Remember, the writer is trying to make Jesus sound like he is foretelling the destruction of the Second Temple, an event that happened AFTER the gospels were composed. The city is supposed to fall, Jesus claims the Jews are supposed to be punished for their sins with their blood, and then Jesus is to return and rule as Messiah. None of this happened.
Jesus predicts Jerusalem ending with the Temple, which fell in 70 CE, but the Jews continued living there, flourishing with several years of independence from Rome until 135 with the Bar Kokhba revolt. Jesus still did not return.
The Jews returned to their land in 1947 with Israel once again becoming an independent state. In 2000, Christianity stopped formal proselytizing of Jews, and in 2015 declared the teaching of supersessionism as incompatible with the Gospel.
Jesus still has not returned.
Today's theologians in the Church say the writers may have shaped this discourse with anti-Jewish sentiment no longer appropriate to Christianity. They were hoping that the Temple's fall would be good for them and would see the end of the Jews that didn't follow Jesus, but such views no longer should shape Christian doctrine according to theologians of the Church.