I haven't read every word on this topic or watched the videos...just scanned...what thing I did notice was the robots with AI mentioned...I have watched more than one robot say it would kill humans. Sci-fi seems to be pre-emptive programming...if that is any indicator, then AI will become god-like and the robots will kill. We have been steadily fed doses of AI and getting used to it , thinking it harmless...we have the smart phones, appliances, even the little devices you talk to that will tell you what 2+4 is or turn on and off the lights or tv. In other words, the diet of AI we get everyday makes us think it is good.
I thought I would throw in a scenario just for grins. We hear alot about needing to reduce the carbon footprint on earth ( hence the depopulation of people ) and planning for us to eat bugs. What if at some juncture AI decides this is all the smart thing to do and it has the power to shut down the electric grids, the water pipelines, etc...or push that button on the 5g installations that zap people. I see the potential for it to kill off humanity, but I also believe there is a creator who has his own plan. The Bible does say if God doesn't step in, all would die.( all this from your resident crackpot under the tin foil hat )