"are jw a bunch of perverts or what?" a bit off topic, but I was in a hall where you could tell one of the brothers got loved giving talks the were embarrasing to hear.
JoinedPosts by enoughisenough
"My book of bible stories" is child abuse!!
by Witness 007 ini once gave this book to a woman with kids at the door...to my shock my next visit she gave it back saying it was discusting and full of violence and sex!
this book was clearly written by some bethel loser with no kids.
i don't understand why witnesses don't have a separate kids school..
Awake! No.1 2023, A United Nations Advertisement?
by EasyPrompt inawake!
magazine no.1 2023 and united nations promotions.
page 3, "world meteorological association".
interesting-I would need to look at the article itself, but you may be onto something.
"the other sheep will feed the other sheep"
by enoughisenough ininteresting statement in this video...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zchsc1wedns.
interesting statement in this video...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCHsC1wEDns
JWBorg Legal Department Prevents Prosecution of Child Sexual Abuser in order to Protect Their Image
by EasyPrompt inhttps://nltimes.nl/2023/08/15/court-halts-prosecution-jehovahs-witnesses-abuse-case-due-confidentiality-breach.
wtbt$ legal department impedes prosecution of child sexual abuser in netherlands in order to protect wtbt$ image.. .
wtbt$ legal department = cold-hearted snakes just like their father the devil.. .
there will go a lot of court cases if such evidence isn't allowed in the US...so I am hoping it won't set a precedent for other cases, but I think the JW will use it as a precedent. Does this mean you can confess your child rape to the elders with confidence that it can never be used against you in a court of law?
What the Elders Book Actually says about Suicide and Judicial Hearings for Disfellowshipping
by EasyPrompt in"the shepherd the flock of god elders’ manual had instruction to take notes, sign and file them in judicial cases where the accused threatens suicide.
this instruction was removed in 2020. pic 1 is 2019 version, pic 2 is from a 2020 edition.
it remains the same in 2023.
EasyPrompt, I want to add to what I wrote about the situation in Maine...The DO called it "dispicable!" and nothing was done.
What the Elders Book Actually says about Suicide and Judicial Hearings for Disfellowshipping
by EasyPrompt in"the shepherd the flock of god elders’ manual had instruction to take notes, sign and file them in judicial cases where the accused threatens suicide.
this instruction was removed in 2020. pic 1 is 2019 version, pic 2 is from a 2020 edition.
it remains the same in 2023.
EasyPrompt...I am no longer in Maine...but an issue came up and even the District overseer came in..a law suit was threatened ( I think from the the unbaptized publisher ) and it all got swept under the rug.
What the Elders Book Actually says about Suicide and Judicial Hearings for Disfellowshipping
by EasyPrompt in"the shepherd the flock of god elders’ manual had instruction to take notes, sign and file them in judicial cases where the accused threatens suicide.
this instruction was removed in 2020. pic 1 is 2019 version, pic 2 is from a 2020 edition.
it remains the same in 2023.
I don't see anywhere in the pictured paragraphs a" get out of jail free card" if you are suicidal. I do see "put you on hold". I don't see anywhere for the JC to tell the person to get professional help, but rather to look up various articles. ( maybe get pro help is in them) I do think the putting off a meeting is more anxienty causing and depressing than just getting on with it. I think if someone really wants a get out of jail card, they need to threaten a law suit.-that worked in a congregaion in Maine! ( one of the parites was an unbaptized pubisher so maybe that was a factor.)
Truth about Covid vaccines
by Kosonen ini hope the truth about the covid vaccines becomes public knowledge as it does now in australia.
senator malcom roberts tells it all in his speach.
Nikolaus-yeah, it killed off some before they got covid! and it is still working so there are others won't get a variient--fallout/or fall dead hasn't been concluded as of yet.
More than 17 years of service to the XJW community!
by Nathan Natas ini want to take a moment to salute rick fearon, an "apostate" near boston massachusetts usa who more than 17 years ago started the sixscreens telenetwork on youtube.
you can find it here: https://www (dot) youtube (dot) com/ (at) araretreat/streams.. like our benevolent host simon green here at jehovahs-witness.com, rick has not done his great work for his own financial enrichment or to collect followers for himself, as some xjw grifters have done and continue to do.. saturdays and sundays are the busy days at six screens, with call-in programs like:.
* jw world news.
WingCommander, 6 screens may not be perfect, but there often times is interesting content to bring out and the callers give their angles...I don't agree with all I hear, and there are some seriouly hurt by the WT- people calling in and it comes through in their comments. I wouldn't knock it, but rather say try it and if you don't like it, don't bother with it any further. The first time I started to listen in, I stopped and listened to something else ( because of what you are likely referring to as "weirdness".) I don't think I every heard Johnnythebethlelite.
Church buys GEICO Woodbury property for $27M
by Rattigan350 inhttps://libn.com/2023/01/09/church-buys-geico-woodbury-property-for-27m/.
after a previous sale fell through, geico has sold its sprawling woodbury property for $27 million.
the buyer for the 236,365-square-foot office building on 20 acres at 750 woodbury road is the christian congregation of jehovah’s witnesses.
20 acres of land...I don't know what all is on the land...so they build the assembly hall...and sell off the rest of the property...maybe they use free labor to update some office buildings or whatever is on the property. and so not only have assembly hall land, but surplus to sell. It's a win-win for them. 27,000 000 seems like a lot of money to me, but when you consider with the new resolved monthly donation, they will get that back in 2 months time just from the United States. I remember years ago, we were getting the pitch to build the Salisbury NC assembly hall- all the money that could be saved to own our own building for assemblies....It seems to me it was voted on and maybe even pledges taken-don't quite remember. We were 4.5 hours drive, but made several trips ( and paid for lodging ) to go and help build the place. I heard from a brother that they sold the land around the hall for more than enough to pay for the whole thing. I was always surprised why at the assemblies, in annoucements , they would tell us there was wan't enough money to cover the expenses for that assembly. I was thinking there are assemblies being held there every weekend save for a maintaining. How much was the upkeep and utilities anyway? ( not to mention, at some point they told you how there had been extra from the last assembly and it got sent to the society.) What I know now and didn't then, is there is a set price on everyone who attends head-and they will get it one way or another. Off that band wagon to another thought on this new buy: they build the assembly hall to justify to the R and F a reason to pay out 27 million $, but the real plan is to get free labor in there to improve the property and sell for profit.