Resurrection will be the next step in the stage where eternal life is possible. In order to be restored, it needs to be determined first what kind of body to have, and then the technology to restore his(or her) information stored in space and time. With these advanced techniques, the Resurrection Committee will decide on the list of people to be resurrected and the material of the body. The education of the resurrected will be mainly undertaken by A.I. with expertise.
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The Watchtower—Study Edition | December 2022
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthe watchtower—study edition | december 2022.
6 jehovah has created us to find enjoyment in our work.
“Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words will by no means pass away.”
by Fisherman in“this generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur.
heaven and earth will pass away but my words will by no means pass away.”.
the destruction of jerusalem is insignificant in the large scheme of things.
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“Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words will by no means pass away.”
by Fisherman in“this generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur.
heaven and earth will pass away but my words will by no means pass away.”.
the destruction of jerusalem is insignificant in the large scheme of things.
That's what he said about the destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem, because it was not a holy place of worship, but a den of corrupt robbers, and Matthew deliberately spoke to Jews with an anti-Jewish disposition. It was never a prophecy. Because historians believe that the original Gospel, the Gospel of Maga was recorded in 70 A. D. shortly after the destruction of the Jerusalem temple, and the Gospel of Matthew was recorded around 86 A. D. So the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem was written by the scribe after the temple was destroyed.
Have JW `s ever faced the topic of Jesus having inherited Adamic sin ?
by smiddy3 inaccording to the bible all humans male and female have inherited sin because of adam and eve`s disobedience to god .. god may have impregnated mary with a life force , however it was still sinful mary who gave birth to jesus after nine months in her body who is /was supposedly without sin ?.
mary must have passed on some of her sinful state to jesus having been in her womb for the past nine months , surely.
and there is nothing in the bible / scripture to say otherwise ?.
There are people who interpret Paul's words as original sin, but it is not very reasonable to inherit the sin and become a sinner by itself. Jesus never said anything about man being born with original sin. I think that Paul's intentions are misinterpreted by later generations.
Our J.W friends still have issues with beards 2022??Why?
by Witness 007 inour witness friend who during covid grew his beard has been hassled by elders who asked him "why" he chose to have facial growth.
he for real, had to give an answer why.
this is pharasees total rubbish.
If you grow a beard, you look charming.
Do you believe in ghosts?
by Country Girl ini am posting this because i know there are many people that have had experiences that cannot be explained by natural means.
i am a ghost hunter, as a hobby.
my hobby is to disprove ghosts.
It's obvious why ghosts can't exist.
That`s because the reality of all things is unique, and everything except the only reality is that the properties of reality have been altered.ㅡby Spinoza
Do you believe in ghosts?
by Country Girl ini am posting this because i know there are many people that have had experiences that cannot be explained by natural means.
i am a ghost hunter, as a hobby.
my hobby is to disprove ghosts.
There are three superstitions that Christians believe in.
1 There is a Gehenna made of an indelible sulfur fire pond.
2 There are ghosts who are harmful to humans
3 There are miracles
I am a Korean, therefore I am poor at English
A new generation of anointed that will not pass away.
by Fisherman inobviously, the older “ anointed ” from 1914 died.
and because they were anointed, they hopefully went to heaven.
in the first century though, a newer generation did not replace the old.
Biblical historians initially thought that Matthew would be the first to record the gospel. Thus, the Gospel of Mark was considered to be a compression of the Gospel of Matthew. However, after careful study, the Q Gospel was first recorded, the Mark Gospel was recorded, and Matthew and Luke remained almost the majority (90%), and about 5% of the remaining 10% were extracted from the Q Gospel, so Matthew and Luke's pure magnetic data were only 5% each.
So what's the date of the Gospels' record?
According to historians, it is widely believed that the Gospel of Mark was recorded about 70 years after A.D., and that the Gospel of Matthew and Luke were recorded about 15 years later. Accordingly, it is said that the Gospel of John was recorded again about 15 years later.
Understanding this order properly plays a very important role in understanding the gospel. For example, there is a prophecy at Mark 13:30 that seems to be, "I tell you the truth, this will happen before this generation passes." If the Gospel of Mark is recorded before 70 A.D., that is, before the fall of Jerusalem Castle, the prophetic effect of what was recorded and what was recorded afterwards is wide-ranging. If these words were recorded before the fall of Jerusalem, the prophecy was clearly fulfilled and furthermore, the 'one generation doctrine', which is the important doctrine of today's Watchtower, may play an auxiliary role in gaining momentum. However, if the Gospel of Mark was recorded shortly after 70 years, this prophecy loses most of its effects. At best, it is an ex-eventus. Even if this posthumous prophecy is truly Jesus' word in advance, it is too impellent to see as a model prophecy that will come two thousand years later.
Therefore, the intention of this statement is nothing more than to claim that Jesus' words have been clearly fulfilled and thus to prove that Jesus is the true prophet of God. If the date of the Gospel's record had been revealed a long time in advance, there would never have been an interpretation of this saying as an absolute prophecy that causes some kind of heaven and earth opening.
Free Will - Does It or Does It Not Exist?
by truth_b_known inbeing born-in and raised as one of jehovah's witnesses i remember a common theme or phrases used by the watchtower in its theory of why things are the way they are -.
jehovah created humans.
jehovah created humans as free moral agents.
Please consider that I am not good at English because I am Korean.
The question of whether humans have free will is an old philosophical question. Descartes said he had free will and Spinoza said he had no free will. The answer to this problem goes up to God, where human existence is due to external causes, but God's existence is due to internal causes. So we call it self-cause. The causes of human choice are linked. For example, when there are two roads, one road is flat, but you have to go around, and the other road is rugged but fast, the reason why one choose a rugged road was that they like to go fast. However, if a fierce beast is seen from afar, it is the cause of it and chooses a long but flat road. As such, since our choice is determined by the cause, the cause must be free to have a true free will. God exists as self-cause and has a complete free will because it is also free- cause, but humans have external causes, not self-cause, so even if there is a free will, it is a free will subordinate to God.
How can you not poo when you eat?
Free Will - Does It or Does It Not Exist?
by truth_b_known inbeing born-in and raised as one of jehovah's witnesses i remember a common theme or phrases used by the watchtower in its theory of why things are the way they are -.
jehovah created humans.
jehovah created humans as free moral agents.
This is because those who say they have free will recognize that we can think and act on our own. Meanwhile, those who argue that there is no free will, although we think and act, think that it has limitations and is caused by some cause. In my view, if the free will of God and the free will of man are viewed from the same perspective, the free will of man's free will is not exercised, because it is constrained solely by God's will. However, in experience, we feel that there is freedom of choice within God's will, so in the end, human free will is subordinate to God's free will. This is because God is infinite and eternal, but humans cannot exist without God and cannot be grasped.