Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea/ Marcus Rediker --a quote from page 258 par. 1 Almost all pirates has labored as merchant seamen, Royal Navy sailors, or privateersmen. The vast majority came from captured merchantmen as volunteers, for reason suggested by Dr. Samuel Johnson's observation that, " No man will become a sailor who has contrivance enough to get himself in Jail; for being in a ship is being in a jail with the chance of being drowned.... A man in jail has more room, better food, and commonly better company."
A General History of the Pyrates/ Daniel Dafoe. The book I have was a reprint-with notes...original from 1724
An interesting thing I learn about Pirates from reading the books-a lot of men didn't set out to be pirates. They may have been pressed ganged onto ships. If the ships they were sailing/ working on was attacked and overcome by pirates, in order to keep from being killed they had to throw their lot in with the pirates that had overcome the vessel they were sailing on.
The Fountainhead/ Ayn Rand. or watch the movie...Gary Cooper gives an impressive defense before a jury as to personal integrity in the movie.