has? stock in bot J&J and Pfizer. If they still do, little wonder Jehovah knew to tell them to push the poison. Another investment appeared to be Blackrock Enterprises. And then there are the weapon's of war builders, and studios that produce movies that are questionable...( you would be called into the backroom if you watched ) and Monstanto who try to control the food of the world. Just a few. I looked to see if I could find something more current, but a short search didn't reveal anything. I would like to point out, it was only after I left the JW that I learned they had all of this stock. I thought their income was only from donations. I didn't realize people's donations were going into stocks warmongers.
Should you confess your sins?
by Fisherman inconfessing to a crime lands a person in jail or worse.
there is a very interesting out of context commentary in a law book under the topic that describes the role of a child advocate that explains how humans intrinsically want and need to be free at all costs without encumbrances.
(in germany for example, the government recognizes this basic need and doesn't penalize jail escapes.
I am thinking the confession would be to the person you have harmed by your action. Jesus said at Matt 5:23,24 that if you are taking your gift to the alter and remember someone has something against you ( so you sinned against them???) to go and make peace with your brother. In the case adultery, the mate may not realize they have been cheated upon...they have the right to know ( so I am thinking if people have the right to know, they should be told. This thing of confessing to the priest or 3 elders for judgement doesn't make sense. Confess to the ones you need forgiveness from ( which would include God )who can really forgive. That is my opinion.
new publisher locally
by enoughisenough insome zealous new person must have moved in to the old congregation recently.
i got letters today and a brochure.
the return address had a last name ( no name i knew in the congregation-and they for sure never heard of me!
some zealous new person must have moved in to the old congregation recently. I got letters today and a brochure. The return address had a last name ( no name I knew in the congregation-and they for sure never heard of me!) and the KH address. Inside the letter, they were lamenting how they had to reach out to me this way, because they couldn't in person. I thought, if you were sincere about wanting to meet in person, you would have put in a phone number, etc. Now here is the kicker-this person is as I mentioned zeolous ( or absent minded ) -I got not one, but two letters just alike! in separate envelopes. So this were cheat sheets, printed out, but she did sign: barbara. The same handwriting on the envelope. You would have thought she would have caught the fact that she sent me the same info twice! If I weren't so brain dead, I would send her back a letter in care of that return address---that would make her day! Actually, I feel sorry for her.
Do you know of any church that KNOWS God?
by the-MadJW ini mean, the jws have many faults, as each of us have.. do you know any other group that does?.
Sea Breeze- Acts 2:32 says God resurrected Jesus. ( i will believe that over what you wrote ) Jesus knew his disciples would be provided for by others at THAT time, so sent them without money. Jesus explained death when he likened Lazarus to being asleep.( so that agrees with being unconscious) ( maybe you know everything that goes on around you when you are asleep-) Why is there going to be a resurrection day if people aren't really dead? We only need so much money for our everyday affairs-some are just greedy and evil and want to rule over others.( take note of Davos!) Daddy said not to confuse people with facts when their mind is made up...I will apply that to you and you can feel free to apply that to me. If this life IS NOT all there is, then we will learn what is really facts.
Do you know of any church that KNOWS God?
by the-MadJW ini mean, the jws have many faults, as each of us have.. do you know any other group that does?.
the-mad JW-the video I posted by the Jewish Scholar about how people get it wrong about God is interesting in that we look to understand God from a human reference point. He isn't the same as us. Check out 1 Cor 2:14 and some references.
Jesus Never Limited His Promies to 144K
by Sea Breeze inwhat were we thinking?
mat_10:32 whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will i confess also before my father which is in heaven.. mat_10:33 but whosoever shall deny me before men, him will i also deny before my father which is in heaven.. mat_12:50 for whosoever shall do the will of my father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.. mat_16:25 for whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.. mat_18:4 whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.. mar_10:15 verily i say unto you, whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of god as a little child, he shall not enter therein.. luk 6:47,48 whosoever cometh to me, and heareth my sayings, and doeth them, i will shew you to whom he is like: he is like a man .
which built an house, and digged deep, and laid the foundation on a rock.
punkofnice--in your case, I think you need to PROVE that God does NOT exist. I posted a video recently by a Jewish scholar that made some interesting points. For those who accept that there is a higher power out there and a creator, it seems reasonable to have a "written" shall we say instruction. ( that is what human creators do-they write usage manuals.) I believe the Bible is such...mainly because of how I see the world shaping up-The Bible speaking of the mark of the beast where in you must have it or you can't buy or sell- do people not see what the puppeteers of this world are trying to pull off. Watch any clips from the WEF at Davos recently? They hope to put tracking in everyone's body with vaccines, or put chips in everyone's brain. The powers that be are causing a food crisis. The planet is being ruined. I could go on....
Jesus Never Limited His Promies to 144K
by Sea Breeze inwhat were we thinking?
mat_10:32 whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will i confess also before my father which is in heaven.. mat_10:33 but whosoever shall deny me before men, him will i also deny before my father which is in heaven.. mat_12:50 for whosoever shall do the will of my father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.. mat_16:25 for whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.. mat_18:4 whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.. mar_10:15 verily i say unto you, whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of god as a little child, he shall not enter therein.. luk 6:47,48 whosoever cometh to me, and heareth my sayings, and doeth them, i will shew you to whom he is like: he is like a man .
which built an house, and digged deep, and laid the foundation on a rock.
In thinking of "all" or "everyone" to be taken literally: My conclusion is if one accepts that all has sinned, then when Jesus says his blood is for the forgiveness of sin for all, then I take that to be literal as well.