I wasn't following really closely as I was also working, there was a reporter talking about the brics ( which I understand better because of your posting,) putting together their own currency in what? opposition/competition with the $. Which if you think about that, it makes the prophesy of the kings make more sense. One way the BRICS hope to push back is with their own currency. ( something like that )
JoinedPosts by enoughisenough
The pushing berween the K of N and K of S
by Kosonen inthe brics summit was big this year.
new member states were added.
interesting that they call themselves the global south.
Help wanted finding images
by Lee Marsh ini am working on a project that requires proofs that the wts did say it and jws believe and follow it.. i have found some but google is giving me a hard time with some things.. as i go i will post requests for various images.
they all must have a reference or at least post where i can find the reference and i will add it to the image.. both older and newer beliefs are welcome, especially flip-flops.. if you have something similar to what is already posted then more references the better.
i know there are images of the structure of the wts.
easyprompt....I appreciate your researching...it takes time...
The pushing berween the K of N and K of S
by Kosonen inthe brics summit was big this year.
new member states were added.
interesting that they call themselves the global south.
The WT always conjectures what is meant by what prophesy...and they especially like to put themselves at the forefront of some of the prophesies so as to gain control over people. ( I need to check out the video )
Acts 15:29 - "keep abstaining from blood"
by aqwsed12345 infor a christian, only the moral commandments of the old testament are binding (as they cannot change), but the various liturgical, social, and other so-called casuistic laws no longer apply to them.
this includes dietary habits, such as the prohibition of pork or fat, as well as the prohibition of blood.. take a look at the following verses: mt 15:11, mk 7:15-19, acts 11:7-9, 1 tim 4:3-5.. the jehovah's witnesses say that, yes, but in the acts of the apostles (15) the consumption of blood, idol meat, and strangled animals is also prohibited, meaning the new testament still forbids it.
for catholics, the council of florence settled this issue, stating that this apostolic regulation was only a temporary measure to facilitate agreement between jews and gentiles in the early church.
The Bible says the life is in the blood...you get someone else's blood, you get the substance of their life.--would you take in another person - or does that seem horrid/offensive to you? You think it isn't cannibalism?....others disagree. Blood is big business. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16EL-ZexH5A&t=143s
Another gem from the latest Study WT!
by BoogerMan in"consider the example of oleg and irina, a married couple who serve as pioneers.
after moving to assist a congregation in another area, they lost their source of income because of the worsening economic conditions in their country....... one day when they returned home from the ministry, they learned that a close friend had traveled about 160 kilometers (100 mi) to bring them two bags of groceries.
oleg says: “on that day, we once again experienced the depth of jehovah’s care and that of the congregation.".
blondie, did you ever watch the blue envelope youtube about Andre? he had a lot of experiences
Voting thumbs up
by peacefulpete inis anyone else having problem giving a thumbs up?
it has been happening for a long time.
i vote up , it appears, then disappears when i return to page.
Simon, if you ever have issue with what I post, please just message me so it can be sorted out. TIA
A divorced single sistet
by TxNVSue2023 init was an opinion of someone that to be a divorced, single sister i. the organization was the lowest social standing you can have.
why are they dispised?
( what if was a scriptural divorce where husband cheated?
"emotional widow in the congregation"...I noticed this in particular at conventions...the women are in the audiance with their families ( if they have any other then the man there ) He is off doing what ever duty he was assigned to. For all practical purposes, she just as well had no husband...
in a judicial matter concerning divorce based upon a cheating husband, there is always the question as to whether the woman was "putting out".... let's say she wasn't for whatever reason...how does that justify adultery? Does that change the marriage vow? ( that could work for both goose and gander ) They look for an escape clause for the guilty. IMHO
Acts 15:29 - "keep abstaining from blood"
by aqwsed12345 infor a christian, only the moral commandments of the old testament are binding (as they cannot change), but the various liturgical, social, and other so-called casuistic laws no longer apply to them.
this includes dietary habits, such as the prohibition of pork or fat, as well as the prohibition of blood.. take a look at the following verses: mt 15:11, mk 7:15-19, acts 11:7-9, 1 tim 4:3-5.. the jehovah's witnesses say that, yes, but in the acts of the apostles (15) the consumption of blood, idol meat, and strangled animals is also prohibited, meaning the new testament still forbids it.
for catholics, the council of florence settled this issue, stating that this apostolic regulation was only a temporary measure to facilitate agreement between jews and gentiles in the early church.
I notice there are things the Bible teaches and people go out of their way to argue that isn't what the Bible means. There seems to be the concept that the "no blood" is a JW teaching...it isn't.The Bible teaches it. But what JW do teach about it doesn't make any sense: you can't take a blood transfusion, but you can have parts of the blood...where did the Parts come from? If I am left to my own understanding and reading the Bible without any outside influence ( religious, medical, or scientific, whatever) I would conclude that blood is sacred and is to be poured out. I see no place for transfusions, even if it means saving a life. Luke 17:33 KJ21
Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it, and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it.Then there is the scripture about not asking what is in the meat markets for the sake of your conscience. We would likely be appalled to know what is actually in many of the foods we eat or the meds we take. -
A divorced single sistet
by TxNVSue2023 init was an opinion of someone that to be a divorced, single sister i. the organization was the lowest social standing you can have.
why are they dispised?
( what if was a scriptural divorce where husband cheated?
I knew a sister whose husband committed adultery. She sought a divorce. The local elders snubbed her and gave a marking talk saying some women get a career ( can't remember the exact wording ) and feel independant of their husbands and push them out.The congregation was weary of the woman I knew of so while no names were mentioned, the point was taken. She wasn't offered any sympathy because he was a cheat and gave her a potentially death dealing std. ( she wasn't allowed to speak of it to the local congregation..) The cheating husband told his mother that another brother had given the sister the std, so she would spread a lie. HE could spread this lie, but the wife told to keep her mouth shut! He got patted on the back. He moved away from the congregation, but came back to visit a couple of times at the end of the meeting, standing at the opening between the foyer and auditorium. The "brothers and sisters" lined up in a long row like a wedding reception, going up to hug him, shake his hand, and pat him on the back...all this while the wife was being treated like they didn't know what to do with her.
Aftermath of being Reinstated
by TxNVSue2023 ini'm in the process of being reinstated ( my df'ing story is on here).
because i've never been in this position before, i don't know how i will be treated once i'm reinstated.
i moved to a new city/state and i don't know a single person here or in my new congregation i am attending.
Why do you want to be reinstated? You said yourself you had been out for years before...Do you really think they are God's channel for your salvation,even though Jesus said he is the mediator between men and God? Maybe you just feel comfortable there...Are you going to feel comfortable teaching people that in order for them to live they have to be a JW and obey 9 men. because Jesus appointed them?..CAN you prove from the Bible ( without WT publications) that Jesus appointed them faithul slave in 1919?