my family always helped others if/when we saw a need...even strangers. And we have been helped when we were in need-even by strangers. So it shouldn't be unusual if members in the congregation learned of a need and helped...but does the Org. have a plan for it on a local level? I remember complaining to some local brothers about a poor sister's home having some foundation issues and it needed some structural support. They would go for miles from home to build halls or to fix a home in a storm damaged area, but not do anything for the locals. ( I think it did shame them into inquiry, but by that time, she was arrears in payments and the house in bad condition, she just left the place to foreclosure... ( now I know the reason to help with the damaged homes is so the JW can collect the insurance!) So other churches have men who will go out into the community and help people. My sister's church had such a group and they repaired my Mom's porch for her. As to helping, in the parable of seeing someone naked and clothing them, or seeing them hungry and feeding them, Jesus said if you did it to the least of these "my brothers", you have done it to me. We know the JW GB lay claim to being Christ's brothers and expect the R and F to donate to them... ( in another post, it is discussed who Jesus said his brothers were. )