towards the last, I would tune in zoom, turn off sound and go about the house with what ever I wanted, and then I would come in for a minute and do a hands up, and then quit again. ( just to fool the others into thinking I was on the meeting.) and I would come back at the end sometimes. The break out chat rooms were a joke...there would always be someone on there who took over .
JoinedPosts by enoughisenough
Jehovah's Witnesses: Zoom Cancelled Love Jehovah Go Back to In Person Meetings
by HiddlesWife inthis is a new video posted by the exjw critical thinkers jt & lady cee:.
i had a hunch that wt was going to do so, but this is happening quite soon.
OPINIONS PLEASE: I propose a new strategy against the Watchtower policy of DISFELLOWSHIP
by Terry ini need your opinion and a discussion...tell me what you think, both pros and cons...the governments of norway and russia have both targeted watchtower's severely inhumane policy of disfellowship separating and isolating members by ostracizing them and labeling them as 'mentally diseased", etc.
dis a mushy concept unfamiliar to non-jw's.that word doesn't convey brutal, cold, and uncaring shunning and the impact on vulnerable persons cut off from family and friends.i propose swapping the phrase "religious apartheid" for the term "disfellowship" because it is significantly more impactful, familiar, and gut-wrenching.jw's teach practice and promote discrimination, opprobrium, and animus in punishing by isolation those who disagree with their doctrines.
moreover - it is a de facto death sentence both spiritually and (according to the expectation of armageddon) literally as well.
As a single word, why not? ...if I want to describe to others what I am now considered, I tell them JWs consider me a "filthy apostate deserving of death". I think I need to change that description to " filthy, mentally diseased, lying God hating apostate deserving of death" because that is what the JW org teaches about those who leave the org. ( they literally teach their members to hate!-we hate God, so God hates us, so it is ok for them to hate us--something like that.)
feeling nothing in common
by enoughisenough ini feel like there may be some old jw friends that i could call- they may not know i left jw- but somehow i am not inclined to.
i would have to play a game with them...i feel like i have nothing in common with them anymore.
i feel like if i did talk to them, i would want to tell them they have been duped and that will go over like a wet balloon.
I feel like there may be some old JW friends that I could call- they may not know I left JW- but somehow I am not inclined to. I would have to play a game with them...I feel like I have nothing in common with them anymore. I feel like if I did talk to them, I would want to tell them they have been duped and that will go over like a wet balloon.
How Will They End 1914 Teaching?
by EmptyInside ini'm sure this has been discussed, but 1914 has to go away.
instead of, the overlapping generation teaching, they should have just ditched 1914. .
they should have done that a long time ago with 1975. it's the last of the teachings in the charles taze russell era.. i'm thinking they just will stop talking about it, and it will be out of the mind of the rank and file loyal witnesses .
" And how does mistaken interpretations of the Bible by JW falsify the Bible or disqualify JW as God’s agency?" Mistaken interpretations don't disqualify the Bible, but if JW is really God's agency, there would not have been all of these false prophesies that you are calling interpretations.
Bible MIRACLEs!! Are they a Myth or Emeth?
by Fisherman inthe bible records miracles such as resurrections, angels, prophecy and destructive acts of god to mention a few.
are these all a pack of lies?
how do you explain them?
The way I see it is either you believe the Bible or you don't...there isn't any point in speculation. The Bible says God's ways are higher than our ways. If the Bible is incorrect, then mankind is most to be pitied...for what hope beyond this life? ( the billionaires have the answer: upload your brain into a cyborg/robot and live forever.) Where did the thought of living forever come from? The Bible says God put time indefinite( eternity) ( Ecc 3:11) into man's heart.
Desperation - 3 year old Becomes UnBaptized Publisher
by Sea Breeze injw's seem to be getting desperate.
this three year old is paraded on a jw blog in cuenca, ecuador.
it is about 1/3 of the way down on the page.
some parents are ego tripping! I quickly scanned that article -particularly near the photo--what I got was she wanted to be an unbaptized publisher and was approved. Did I miss something in my quick scan. I knew a 3 year old in a car group. It was very cold and a decision was being made as to who would take the door. The 3 year old said he would go. He didn't care about the cold. He just wanted to preach all over the world.
For JW's, the 'ORG' is more important than Jesus Christ
by BoogerMan inin the november 2022 study watchtower, "jehovah's organization" (or variants) is repeated at least 37 times.. the word 'organization' - like 'governing body,' 'trinity,' hell-fire,' & 'immortal soul,' - doesn't exist in the holy scriptures.. interestingly, jesus christ is mentioned only twice in all of the study articles - as an aside..
That's right because you cannot come to know the truth unless you go through the GB ( WT 81 12/1 page 27) -it doesn't matter the Jesus said he was the Way, The Truth, and the Life.
How Will They End 1914 Teaching?
by EmptyInside ini'm sure this has been discussed, but 1914 has to go away.
instead of, the overlapping generation teaching, they should have just ditched 1914. .
they should have done that a long time ago with 1975. it's the last of the teachings in the charles taze russell era.. i'm thinking they just will stop talking about it, and it will be out of the mind of the rank and file loyal witnesses .
here is a scenario: the older GB die off, and are replaced with younger ones who declare as well intended as the old leadership was, they got it wrong because they were delusional and God had not use the old gang at all, but his spirit is now upon them, the REAL faithful slave.
My experience as a JW for 37 years. I dogded the bullet that many of you experienced .
by smiddy3 inhi friend`s ,i just had to share my experience ,and surely there must be others on this board who had similar experiences that i had.. i was a jw for 37 years ,been out for about 20 years or so .however we as a family never had the problems that so many of you seem to have had .. none of our, my wife and i , immediate families have ever been jw`s.. i converted when i was about 20 years old in about 1960 and as i say remained in converted my wife and brought up two sons in the "truth" for about 37 years .. my 1st and 2nd congregations i attended in melbourne aust.
were very conservative and not very wholesome looking back.. however moving interstate to s.e.queensland in redcliffe was a whole new experience.. it was far more liberal and relaxed.. i befriend a couple of elders and ms `s who enjoyed an ale or two which was right up my alley.. and we went on camping expeditions on both fraser and moreton islands ,both just off the coast of brisbane.. i was a ms for many years there never pioneered or served where the need was great and always had steady employment in the world which probably kept my head above the clouds so to speak.. none of my family ,wife two boys and their wives are jw`s ,we have all left many years ago.. anybody else had negative effects of being a witness for many years ?.
I was in 50 years and I used to tell my closet friend in the local congregation that I have no good stories. Even those that I would have thought good in my youth, when I look back on it, It is just older brothers and sisters taking undue advantage of me.
This week's Watchtower Study - don't complain if ...
by eyeslice indon't complain if you get kicked out of bethel after 23 years (it's really a blessing to be assigned back to the field) and don't complain if they sell your kingdom hall even if you have just invested your time and energy renovating it.. so encouraging?.
I knew a couple who sold out and went to Bethel, having been being assured from a higher up, they could stay until the end.( they based their decision on this "brothers" word.) Both of them developed some health issues in a very short time and they were sent home-save they had no home and had to scramble to find a place to live and work. I do think they may have had a bit of profit from their home sale, because they ended up with a used mobile home for a while.