dummy me bought into the composite sign...especially because of them teaching that Jesus return would happen in Oct of 1914 and peace taken from the earth...and wella! World War One....Proof enough for me being the follower and not looking beyond-WWI made it make sense. Only in the past year or so did I realize the war began months before OCT. for whatever that was worth.
JoinedPosts by enoughisenough
Aside from the alleged "composite Sign", what is the scriptural evidence for Christ's 1914 presence?
by Vanderhoven7 inmy take is: 1914 is not biblical since no dates are in the bible.
a hodgepodge of scriptures are ingeniously linked together; then stir in about 9 creative assumptions to arrive at a speculative theory on which to base wts authority.. nathan knorr to fred franz.
"there are some things that i know.
I just watched another video put up by Warrick Pimo that if the elders can get more money from the publishers to let them know so they can do other projects...( something like that with watching it again )
Awake! No.1 2023, A United Nations Advertisement?
by EasyPrompt inawake!
magazine no.1 2023 and united nations promotions.
page 3, "world meteorological association".
I quickly skimmed the articles and the mentioned organizations were used a good light. Double speak-this is doing so and so to improve the earth and scriptures interpersed.
"My book of bible stories" is child abuse!!
by Witness 007 ini once gave this book to a woman with kids at the door...to my shock my next visit she gave it back saying it was discusting and full of violence and sex!
this book was clearly written by some bethel loser with no kids.
i don't understand why witnesses don't have a separate kids school..
"are jw a bunch of perverts or what?" a bit off topic, but I was in a hall where you could tell one of the brothers got loved giving talks the were embarrasing to hear.
Awake! No.1 2023, A United Nations Advertisement?
by EasyPrompt inawake!
magazine no.1 2023 and united nations promotions.
page 3, "world meteorological association".
interesting-I would need to look at the article itself, but you may be onto something.
"the other sheep will feed the other sheep"
by enoughisenough ininteresting statement in this video...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zchsc1wedns.
interesting statement in this video...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCHsC1wEDns
JWBorg Legal Department Prevents Prosecution of Child Sexual Abuser in order to Protect Their Image
by EasyPrompt inhttps://nltimes.nl/2023/08/15/court-halts-prosecution-jehovahs-witnesses-abuse-case-due-confidentiality-breach.
wtbt$ legal department impedes prosecution of child sexual abuser in netherlands in order to protect wtbt$ image.. .
wtbt$ legal department = cold-hearted snakes just like their father the devil.. .
there will go a lot of court cases if such evidence isn't allowed in the US...so I am hoping it won't set a precedent for other cases, but I think the JW will use it as a precedent. Does this mean you can confess your child rape to the elders with confidence that it can never be used against you in a court of law?
What the Elders Book Actually says about Suicide and Judicial Hearings for Disfellowshipping
by EasyPrompt in"the shepherd the flock of god elders’ manual had instruction to take notes, sign and file them in judicial cases where the accused threatens suicide.
this instruction was removed in 2020. pic 1 is 2019 version, pic 2 is from a 2020 edition.
it remains the same in 2023.
EasyPrompt, I want to add to what I wrote about the situation in Maine...The DO called it "dispicable!" and nothing was done.
What the Elders Book Actually says about Suicide and Judicial Hearings for Disfellowshipping
by EasyPrompt in"the shepherd the flock of god elders’ manual had instruction to take notes, sign and file them in judicial cases where the accused threatens suicide.
this instruction was removed in 2020. pic 1 is 2019 version, pic 2 is from a 2020 edition.
it remains the same in 2023.
EasyPrompt...I am no longer in Maine...but an issue came up and even the District overseer came in..a law suit was threatened ( I think from the the unbaptized publisher ) and it all got swept under the rug.
What the Elders Book Actually says about Suicide and Judicial Hearings for Disfellowshipping
by EasyPrompt in"the shepherd the flock of god elders’ manual had instruction to take notes, sign and file them in judicial cases where the accused threatens suicide.
this instruction was removed in 2020. pic 1 is 2019 version, pic 2 is from a 2020 edition.
it remains the same in 2023.
I don't see anywhere in the pictured paragraphs a" get out of jail free card" if you are suicidal. I do see "put you on hold". I don't see anywhere for the JC to tell the person to get professional help, but rather to look up various articles. ( maybe get pro help is in them) I do think the putting off a meeting is more anxienty causing and depressing than just getting on with it. I think if someone really wants a get out of jail card, they need to threaten a law suit.-that worked in a congregaion in Maine! ( one of the parites was an unbaptized pubisher so maybe that was a factor.)