JoinedTopics Started by nibbled
Michael's story, shunning suicide funeral this past weekend
by nibbled inwow.
this story is so stunningly sad.
the good guy finishes last, as he has a crisis of conscience and ends up leaving behind four kids.
A story written around the scriptures: My People
by nibbled inon the day you were born, no one cared about you.
your clothes were made of fine linen and were beautifully embroidered.
this is adultery against me!
Lost Tribes and the sons of Zerah
by nibbled inpterist and i have been having an offline conversation about this topic.
see book.
if interested in joining the discussion please feel free to respond.. .
Yehowah, the divine name known by the Watchtower, but not used.
by nibbled in(yeho?wah); gr., ?
the participle ho?weh is from the root verb ha?wah, related to the divine name, yehowah.. .
heb., yehowah.
Who is the Israel of God? Used one in scripture, claimed by Christians everywhere!
by nibbled inthe phrase israel of god appears only once in the scriptures, yet it is frequently used in christianity.
just who is the israel of god?.
as you consider these points, and before responding, will you please test your thinking to ensure first that you are speaking from a scripture only standpoint?
Music you never noticed was ...
by nibbled ini have friends in very cool jobs.
my world interacts quite often with music stars, and i have interesting conversations.
for instance, i was talking with the members of animal kingdom, and asked the lead singer about the lyrics i picked up while listening them perform for the group a few minutes earlier... i felt stupid because i hadn't realized the name of the song, and only had caught a few lyrics... he wrote of mephistopheles.
A keyboard confessional...
by nibbled inyou guys don't know me, i'm new here.
i'm typing on an iphone (pardon any random weird iphone auto-spell corrections) and could walk home to get to my laptop but i might lose the courage to post what comes to my heart to share right now.
worse and more likely, i'll simply not be able to express what i felt right now... if i wait until i have a proper keyboard.
When will my daddy be resurrected?
by nibbled in20:12, 13: i saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and scrolls were opened.
john and revelation both say that the dead will be judged according to their deeds.
that resurrection is for those who rule with christ for the thousand years.
San Francisco or Bay Area Members?
by nibbled ini did a search and came up with some posts related to san francisco, but i couldn't figure out how to find more recent onesthey were from nearly a dozen years ago!
i was wondering if anyone lives around sf, as well as if anyone is around my age?
i'm early 30's.