the scriptures that bothered me were these stories: the angels came into Lot and the men of the city wanted to have relations with the men and Lot offered his daughters. Then there is the traveler fellow with a concubine who was taken in from the city square by an old fellow and the townsmen wanted to have relations with the they give over the woman and she is raped to death! ( so traveler cuts up her body and distributes it throughout the area) So much for chivalry!! So much for depravity! ( not as a kid, but to this day )
Another one that I never could figure out: David counts the people and what was it, 70,000 die? Not to mention That by all rights David and Bathsheba should have been killed under the law.--when I think of David, I think as bad as I have known some men to be, they weren't any worse than David-