I'm pretty much a "what you see... and hear... is what you get" person. So please, do not mistake my forthrightness for anything untoward, if you can. I use no "tone" or snark here. Indeed, there are less then 5 people on this board who I reserve such for... and you are not one of them.
:) When I try to be less than my functional to the point self I'm accused of being a bit rambling. When I'm succinct I'm accused of being intimidating and absolute or directive. I suffer the same. I feel you!
Why does such frustrate you?
Because I'm seeking people to talk to about the deeper things I've learned, but I can't get past the spoiled milk. Milk as to babes in Christ, spoiled as in it's not even good milk.
Observation: It seems it would be easier to start a cult than a conversation.
"Israel in spirit - he is not a Jew who is one on the outside; he is a Jew who is one on the INSIDE " — That was YOUR quote, not mine. I don't believe that anyone is a Jew inside or out unless they are a Jew. Then you can discuss if they are a spiritual Jew as one on the inside, not just on the outside. I was trying to make the point that I do not believe anyone is anything but who they are and I'm sooooooo frustrated trying to find people who don't just believe everyone is going to be Jewish or Israelite.
I guess humor enters my heart in this moment as I picture my friend I was talking to today. She's Jewish. You could spot her Jewishness a mile away. I started laughing in my heart just now picturing all those Christians who say that they are "Jews on the inside" because they are circumcised of heart, but they wouldn't go tell her that, unless they're socially ignorant and don't realize she is a Jew—and the intent is whether or not her Jewishness is simply external or also internal. (Great that she's a girl, for this example!)
"I believe Paul spoke AGAINST circumcision “out.”"
Um, yes, but context. He was against the Jews promoting circumcision. To be a Jew, you had to be circumcised in Flesh already—and circumcised of Heart. To be a Christian you simply needed to ignore the Jews and pay attention to Christ.
Wow. That sort of is it. Maybe that's the best summary.
To be a Christian you simply needed to ignore the Jews and pay attention to Christ. It's over simplification. But does it get the point across? The Jews don't enter the scene again until the body of Christ is caught away; after the fullness of the nations come in. And Jews-schmew, what about Israel? Why does no one want to claim to be 10-tribe Israel?
Again though—"Jews" in that day were circumcised already. It was only a question of heart condition. If they had the heart condition they accepted Christ and left behind the old flesh for the new spirit.
House of Israel (ten tribes): “‘For I will take you out of the nations; I will gather you from all the countries and bring you back into your own land. I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean; I will cleanse you from all your impurities and from all your idols. I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws."
So, if Israel is coming back, you believe the house of Judah isn't?
Have you read the prophecies in regard to accepting what they say as literally being fulfilled rather than spiritually?
Its the remnant of Judah and Israel which go to heaven, it is the old covenant prophecies which tell us that after the remnant goes, with the rest of the body of Christ, to heaven, that those who remain will be restored—thus, all Israel will be saved.
I don't believe this "true Jew" is anybody whose heart is circumcised.
I'll see if I can pull out my philosophy logic book to see how to write the equation out.
Just because a Jew becomes a "true Jew" by heart circumcision it does not follow that anyone who is heart circumcised is a Jew. A therefore B therefore C does not mean C = A, or something like that?
"For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly, neither is that which is seen in the flesh circumcision. But he is a Jew who is in secret, and circumcision is that which is of the heart, in The Spirit and not by the Scriptures, whose glory is not from the children of men, but from God." (Aramaic Bible in Plain English)
Keeping in mind Yehuda means "God will be praised."
So you don't believe in the New Covenant scriptures?
Yes, I know about the other books. I find that I agree with Esdras for example in 2 Esdras 13, but I find it impossible simply by reading the book to believe it was written by Ezra nor even anywhere near Ezra's time. I searched quickly and learned my suspicions were well founded.
I believe that inspired scriptures passed with the apostles—the restraint.
So I began testing my understanding, as it was strange to find it written in a book I find my heart not capable of trusting. Does that mean my understanding is wrong? Or does that mean there was something of what I believed written about in the first century or so, who wrote it as if inspired or as a prophet?
So, I kind of have to go with what that WORD says about Who the Word is... which the Bible actually corroborates.
"ton logon tou theou" — the word of God. — Mark 7:13 http://interlinearbible.org/mark/7-13.htm
I hope that you'll look into it. It's a fun study to study the words of the word of the Word.
Leaving off at the question of thinking Isaiah's prophecy…
I have to go to bed.
Btw, it's not fear, it's disgust for ignorance.
I'm going to bed. I see no reason to be here. I think I came to the wrong place looking for something that by definition wouldn't be here.
I will rest on it. I will be out of the country this weekend with a "JW" friend of mine, I will see how I feel when I return. I'm not saying I won't be here the next few days until I leave, but I have nothing much left in my heart right now.
I feel empty and wasted of energy.
Good night— and please, you are not my servant.