Zeb, regarding your comment,
However I am ever confused on this need to resign in writing. I was baptized and never received a card or letter of welcome nor did any of my family. So why do the wts require a written notice of departure?
When you were baptized, you did not receive any letter, however, the date of your baptism was recorded on your Publisher Card. This publisher card served as a proof of your baptism and being a member of the JW organization. The card moved along with you wherever you transferred.
A letter of disassociation is an official document for the elders of the congregation which is recorded and filed in their confidential reports. In the future, if a court case or a child abuse case comes up and the disassociated individual is a party to it, the elders at that particular time will have the necessary details about the individual and whether he was a JW during the reported incident.
Simply put, you may hate the company/organization where you are working, but you need to submit a letter of resignation if you want to leave. Keeping things official is always the best and minimizes future problems.
Most of the elders won’t be interested in reading and analyzing your letter or your points, no matter how appealing it is. Their confidential file is full of such letters and at the most, the secretary of your congregation will skim through it to explain to the CO or other elders and for preparing the S-77 form. One sentence would be more than enough.