I always found it horrible how JWs (not just my family but the entire congregation it seems) don't want to voulnteer for charity or relief efforts (unless directly told to by the GB, COs or elders) because "This is the last days and doing these things won't improve world conditions. Preaching about the end of this system will." Disgusting lack of responsibility.
Posts by Sorry
Field service even when parts of town are flooded.
by StephaneLaliberte inyes, you heard right.
this morning, jehovah's witnesses in gatineau were preaching door to door when parts of their city are under water.1500 volunteers (not jws) showed up to help their fellow citizen in need.
meanwhile, jws were knocking on the doors in areas that were not flooded talking about how the weather is messed up and how it is a sign of the end.
Would You EVER Go Back To Being A Jehovah's Witness?
by minimus ini could never understand why some people who know the truth about the "truth" ever go back.
once you understand all the hypocrisy and negatives, i would think it's almost impossible to go back!.
Tbh, I did try leaving once (the details are for a different post). In a nutshell, I told my family I didn't feel comfortable being a Witness anymore, and I simply left and stayed elsewhere. At first they cut off my phone so I'd have no contact with anyone else (because they were punishing me for eating with a male friend), and they made me call my ride with them listening on their home phone. I left and for a few hours I was okay.
Then my phone magically turned back on. Then came the pleading calls. How my father misses me and has barely eaten or slept. How they just don't understand why I'm throwing everything away. How I can't afford to go to college and have a roommate on a disability check. And they told me they'd contact the SSI administration so I'd have my disability check revoked due to my new status as a roommate. I was already on an emotional rollercoaster, and their calls made everything worse. They kept going on about how I'd be dead and they'd be enjoying paradise with my deceased grandparents. I know it's all bullshit, but they sounded completely depressed about it, like they genuinely believed if I was no longer a JW, I was good as dead and they couldn't stand the thought of living without me. I felt so conflicted because when I left, I tried hugging everyone. My dad gave me a big squeeze, and my mom just pushed me away and gave me the cold shoulder. I was shocked and thought they didn't love me at all. And yet here they were, pretty much begging me to come back at least until I was more stable.
And despite them showing me their true colors, I came back. I know I'm weak. But they fully buy into the whole JW life/death thing, and my leaving kinda traumatized them. It's been a few months since I tried to leave, and I somewhat regret my decision. But what can I say? I guess I love too much...
Outcome - Banned in Russia - Final
by OrphanCrow ini just watched the live feed from the russian court room and followed the updates on the russian exjw forum.. just waiting for confirmation from other sources...but, it looks like the final (and expected) result is:.
which means that the wts property in russia now belongs to the russian state..
Eh, I don't really know how to feel about this. On one hand, I'm glad Russia has recognized the obvious. Then again, this whole ban will simply feed on the persecution complex, and the GB/regular dubs alike are gonna ride that train til the wheels fall off.
My mother kept saying: "Just like the Bible predicted, government turning on religion, and our own people being persecuted." I pointed out to her that any religion that isn't apart of the Russian Orthodox Church is catching heat by their government. Her response: "But those aren't the true religion!" Just sad...
Never Thought I'd Say This, But I've Found Something to Look Forward to in the Meetings
by Sorry inmy therapist inspired me to start looking on the bright side.
even though i've pretty much given up listening to the bs and usually tune out the meeting by playing on my phone/tablet, i find the local needs talk oddly fascinating.
probably because it's the only part that doesn't seem outlined to death (at least at our hall), and you truly don't know what you get.
I've been busy so I'm just now seeing everyone's responses.
In general, a ton of people at my hall (my parents included), constantly talk smack about gated communities (I can think of at least a few by our KH). I think this is for several reasons: 1) they are not allowed to go preaching there and it pisses them off 2) the elders hate them because it cuts off access from quite a few faders in our congregation (One community in particular has a list of visitors from residents. Your name is not on it or you don't get approval by the resident you wish to see, you're not allowed access) and 3) they tend to be very nice and expensive. Uber dubs see it as a "showy display of ones means of life". Regular dubs are mad they don't have it like that.
I'm glad some of you got a good laugh from it like I did. And our cong has a lot of local needs because we have one particular elder whose extremely power hungry and has control issues. Since his daughter has been DF'd and pays him dust, he can no longer control her and he's taking it on everyone else. I think he may have blackmail on the other elders cause they just cower to this man lol.
About the front row seat thing, I've only seen it mentioned on ex-jw boards. Hmmm... 🤔
Never Thought I'd Say This, But I've Found Something to Look Forward to in the Meetings
by Sorry inmy therapist inspired me to start looking on the bright side.
even though i've pretty much given up listening to the bs and usually tune out the meeting by playing on my phone/tablet, i find the local needs talk oddly fascinating.
probably because it's the only part that doesn't seem outlined to death (at least at our hall), and you truly don't know what you get.
My therapist inspired me to start looking on the bright side.
Even though I've pretty much given up listening to the bs and usually tune out the meeting by playing on my phone/tablet, I find the local needs talk oddly fascinating. Probably because it's the only part that doesn't seem outlined to death (at least at our hall), and you truly don't know what you get. Some of the things that are complained about is quite amusing. It's been the only think I actually pay attention to. Some examples:
First Week: Gated Communities. "While they seem like a reasonable solution to the rising crime rate, they're simply the world's false security blanket. A gate has never stopped a criminal from breaking in before, so it's naive to think living in such a place will make any difference in your safety. That's the naive thinking the world exhibits. Rather silly to invest in a barrier that's not going to solve crime." Threw out random Scripture about anxiety and worrying. "No matter where you live, Jehovah will look out for you."
Next Week: Show-Offy Hats. "It's been brought to our attention that certain friends have taken to wearing big hats with flashy designs and additions. While we wouldn't want to infringe on your fashion choices, we want to remind you that Jehovah promotes a modest standard of dress." Read modesty and soundness of mind Scripture. "Would wearing a hat with so many extra props be modest, or attention seeking? Remember last week's Watchtower Study on humility. Goes hand and hand with modesty."
Next Week After: Posting Weight-Loss Results on Social Media. "It's also been brought to our attention that several friends have been sharing their bodies on platforms such as Facebook. The Bible promotes a healthy lifestyle, but posting these photos lacks modesty and humility like those hats. You must ask yourself, are they focused on my weight loss or something else? We represent Jehovah all the time. Don't bring reproach on his name.
Last Week: Filling Front Rows. "We all share the same enthusiasm for spiritual food. So, we would think more of you would like to get a front row seat to the talk. There's no rule for sitting, but it does pose a problem whenever the backroom is filled when there's perfectly good seats up front."
I pitch into a fit on giggles thinking about some of the ridiculous things said. My parents have noticed I'm a bit more cheerful on Wednesday nights, and it has helped resolve some of the tension that has been present since I've been awake. Hopefully, this "brightside" mentality will help keep me sane.
Does Anyone Know The "Real" Attitude That JWs Have Towards "Inactive Ones"?
by minimus indoes the rank and file or the elders view us as disassociated or disfellowshipped or simply "weak" or possibly a "prodigal son" type?.
It depends honestly.
I can see why some have said jealousy. My cong tends to love bomb the struggling inactives, but spew vitriol at the ones who have improved their quality of life without Jehovah. They even say things like: "Money can't buy happiness." Or "Rich people tend to be the unhappiest." Even "It won't last long, they'll come running back to Jehovah." If you're truly happy, you'd be glad other people are experiencing your same joy instead of waiting for their downfall.
by confused3426 ini am a newbie, and yes current jw.
i have been dealing with a lot confusion for months now.
i guess it started last year when i found myself losing my zeal, desire for spiritual things.
Welcome to the forum, confused3426. Oh my goodness. I feel like I'm reading about myself lol.
The important thing is that you do your own research and draw your own conclusions (which you seem to be doing). Despite what the Watchtower says, it's not selfish to do what's best for you. Just live your life. Life's way too short to abide by man made rules created by seven men who don't even know you. Build a support system and continue doing what makes you happy.
-Hugs, Sorry.
Very scary: Canada's push to censor criticising Islam is dangerous and has scary implications for cults like the JW
by kpop ini am very worried about this latest law that (surprise!
) a muslim immigrant wants to make into law in canada using all of canada's powers to stop anything that might be critical of islam, labeling it as "islamophobia.
" well this should be very frightening to all of us here, especially since we know what happens when you are not allowed to openly criticize a religion, or a thought, or politics!
I rarely discuss these things (for obvious reasons). But the rhetoric in Islam is abusive and downright disgusting. I never understood the whole "religion of peace" bs. And yes, I'm fully aware Muslims aren't behind every terrorist attack. Aside from that, here's some other problems with Islam.
1) Muhammad killed numerous people just for criticizing him. Probably why Muslims can't take criticism so well, they're told to be like Muhammad.
2) Formally threatens to kill members for trying to leave (and has acted on those threats)
3) Conditions member to see everyone else as subhuman (extreme us vs. them mentality)
4) The Quran itself frequently speaks of of Allah's cruelty towards people who aren't Muslim.
5) Women are seen as inferior, frequently becomes victims of violence (esp. honor killings)
I don't see how anyone could defend it. Besides, not matter how good or bad something is, it will always be criticized. It would be dumb to police it unless it directly elicits violence.
What is your opinion of the news media?
by minimus into me they have an agenda and they really don't care about professional journalism.
most are untrustworthy and that's a shame.
"If you don't watch the news, you're uninformed. If you do watch the news, you're misinformed." - Denzel Washington
Happy Birthday to Me!
by Iown Mylife inthere's a beautiful sky this morning.
it's my birthday, today i'm 64 and look every inch of it, but i appreciate my life and feel fortunate to be cult-free.
also very fortunate to have a purposeful and entertaining existence here in gorgeous north georgia (in the usa).
Kinda late to the party, but happy birthday Iownmylife! Hope you have many more...