If you want to write a letter to the org or the locals, write it...give them your reasons...sign it alias whomever
You will have your say...
sig other is half assed still in, one family member is in... its been years... wondering if i should just let it be or just call up hq and say i resign... i will be pissed if they announce shit at the kh, though i dont even remember the last one i went to... lol.
for me, its none of anyone elses business... thoughts?.
If you want to write a letter to the org or the locals, write it...give them your reasons...sign it alias whomever
You will have your say...
i thought this was an interesting response to the question.
"being faithful and loyal to god implies or includes.
being faithful to your spouse (hebrews 13:4),.
When I left the org, my best "friend" said " I have to loyal to Jehovah"...the JW cannot separate God Almighty from the false teachings of the GB...I said: you are being loyal to 8 men.
a short sweet video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ekihoczyfg she put a link to the whole video if you care to watch.
here is the thing that came to my mind: by isolating just that part, the part sounds rather hubris, shocking, audacious.
when the jw hear it couched in a talk and woven in with scriptures, they will take it in without giving a real thought as to what is really being said..
ThomasMore, you left out: the vaccines! and many wanted to obey Jesus so they partook of the poison.
a short sweet video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ekihoczyfg she put a link to the whole video if you care to watch.
here is the thing that came to my mind: by isolating just that part, the part sounds rather hubris, shocking, audacious.
when the jw hear it couched in a talk and woven in with scriptures, they will take it in without giving a real thought as to what is really being said..
A short sweet video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3eKihoCZyFg She put a link to the whole video if you care to watch. Here is the thing that came to my mind: By isolating just that part, the part sounds rather hubris, shocking, audacious. When the JW hear it couched in a talk and woven in with scriptures, they will take it in without giving a real thought as to what is really being said.
rev, 13:17and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
here is wisdom.
let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is 666.".
ExBethelitenow PIMA...some information I have seen is the digital ID is in the vx. You can google vaccines and ditgital id and article will come up about it. It would appear from videos I have watched, that those who took the jabs can be tracked and monitored.
Listener- you brought up winning the competition which brought to mind another aspect that occurred to me when learning of the win: Gal 5:26 Let us not become egotistical, stirring up competition with one another, envying one another. How is entering the competition not in conflict with the scriptures they claim to obey ( not to mention the pioneer hierarchy ) If the designers ( who I take it ) were not JW, why did the JW make claim to the win? From where I sit the design firm should have gotten the money.
the situation is many of us are pima and all putting on a front, sometimes saying something we don’t fully believe.
or at least are actually agnostic about but a hope that it’s true.. but it can be useful if someone is really going through a hard time or has something they are very worried about, to say things like well let’s hope there is not much longer of this old system.. this can be useful in an awkward situation where you just don’t know what to do or say.
it’s a little bit of hope that can help when there is nothing else.. my agnosticism just means i won’t look back over decades thinking i wasted my life.
betty georges is listed as a helper to the governing body service committee, according to this page on the website: https://www.jw.org/en/jehovahs-witnesses/faq/governing-body-jw-helpers/.
anybody know anything about her?.
" name him Bill, George, anything but SUE!"
betty georges is listed as a helper to the governing body service committee, according to this page on the website: https://www.jw.org/en/jehovahs-witnesses/faq/governing-body-jw-helpers/.
anybody know anything about her?.
Disillusioned JW, some people on here aren't good at keeping their mind out of the gutter and then they like to flaunt it.
have you seen this video about the covid vaccines?
have you got any views on the information?
i find it worrying at least.
It doesn't look like they are giving up on their cash cow-making money and killing off "useless eaters" a win-win for the criminals! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJKWQSFjbyc