AGuest Thank you for taking all the time to respond.
Here's the thing. I don't trust your spirit that teaches you, which leaves me reticent and wary on listening (hearing) what you speak.
I'm upset because I was and still am very much looking forward to conversing with you. But I have the difficulty testing the spirits (in this case yours) to see if they are from God. Honestly, I've never had to do it before. Normally there isn't anyone who seems to be interacting in spirit—which I am seeking out such ones. You obviously are, but then it comes to discerning from the wealth of knowledge you offer, if it is founded in the spirit of truth.
I typed out a post and then, bam, it was gone. So disheartening, because I was complete offering you links and such.
Maybe the devil did it , maybe the spirit wanted me to write a straight forward and simple post after all the thought I had worked through , or maybe it was just Chrome crashing. I know better. I should have been writing offline. Even now I'm writing in the post box and could lose this one too!
So, honey, I'm not going to be convinced to use the sound nor letter which didn't exist in ancient Semitic times nor languages. I prefer to seek out my Father and to know how to say and write (even if transliteration) his name as he presented it to Moses.
You confuse me in circular reasoning. First offering the Y is just the sound the the new J is, then say that you use J because the Y isn't the right sound. All I know is my Father and his Son both predate the alphabet which carries the J, and that the sound that letter carries is a new invention across the world, and the only way to get it in Hebrew is to use a gimmel with a specific vowel point. So the sound would dictate spelling the Hebrew name different at that point.
Yehowah is the name I came to learn by going to my Father directly in prayer, and taking what I knew from the scriptures in prayerful consideration. It had felt like such an easy "game" —"hang man" — and I marveled at how simple it was. How do we think we do not know, I think for we do not! Yosephus gave a clue which puts a secular stamp of approval on it, but that's just a bow on what was simply there for those who seek it from the scriptures.
If this weren't so much about what you were told from your spirit, as I had hoped to enjoy sharing with you, playing, in the word of God, as it were, then we could (and still can) work through the steps together. I'm interested if there's anything else I can learn by sharing what I've learned from/in the spirit of truth with others so that they can share and learn and teach me more. But the letter "J" is a step in the wrong direction. If you're interested, I'm still interested, but I'm so over "J". I study ancient languages, and the roots of linguistics and love etymologies. I can't be stuck in recent history, it's a bore to me. I'm a child who keeps asking my Father, each time I learn something, "why?"
So, I'm aware that the Black God Music uses Jahveh, but not of anyone who actually studies Hebrew or speaks it.
The second reason I come to the point were I do not trust your spirit, as it does not seem that he comes from the Father or speaks from the Word of Truth, is that you call him "my Lord".
The book of Zephaniah is about removing the remnants of Baal, and chapter 3 mentions the purification of the lips so that his people can worship him standing shoulder-to-shoulder. If you just read the opening of chapter 1, then read chapter 3 it'll set the scene for what I'm offering you for consideration. (I know that you offer scripture only for those who walk by sight, but at least we can agree that it's a source of truth from God.)
Hosea chapter 2:16,17 speaks of the unfaithful wife Israel (Zephaniah was Judah) and how he's going to remove the names of the Baal's out of her mouth. I imagine our Father washing her mouth out with a bar of lye soap.
He says, one day you'll no longer reduce me to the level of the baal's calling me your "my baal" while sleeping with other baals, but will instead call me 'your man'.
Let that sink in. "Your Man" is the literal translation, "husband" would be the meaning.
While adonai is the meaning you have, I'm sure, behind using the title "my Lord", I offer you the second point of my concern.
The word "lord" is translated from baal. Adonay, despite translation is not "lord". Those who are sensitive to this fact often use "Master" to translate "Adonay" be distinct from "baal". (As I never learned to say "Lord" anyway, I simply don't. It's an appellation, and I think of him as my brother who gave his life for me, not as "my master", similar to Hosea's thought.)
baal: (primitive root) to marry, rule over. from which we get baal: owner, lord, which became as Hosea's inspired words show, a proper name, Ba'al ; Baal, a Phoenician deity — Baal, (plural) Baalim.
I can't stay around right now, but perhaps this is a good place to leave off so you have food for thought. Please, think. Right now the balance of our relationship lies in what we come to as a conclusion together. Pray. If you speak to your spirit instead, then please, can you please use in this particular conversation "The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob" who sent his son "Christ the Messiah"? The devil will flee if we oppose him, and you are always safe. Hey, maybe he'll start teaching you earlier history. I'm not interested in the prophets of today, like Joseph Smith, or the alphabet that adorn their day. I am interested in the ones from 4,000 years ago, whose writings (scriptura) have been handed down though time, as if—hey!—inspired of God.
My mouth has been washed clean. I desire to associate with others who are either innocent, or have been washed clean. You are not innocent, you have a spirit. Thus I'm asking you to consider that spirit, and consider the scriptures, and consider why the image keeps going through my mind that you need your mouth washed out with soap.
I am not trying to offend. I'm a child in my heart and mind, and am simply offering the imagery which is best able to convey my thoughts. Storytelling.
When I speak to people who are innocent and they ask why I don't use "Jehovah", I don't dump all that we've talked about on them. I assure them that their Father knows their heart, and that if they seek him they will find him. They then are naturally curious, often worried they are using the wrong name. I assure them that we were taught, as my dad taught me, to pray to "Our Father", as his son instructed us. I explain that when I was scared when I first started learning what I had thought was the truth as a witness of Jehovah wasn't true, I learned to use "the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob" when I wanted to be specific.
Christ the Messiah is what the woman at the well knew that she and her people were waiting for.
As for Jah, or Jeh, please do some reading... Here's Witches, Whores, and Sorcerers: The Concept of Evil in Early Iran . Jeh or Jah "the whore" may give you light on "Let us be blood the great whore had shed" (think: menstruation) as spoken by the Word, speaking of Babylon the whore of the Medo-Persian empire. See also Religions of the Ancient World: A Guide .