Everyone who is a JW or is studying should read this: You are deserving of death if you put the Bible over WT Publications. The agenda hasn't changed. https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/131122/1954-douglas-walsh-transcript-pdf
JoinedPosts by enoughisenough
No Private Beliefs Allowed!
by BereanThinker7 inlooking for references that talk about witnesses not being able to hold any private interpretation or belief that isn't in line with official doctrine.
i know i've seen them before but of course now i can't find any of the more in your face statements..
Cost of living crisis
by ExBethelitenowPIMA induring the height of the pandemic all elders had to report to the co anyone who was struggling with bills or who couldn’t pay the rent.
the co reported it to the branch.. i don’t know what happens next.
do the branch help at all?
I think somewhere on this forum there was recently posted a "letter" to the elders with a list of "social services" to share with the needy. No mention of applying to WT
What Percentage of active JW's are on Anti-Depressants?
by Sea Breeze ini came across an xjw post on redditt from a rn.
she states that nearly every jw she ever treated was on anti-depressants or anti-psychotic drugs:.
https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/f35vaa/just_about_every_jw_i_come_across_is_on/ i once read somewhere that 1 in 5 jw's were on anti-depressants, but i couldn't find any documentation.
per Sea Breeze- "They will tell you that what they put kids through is nothing short of criminal" ....I knew a family of with two children and I would have hated to be one of those kids. One is bipolar - in and out of hospitals for cutting, etc. Here is an irony: The family took on welfare foster children for extra money. The son in the family knew these kids were there because of a bad home life. He turned his own family ( the JW ) into the welfare and was allowed to leave the home to live with his grandmother.
What Percentage of active JW's are on Anti-Depressants?
by Sea Breeze ini came across an xjw post on redditt from a rn.
she states that nearly every jw she ever treated was on anti-depressants or anti-psychotic drugs:.
https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/f35vaa/just_about_every_jw_i_come_across_is_on/ i once read somewhere that 1 in 5 jw's were on anti-depressants, but i couldn't find any documentation.
Sea Breeze and Beth Sarim...I know a woman who totally looses control of her head and gets in a bad way when her husband is verbally abusive towards her. I would say it is somewhat psychosomatic or a form of ptsd caused by a former husband. I think many woman in the world are physically ill because of verbal abuse. ( maybe men too-but woman for sure.) I know of a "sister" who underwent exploratory surgery to try to figure out what ailed her. She was in constant pain and thought maybe endometriosis. Drs found nothing. When her adulterous husband finally left, she got over it and the nasty migraines. As kids we would say, sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me. Well, the Bible is proved true at Pro 12:18 thoughless speech is like the stabs of a sword....
So I wonder how much of the depression and illness is the result of abusive home life.
Scriptures That Bothered You as a JW Kid.
by Sea Breeze inmy big one was: .
20: 5 "but the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished.
the scriptures that bothered me were these stories: the angels came into Lot and the men of the city wanted to have relations with the men and Lot offered his daughters. Then there is the traveler fellow with a concubine who was taken in from the city square by an old fellow and the townsmen wanted to have relations with the traveler...so they give over the woman and she is raped to death! ( so traveler cuts up her body and distributes it throughout the area) So much for chivalry!! So much for depravity! ( not as a kid, but to this day )
Another one that I never could figure out: David counts the people and what was it, 70,000 die? Not to mention That by all rights David and Bathsheba should have been killed under the law.--when I think of David, I think as bad as I have known some men to be, they weren't any worse than David-
by Terry indo we understand these three words: worship, idolatry, and blasphemy?.
most christians have a vague notion of worship, idolatry, and blasphemy already, but.
a clear definition is necessary.. we must take care to differentiate, however.. how the words appear in original language and how they are defined today might be at odds.. ____________________.
those pics put up by vanderhoven7 are so telling if you really think about what is going on. I remember not liking it that the blue logo ended up on all of the KH...totally glorifies the org. I will add to that the lapel pins and jewelry with JWorg on it....How would that be different than Christians wearing the cross...which the org would quickly point out as wrong? I never trusted a salesperson who came wearing a cross like they want you to believe they are a Christian so you can trust them.
What Percentage of active JW's are on Anti-Depressants?
by Sea Breeze ini came across an xjw post on redditt from a rn.
she states that nearly every jw she ever treated was on anti-depressants or anti-psychotic drugs:.
https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/f35vaa/just_about_every_jw_i_come_across_is_on/ i once read somewhere that 1 in 5 jw's were on anti-depressants, but i couldn't find any documentation.
Anony Mous I never thought of the fibromyalgia or chronic Fatigue syndrome...but yes! a lot of that in the org. I also knew of a woman who had to sit in the perfume free room because she was so effected she couldn't talk. I really think this was more a mental problem than an allergy because she could work making draperies and the like...How does this work with all the dyes and chemicals and smells, not to mention lint and dust in the fabrics? My thought was in her mind her voice was taken away at the meetings, so to speak.
What Will JW's Do If They Find Themselves Still Conscious after Death?
by Sea Breeze inwe all know that despite many scriptures to the contrary, jw's believe that when they die, their consciousness will cease.
my question is this: what will be the likely reaction of jw's if they find themselves conscious after death?.
If your consciousness doesn't cease, why would there ever need to be a resurrection? (duh!-you didn't die at all-just like the serpent said Eve wouldn't die ) Personally I believe what Ecc 9:5,10 says about the condition of the dead and Jesus reaffirmed that when likening Lazarus to being asleep who Martha knew would be resurrected on the last day- - And for those of you who choose not to believe the Bible at all, what difference does it make to you?
What Percentage of active JW's are on Anti-Depressants?
by Sea Breeze ini came across an xjw post on redditt from a rn.
she states that nearly every jw she ever treated was on anti-depressants or anti-psychotic drugs:.
https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/f35vaa/just_about_every_jw_i_come_across_is_on/ i once read somewhere that 1 in 5 jw's were on anti-depressants, but i couldn't find any documentation.
I can't speak to that. Years ago it was brought out that 25 percent of the population were on or needed antidepressants. 1 out of 4 if you look around you ( unless you are the 1) Anyway, I remember thinking about some in the congregation that they had issues--overly anxious or too dull-or germaphobes or thinking people were watching them through secret cameras. ( and then there were those you were just pretty sure were closet alcoholics.) So we were told we were happy people because we served a Happy God....where did that leave the rest of the world? I know a man who eventually left the org who said he was happiest when he wasn't going to meetings. My circle wasn't really ever that wide as far as getting to know very many very well, but I knew of 2 for sure who were bi-polar.
How many still getting boosters?
by ExBethelitenowPIMA ineither you think the governing body was correct giving direction to be fully vaccinated and do you will keep getting the boosters, or.... if you don’t think the boosters are safe and you decide not to keep getting them then you are admitting that the direction was wrong.. if the direction was indeed harming brothers and sister who kept going to get these injections because of the covid updates then this is a huge wake up call?.
how could this direction from the gb who are i doubt jehovah give such harmful direction?.
I can't believe anyone who has their head out of the sand would dare take a booster.